Wash your hands!!

Started by The Gs Man, October 15, 2008, 09:19:43 AM

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The Gs Man

Dirty buggers the lot of ye.


QuoteFaecal bacteria join the commute 

Commuters in the north were dirtier than in the south
More than one in four commuters has bacteria from faeces on their hands, an investigation suggests.

Scientists from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine swabbed 409 people at bus and train stations in five major cities in England and Wales.

The further north they went, the more often they found commuters with faecal bacteria on their hands - men in Newcastle were the worst offenders.

Experts stressed the importance of hand hygiene for preventing illness.

The bacteria found suggested people were not washing their hands properly after using the toilet, said the researchers.

Toilet hands

In Newcastle and Liverpool, men were more likely than women to show contamination - 53% of men compared with 30% of women in Newcastle and 36% of men compared with 31% of women in Liverpool.   We were flabbergasted by the finding that so many people had faecal bugs on their hands

Dr Val Curtis, director of the Hygiene Centre at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

In the other three cities - London, Cardiff and Birmingham - the women's hands were dirtier.

People who had used the bus had higher rates of hand contamination than those who had used the train.

Manual workers had cleaner hands than other professionals, students, retired people or the unemployed.

Dr Val Curtis, director of the Hygiene Centre at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said: "We were flabbergasted by the finding that so many people had faecal bugs on their hands.

"The figures were far higher than we had anticipated, and suggest that there is a real problem with people washing their hands in the UK. 


Newcastle - men 53%, women 30%
Liverpool - men 36%, women 31%
Birmingham - men 21%, women 26%
Cardiff - men 15%, women 29%
Euston (London) - men 6%, women 21%

"If any of these people had been suffering from a diarrhoeal disease, the potential for it to be passed around would be greatly increased by their failure to wash their hands after going to the toilet."

Professor Mike Catchpole, director of the Health Protection Agency's Centre for Infections, said: "These results are startling and should be enough to make anyone reach for the soap.

"It is well known that hand washing is one of the most important ways of controlling the spread of infections, especially those that cause diarrhoea and vomiting, colds and flu.

"People should always wash their hands after using the toilet, before eating or handling food, and after handling animals. And remember to cover all cuts and scratches with a waterproof dressing."

Winter vomiting

The HPA's monitoring of infections over recent weeks suggests that cases of norovirus - the winter vomiting bug - are rising and that the annual norovirus season is likely to have begun.

Norovirus is the most common cause of gastrointestinal disease in the UK with peak activity in terms of numbers of cases and outbreaks during the winter months, from October to March.

It has been estimated that between 600,000 and a million people in the UK are affected each year.

Professor Catchpole said: "Norovirus is highly infectious and easily spread in settings where people are in close contact with one another so good hygiene, including frequent handwashing, is really important."

The study was part of the world's first Global Handwashing Day, dedicated to raising awareness about the importance hand hygiene plays in public health.

Keep 'er lit


Sounds like a lotta shite to me.


I can swim a little but i can't fly an inch

An Fear Rua

It never ceases to amaze (and disgust) me the number of people who dont wash their hands after going to the bog.

Its Grim up North

Tony Baloney

Are they wiping their hole with their hands or using bog roll? Lets face it we've all been there when a bit of cheap bog roll has failed at the critical moment ending up with a bit of shite on your finger tip! I'd like to think everyone washes their hands afterwards, although it's still amazing how many people in our work don't wash their hands after a slash.


Even after a piss, i wash my hands every time i go to the bog even if just blowing my hooter...there are some smelly hoors about alright...
I can swim a little but i can't fly an inch


Just sent Bin Laden a brown torpedo there and took extra care washing my hands after reading that, i remember a fella i used to work with from Omagh was in the cubicle and i was having a slash in the urinal. He sounded as if he was wrestling a bear and all sorts of noises were coming from his h*le. He flushed the bog walked out of the cubicle, made sure his hair was looking sweet but didnt wash his hands.........
"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"

An Fear Rua

it was extremely noticable in Fagans on All Ireland final day, and its appears (to me) more prevalent in Ireland than in any other country Ive lived/worked in.
Its Grim up North

The Real Laoislad

Another thing I have noticed is fellas having a slash in a cubicle instead of the urinal right beside them...Maybe they have a hang up about the size of their todger I dunno
Most of the time they piss all over the seat,That can't be good for the next person who wants to drop a few kids off at the pool in the same cubicle
There really are some bad bastards out there
You'll Never Walk Alone.

The Gs Man

Aye right Laois Lad, I hear your an awful man for getting the stage fright.
Keep 'er lit

Tony Baloney

The cubicle is a better job for slashing in as you don't get any splashback on your nice cream slacks.  ;) One night we were sitting in the local up at home when a mate went to the bogs wearing a pair of box fresh suede Timberlands. The bogs in the local is like pishing in a trough so when he came back his new boots looked like they had dark brown toe caps!


I never wash my hands from morning til night. If you can avoid the consumption in your early years, your constitution is well hardened and you'll rarely have any time of illness or infection.
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.

The Real Laoislad

Tip of the day:

Never ever eat the peanuts that some public houses have in bowls at the bar counter.......
You'll Never Walk Alone.

The Watcher Pat

Quote from: Minder on October 15, 2008, 11:11:02 AM
Just sent Bin Laden a brown torpedo there and took extra care washing my hands after reading that, i remember a fella i used to work with from Omagh was in the cubicle and i was having a slash in the urinal. He sounded as if he was wrestling a bear and all sorts of noises were coming from his h*le. He flushed the bog walked out of the cubicle, made sure his hair was looking sweet but didnt wash his hands.........

Thats pretty good! Some of the dirty c***ts in my work dont even flush the toilet..

A cleaner put a sign up in the toilet "please leave this toilet as you would wish to find it"
Some smart ass wrote below..." u want me to fix the seat and re-fill the paper then?"
There is no I in team, but if you look close enough you can find ME


One of my pet ones is bread and buns and scones and stuff left out in open trays in shops. I'll never buy that stuff. Think of all the skin peelings, dandruff, slobbers, coughs, sneezes and worse that descend upon it in the course of a day.

I went into Scotts in Cork one morning to have a coffee and a scone. The scones were in an open tray on the counter. I was just turning away to go somewhere else when my decision was confirmed by the woman at the end of the queue, as she sprayed a huge sneeze all over them.

You don't know what you're eating folks.