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Messages - Fancy Dan

Thanks for the ideas lads.
As regards club training, I havent trained with them much this year. With this job its too far to travel so only can make it back for matches. However, being unfit and missing training means Im on the sideline most of the time so its hard to get match sharpness.

Summer will be different as Im being re-posted and will be able to train more with the lads.

Social side of things is probably my only problem. Also im not overweight, just unfit. General diet is good, lots of chicken, fruit, pasta, water, tuna and eggs. However, I am mostly training alone so its hard to keep motivation. Any ideas on this side of things? How to stay motivated to train on your own and stay focussed? goalsetting?
I've haven't really trained properly since last October. Hit the beer fairly hard the last 5-6 months and I have recently hit rock bottom with regards to fitness. Decided to make a burst at it. Starting running 4-5 miles 2-3 times a week (some nice hills in it) and going gym twice a week as well. Only doing bench, shoulder press, planks, abs, bicep curl and lateral raise at the minute. Is this training gonna get me match fit or is it a waste of time? Any tips and ideas are welcome. Going to move into sprints once I get aerobic capacity improved. Biggest problem is that I cant avoid going out at the weekend becoz i'm fair bored where im living at the moment, job is boring and weekends are the only time I can have a bit of craic. Can I get fit before july and still have a social life?
The hurling board is a bit dead on here alright but I think its because this is predominantly a Norn Iron forum about football. Most topics are Armagh, Tyrone orientated and most hurling is about Antrim. Not sure how the board evolved like this but thats the way it is. Not really a gaaboard tbf.
General discussion / Re: Movie reccomendations
February 24, 2009, 01:52:34 PM
Have seen both Australia and Benji Button recently and wasnt overly impressed by either. Oz is very long, cliched and cheesy while Benji seems like an attempt at Forrest Gump in reverse but falls short comprehensively. Both are to be avoided IMO
Anyone know when these are due? Some Dublin students are strapped for cash at the minute and cant afford to go to coppers!
bar work, was ok but working loadsa hours, havent even started yet today but theres a 21st on tonight so it wont be like work really, week night evenings were a real drag! 8)
General discussion / Re: Drinking
October 31, 2008, 04:18:18 PM
Quote from: its me again on October 31, 2008, 03:21:30 PM
You know what really annoys me is the assholes who when the ask if they drink they reply "sure i'm irish"

or people on social networking sites who go on about being happiest when full/drinking/wrote off etc etc etc

i enjoy a drink but think it such a sad reflection of our society when everyone feels the need to talk about drinking as something to be aspire to do or be. there should be so much more to life but alot of our youth now think their lifes should be defined by how much they drink how often they go out how big of mess they get into etc etc

fcuk it annoys me

am i over reacting or does anyone agree with me???

good to get it off my chest   

I agree, it makes me cringe. It makes people sound boring and pathetic. Like that is the pinnacle of their week or month or whatever. Now i like my pints and I do get messy but I hate when I cant remember a night. Definitely escapism.
Last day of work for at least 2 months ;D
I know a lad who used work in a meat factory and claims they used urinate on the carcasses. The fella is a big enough di**head to do it too. :o
General discussion / Re: girlfriend - help
October 23, 2008, 04:36:50 PM
If u can let a fart in her presence and not feel that embarrassed it is over and the relationship has gone stale.  ;D
General discussion / Re: Mass/Other religious services
October 22, 2008, 04:14:44 PM
I went to Mass this week for the first time in months. It passed off quickly enough and I found the silent time useful for thinking and picked up bits of what the priest was saying also. I generally go for months without attending and when I go back I have a slightly positive experience of the whole thing and find it kind of worthwhile but not worthwhile enough to go every week. I do believe in some form of God but have little time for religion and cant see the point of the attending a lavish church, that was probably built when ordinary people had little money or food, listening to a man that generally has no idea what modern life is like.

The Church has lost control of the people and therefore has also lost touch with the community. I do think I will attend more frequently as I get older as it gives me some kind of sense of purpose that I cant really define. Not sure if anyone else here has similar feelings towards it. Apathy should be a religion but then again nobody would turn up...
GAA Discussion / Re: New Meath Manager
October 16, 2008, 01:01:15 PM
Media darling Luke Dempsey has launched new book about the controversy in Meath
What about Mick Lawlor from Laois? on his day he was as good if not better than most of that half forward line.