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Messages - SASLinger

April 23, 2009, 09:32:06 PM
Quote from: Lecale2 on April 23, 2009, 09:28:38 PM
This tread has gone to the dogs. Ignore the trolls and they will go away.
You should get those aul tyres changed!
April 23, 2009, 09:21:57 PM
So 'TDK' your a Knight, a teacher and a referee, have you any friends at all?  You must be Elliot, McHugh, Hasson or one of those boys.  Definitely not Mathews, cause he ain't a teacher and definitely not T(oe) R(ag) from GNM, he's too stupid.  You sure have to be one of them other boys, aforementioned!
April 23, 2009, 06:37:40 PM
Any of you guys at the late Oliver Kelly's (RIP) funeral today?  I was.  The former County Chairman got a good send off and the was a large attendance.  A lot of Antrim people there as well.
April 23, 2009, 06:34:42 PM
Quote from: The Dark Knight on April 23, 2009, 05:36:59 PM
Be Careful SAS, we the" KOSC" would like to claim responsibility for outing MR!!! We may have to do the same with you, JESUS lots of postings since i went back to class... Just home F***! busy afternoon boys!!!!

Skull you know, i know, and some of this board know, that you allegedly sent a previous poster a rather aggressive private email offering to share opinions outside casement social, then suddenly he was banned and you survived I WONDER WHY!!!!!

SAS what do you think? Interesting afternoon lads, enquired with the D of E, anyone using property belonging to others i.e school could possibly find themselves in deep S****..... posting on sites like these, Silly Servants are in the same boat... Just think weeeeee should all be careful in the future! You just don,t know what,s around the corner.....

Skull, make you a promise OK, if i can get a hold of that email and i will do my best, i will post it on the site, how,s that now! You could,nt be fairer than that now could you....

Ah Boll****, r u a f****** School teacher as well, heavens forbid!  So thats why you are onto  MR, did he do you out of a posting or something?
Holy F***, Catriona Ruanne now unto you boys as well.  F*** sake, I will be left here on me own, if you boys all get kicked off by the free state whore!
Whats all this shoite about emails, Skull and outside casement crap! I am lost here, what's that plonker 'TDK' talking about, have I missed something in the thread?

Easy boys, lets all just relax a little, things getting a little personal and all that!

That MR fella, looks like he has a lot to answer for!
To stimulate a little debate.  Whats the feeling on the chances of the Antrim County Board, bringing in the great Justin McCarthy, Brian Cody or Ger Loughnane, into Antrim on a consultancy basis to help improve Antrim Hurling?   Yes or No, what do you think?
April 23, 2009, 05:16:40 PM
Quote from: Minder on April 23, 2009, 04:11:24 PM
That is the whole idea Colonel, he has already been shown to be a halfwit in his various guises over the last six months. Nothing the Antrim county board would like to see more than the ruination of this board and thread in particular.

Hi there Minder.  Don't be so obsessed friend by thinking I am a WUM from the Antrim County Board, Nothing could be further from the truth.  I like you and others would love to see the current Antrim County Board, wiped out from top to bottom.  Problem is, we would have to take on 'THE KOSC' and that is no mean task, if you know what I mean? That 'TDK' fella may be able to throw some light on this.  Sure I am a bit of a wind up alright, but I like others love hurling and would love to see Antrim hurling develop and improve.  I am not so sure the guys on here have any of the answers though and it has been my experience that all they do is criticise.  That wont improve our lot in terms of hurling by any stretch of the imagination.

A load of old boll**** is discussed on here, it is certainly not a forum which is ever going to improve the standard of Antrim Hurling.

So from my perspective, chill out, I am not here to destroy anybody or anything.  But you got to agree, there is some 'aul shoite' discussed here by the self appointed/self opinionated 'God Fathers' of this thread.
April 23, 2009, 04:05:11 PM
Quote from: NAG on April 23, 2009, 10:53:46 AM
This is getting out of hand.

This is Hurling Forum if you have an opinion on Antrim Hurling lets hear if not theres the door.

If you dont agree with someones opinion argue with them in a civilised manner without resorting to play ground stuff. We all have different opinions on Antrim hurling and how to take it forward and that is what used to make this place interesting to come and see other peoples thoughts but now it is becoming a bad joke.

I could not agree more NAG.  It seems it's only a privileged few can wind people up a little and if they get a little close to the mark they are either outed or kicked off by the Antrim Hurling Board 'God Fathers'.  Skull, MR and Minder, in my estimation seem to fit the 'godfather' category.

TDK, you should start your own GAA thread for Referees FFS. dribbling on about referees, what the f*** has that got to do with Antrim Hurling!!!!!!!!!!  Get the f*** outa here ya pri**, ur talking a lot of aul bollocks all together.  You seem a little infatuated with MR also.  A degree of jealousy maybe?
April 23, 2009, 09:01:45 AM
Quote from: Tony Baloney on April 23, 2009, 08:33:56 AM
Quote from: Minder on April 23, 2009, 08:17:59 AM
I think most people had their suspicions, well spotted Fairhead. I think in the interests of symmetry he had the exact number of posts for each username. Ah well will be quiet for another while. What an arsehole.
The next time they send someone over from the Antrim board to mix things up, they really should pick someone with half a brain.

Hi there laddy, how wrong you all are.  Antrim Board, no way, WUM no way, edjit no way. There's no aul shoite with me!
April 22, 2009, 09:22:45 PM
Quote from: theskull1 on April 22, 2009, 09:09:08 PM
Anyone else think were being visited by a pair of these? :)

Hi Skull.  I wish my girl had a pair of those, wow! Is that what they call them now, Agent Provocatuers, well f*** me boy's, I am always learning.  I think I am going out with a man!  ;)
April 22, 2009, 09:13:35 PM
Quote from: The Dark Knight on April 22, 2009, 08:55:14 PM
I think minders finished marking homeworks from the tower or st Lou,s spoiling the karma on this site boys like us SAS!!!!!!!!!

Hi pal!  lets not be creating the impression you are some sort of associate of mine.  I am a bit of a loaner if you dont mind.  Speak my mind, stand on my own two feet, am voiciferous in my opinions (which some dont like).  I am my own man, pr**!  Go and find some other contributor to make buddies with.  No offence intended of course. ;) - woooooooo.  Hold the front page, change that!  I dont really give a flying f*** if you are offended or not, be warned, I dont want or need your comradeship!  By the way, You alluded to, in an earlier posting that I should 'watch my back' is that some sort of a threat or something?  I am ur f****** man for that aul nonsense.
April 22, 2009, 09:02:46 PM
Hi TDK, who ever the f*** u are?  Whats this changing rooms crap you are going on about?  I am never about changing rooms, do you think I am some sort of arse watcher or something.  Catch yourself on >:(

Somehow, you remind me of an old catholic priest I once new at the Tower, who used to lurch around the showers!  All I can say is, "thank f*** I had the duke of argyles" -  ouch!  >:(
April 22, 2009, 08:49:23 PM
Quote from: Tony Baloney on April 22, 2009, 08:04:17 PM
Some clever boys on here lately. Can they not just go back to posting crap on the county site or Hoganstand.

What are you talking about, Wonderboy!  Your contributions are like two fifths of F*** All, Squared!
April 22, 2009, 07:27:13 PM
Quote from: The Dark Knight on April 22, 2009, 05:55:44 PM
Quote from: SASLinger on April 21, 2009, 09:13:47 PM
Quote from: The Dark Knight on April 21, 2009, 01:05:01 PM

A chara

I regret to inform you of the death of Mr Oliver Kelly, Former Antrim Chairman. Oliver passed away last night (Monday)

Go ndeanna dia trocaire ar a anam

Is mise
Proinsias Ó Coinne
Rúnaí Chontae Aontroma

A checkered life to say the least..... May he now rest in peace.

Who the f*** are you to judge anybody in life, ya self righteous p***k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  None of us are perfect and have not transgressed. Youre beginning to sound like a Hero Member of the Antrim Hurling thread.  Must be well in with the poisioned dwarf (Antrim Secretary) getting such information.

I resent the implication of being a member of Proinsias,s gang, he just a parasite. The statement was not judgemental or self righteous in any way, i knew the man well. You are obviously not a teacher SAS like so many on this board and knew F*** All about the man. Do not also associate me with P****S like MR and a few of his back door buddies!!!! Poetic Truth, look at the Antrim Website, very few postings on the topic, i can guess why, again based on 1st hand experience, unlike that B-Shit from your soap box!!! IT mus,nt be your strong point either, the article was lifted from the Antrim Website you P****, missed toooooo many classes at school SAS, ah well there,s always a job in the civil service.......... And please use spell check....... A Chara

Big deal ya Pri**, so you knew the man.  The man is dead and their is a family grieving as a result.  What gives you the right however to come on here and judge the individual with such utterances as 'he lead a chequered life, to say the least' ??????

Are you some sort of Prima Donna also when it comes to refereeing.  Again who are you to judge any referee in the county and make unsubstantiated remarks about a persons behaviour at a recent game between GNM v LD, how dare you pal, who do you really think you are.  Ya know, this county is in dire need of referees, particularly for hurling.  The last thing we need in the county is for some pr*** like you coming on here and engaging in character assassinations of acting or potential new referees.  Bit of advice friend, do not judge others, lest you be judged yourself.  Grow up, engage your brain before you open that loose gob of yours.  So you actively engage in plaguerism, extracting articles from the Antrim Website!  Well, good for you, I don't use the Antrim website myself, I am pleased to say.

Talking about Parasites, kettle calling the pot black, or what!  By the way, your not too adept at the aul spellings urself!

Between u an me pal, u talk the greatest load of aul boll****.  However, dont take that persoanl and get me booted off here.  I am led to believe you are very good at barring contributors from this thread.  You can also resent all ya F**k*** want, cause I dont give a fiddlers boll****!
April 22, 2009, 07:12:10 PM
Quote from: SASLinger on April 22, 2009, 07:03:10 PM
Quote from: theskull1 on April 22, 2009, 11:26:49 AM
Quote from: SASLinger on April 22, 2009, 10:41:26 AM
I've got my self a fan on the Antrim football thread.  (MrSandman).  Yeez are all F***ed now.  See, I am beginning to win people over to my way of thinking. i.e.  Don't talk/take no shoite!

Quote from: SASLinger on April 22, 2009, 10:37:29 AM
Quote from: mrsandman on April 22, 2009, 07:56:44 AM
Quote from: SASLinger on April 21, 2009, 09:05:59 PM
Who the f*** are you to judge anybody in life, ya self righteous p***k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  None of us are perfect and have not transgressed.

Aye SASlinger is good craic, no aul shite out of him :D

Many thanks Sandman!!!!!!!!  Appreciate the support.  Ya know, all the boys think I am a County Administrator, (particularly on the Antrim Hurling thread) one of McSparrans Boys.  Totally wrong they are!

You lash out at many that have had a problem with your general tone and attitude, then latch onto the first comment that looks like *he supports your "style" (*you need the sarcasm filter in your brain turned off to see it in that way...everybody try it works).........your some craic SAS  ::)

Hi Skull.  I am not lashing out pal, I am just saying it as it is.  Sarcasm in my book is the lowest form of wit!  I don't have the Sarcasm filter turned on at anytime at all.  It just seems like some individuals on the hurling thread are not appreciative of my straight talking.  Some of useless claptrap, comments, contributions and ludicrous diatribe which permeates on here, never ceases to amaze me, given that they are submitted by some who know nothing about hurling or have ever been actively engaged in it.

I am glad you are enjoying the craic!  I feel I am bringing a little bit of life to the hurling thread.  ;)
April 22, 2009, 07:03:10 PM
Quote from: theskull1 on April 22, 2009, 11:26:49 AM
Quote from: SASLinger on April 22, 2009, 10:41:26 AM
I've got my self a fan on the Antrim football thread.  (MrSandman).  Yeez are all F***ed now.  See, I am beginning to win people over to my way of thinking. i.e.  Don't talk/take no shoite!

Quote from: SASLinger on April 22, 2009, 10:37:29 AM
Quote from: mrsandman on April 22, 2009, 07:56:44 AM
Quote from: SASLinger on April 21, 2009, 09:05:59 PM
Who the f*** are you to judge anybody in life, ya self righteous p***k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  None of us are perfect and have not transgressed.

Aye SASlinger is good craic, no aul shite out of him :D

Many thanks Sandman!!!!!!!!  Appreciate the support.  Ya know, all the boys think I am a County Administrator, (particularly on the Antrim Hurling thread) one of McSparrans Boys.  Totally wrong they are!

You lash out at many that have had a problem with your general tone and attitude, then latch onto the first comment that looks like *he supports your "style" (*you need the sarcasm filter in your brain turned off to see it in that way...everybody try it works).........your some craic SAS  ::)
April 22, 2009, 10:41:26 AM
I've got my self a fan on the Antrim football thread.  (MrSandman).  Yeez are all F***ed now.  See, I am beginning to win people over to my way of thinking. i.e.  Don't talk/take no shoite!