Watch out on the road tonight. Wide Load on the way to Croker

Started by Barney, July 12, 2007, 09:44:35 AM

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The Real Laoislad

Brilliant the reactions of the Sligo kit man when the whistle blew for full time.Sums up everything Gaelic Football and what your county means to you
You'll Never Walk Alone.


No offence to O'Hara or any other player or mentor that has or was ever involved in Sligo but IMHO, no one deserves a day like last Sunday more than said kitman Reggie McNulty. As Noel McGuire said he has been there through thick and thin. While he is well appreciated by the players, eventhey don't realise all the work that he does.
come disagree with me on and spread the word


Well that was much better than expected and a complete contrast to the drivel we watch on a Sunday night (or don't anymore, in my case). Sensible football men (it was mostly football) talking football sense. McHugh continues to be one of the best pundits around – good to listen to and knowledgeable. And the piece by the reporter from Monaghan was good too - very Breaking Ball-ish, which is a compliment. Also, the interaction with the audience wasn't the usual yokels on telly stuff. And no tawdry phone-in competition huckstering. It shows RTÉ can do it when they abandon the tired formula. I didn't think to check who produced. I assume it wasn't anybody from the awful Sunday Game stable. Well done to all involved on a good start.


Sorry Hardy, I cant agree.   
In my opinion that was the same old shit as usual from RTE. What about a bit more action. If I want to find out what Martin McHugh has to say about football, Ill buy The Star or what ever other rag he writes for, or else ill listen to him on the radio. Why in gods name do we have to look at him talking the same shit on television. Same goes for that journalist. Ill buy the irish independent if I was so interested in what he had to say. As for the people in the studio, well I could head down to the local and I wouldnt hear as much rubbish as this. Why do RTE find it so hard to show a bit of GAA action that is not on live or on the Sunday Game


This is specifically billed as the mid-week preview show, though Criostlinn. So I think it's reasonable to expect talk. To me it was sensible talk – of the standard of the very best you'd get in the pub from knowledgeable GAA people. Which is grand by me. I disagree about McHugh – I think he knows his stuff and has good insights.

Yes. The talk on Sunday nights is infuriating for two reasons – it's uninformed, badly researched shite and nobody wants talk on Sunday night – we want to see the action we missed. I have no problem with (good) talk on a talk show, though.


I thought this was fairly good tonight, can't understand some of the negative comments about Des Cahill prior to the show, I find him generally good and again tonight he came up with some good off the cuff one liners. As for showing more action I think the point of a show like this is to show less action and more discussion and off field pieces.


I actually enjoyed that. A few points:

Martin McHugh was a lot more good natured than he is on the BBC. Good contribution.
Damien Lawlor seems to know his stuff too.
The bit about Monaghan was very good, particularly the craic where Frank pointed out the Cavan border and said "There but for the Grace of God....." ;D
I thought the analysis gave a bit of credit to the viewer and there were some good observations.
Finally, whilst it may not be relevant to some, GOOD MUSIC for the featured segments. Makes an awful difference.
BUT, they can do without the whole "talk to the audience" thing but I'll make an exception for ex-players with All-Ireland medals. ;)

With some minor improvements it has the makings of a very watchable show. Ridiculous time-slot though. They should switch it to 10:00 when this season of the Sopranos is finished (think last episode is next week).
If you were any use you'd be playing.

Dinny Breen

I enjoyed it, at least McHugh calls a spade a spade, it's from the same production team that did Breaking Ball which explains a lot.


Quote from: Hardy on July 12, 2007, 09:19:43 PM
I disagree about McHugh – I think he knows his stuff and has good insights.
Didnt hear McHugh last night, I have it taped, but the last time I heard him (in the run-up to the Meath replay) he said "David Henry shouldnt be near the Dublin team". That showed a distinct lack of knowledge of Dublin GAA, and its not the first time I've noticed it. A good analyst (sports or otherwise) sticks to talking about what they know and steers clear of waffling about stuff they don't.


You don't know much about McHugh if you think he doesn't know dublin club football


Quote from: Hound on July 13, 2007, 10:10:47 AMA good analyst (sports or otherwise) sticks to talking about what they know and steers clear of waffling about stuff they don't.

... which is why we've heard no more from you on Geraghty, I presume.  :P


Enjoyed the show last night but I feel they should stay away from the club house theme, the interview with the chairman, secretary and PRO are tiresome at this stage.
I think the program should be based in the studio and should contain a proper preview of the games and some predications.
The one different element I would introduce is a local element, say for Tyrone v Monaghan have a sports editor from each county giving the preview, totally biased angles are good as well.
More pieces like the Sligo kit man which give an insight into what happens in the inner sanctum of the team. The piece on Monaghan was good too.
Never had much of a regard for McHugh, Declan Brown the second best forward in Ireland not too sure about that, good but not a patch on Fitz or Gooch.
After last years All-Ireland, on the BBC's The championship, he gave an all-star to McGarrity over O'Se 'cos he didn't feel the All-Ireland was a contest so it shouldn't count for All Starts........
There are enough 'experts' around for stations to bring new faces and voices on the screen, the same people appear on the different shows be it Newstalk, Today FM, RTE etc some new voices wouldn't go astray.

magpie seanie

Overall thought it was a better effort than I expected and I'll be recording it every week (8pm on a Thursday - what would a lot of people involved in the GAA be doing at that time?). The bit about Reggie was class. Didn't get very emotional on Sunday or since but when I saw the camera on Reggie at the final whistle well, I think I got somethnig in my eye....

On McHugh - I think he's a bit hit and miss. Made some good points but what the f**k was he on about wrt Deccie Browne? He should go and play for another county should he? A comment like that invalidates a lot of good points in my book. Ridiculous shit.

So a good first effort but the suggestion above to move to a later time slot is a good one.


Didn't see programme last night but just a comment on McHugh. He was on Setanta at end of league and was going on about Meath being 'useless' and that they would not do anything this year. I thought that his comments were way overboard, insulting and showed a lack of respect to a proud footballing county. That Meath have been subsequently involved in one of the games of the year with the Dubs and are still in there shows up the poison little fekereen for his lazy analysis.


McHugh - He knows his stuff....... but he rarely finishes a sentence. He continually starts a new one before he's finished the last one. He may know his stuff, but he's very annoying to listen to.