9 11 where were you when it happened?

Started by 5 Sams, September 11, 2008, 09:18:05 PM

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In our office in London planning for a trip to Middle East on the 12th Sept. Needless to say that particular trip didn't go ahead. Spent the afternoon watching the news and that night was out with a couple of people who were on the phone to colleagues in the towers when the planes hit. Unbelievable still after 7 years. Remember being at  the site last summer and even trying to visualise it was frightening.
Just like there is no justification for American War crimes this action was was mass murder and nothing can justify it.
Remember folks the first casualty of war is truth. 

Stay goalside of your man

I was in NY on the J1 when it happened.
I was working on 91st in Manhattan that day.
I went down for the breakfast around 9:45 from the site; I had heard nothing about the attack before I reached the restaurant.
The guy in behind the counter was always going on with bullshit stories the whole summer while I was eating there so I didn't believe him at first.
I only took him seriously when he brought out the TV and put it on.
I went out side and say the smoke down the Avenue.

I will never forget this big hefty American woman stood up and said "God bless America this is war"
I then tried to call home but the phones where all engaged.

After that I went back up to the site but nobody was in the mood for work, so we all headed home around 2pm and watched it on TV.


Who's thinking about the countless thousands of people far away from TV land who were obliterated as a results of americas war on terror?

No so easy to visualise their terror, but they had terrible endings to their lives as well

All a bit too sanctamonious for me dwelling on 9/11.
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


I was lying in bed (i.e. lying on a sleeping bag on the floor) on Katonah Ave in Woodlawn, Bronx. Was in NY on a J1 for the summer. Turned on the radio (had no telly) and heard them talking about a plane crash, but it took me a few mins to cop on it was the WTC. So I raced down to Behan's pub (first place I could think of with a telly!) and watched the towers collapse from there. Everyone was dumbstruck - barely a word spoken.
One of my friends had been working right beside the towers for some job and I didn't know if they were still working there or not so I was a bit worried myself!
I was meant to be working that day in Manhattan but they closed off all access to the island so I just stayed in the pub watching it all on the telly.
Was out on the street trying to ring home to tell them I was ok when a fighter jet screamed overhead - didn't know what was happening, I was sure there was another plane about to hit.
My parents were at a funeral in Connemara so I couldn't get through to them. Sept 11th was to be my last day of work and I had told them the first thing I was going to do was go up to the top of the WTC - my poor mother was in an awful state when she saw it on the news  :D
Anyway, when they reopened the airports I was on one of the first Aer Lingus flights home - Dad was telling me to "get the fck out of there, you don't know what's going to happen".
Oh, and the friend wasn't working near there anymore so he was fine too!
"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

Goats Do Shave

I was in Turkey! - TVs sprouted in every shop...


I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


was on a plane from rio to london,when i boared the plane in brazil it had not happened but when i landed at gatwick all hell was breaking lose

An Fear Rua

I was in the business lounge at Heathrow, waiting on a flight to Manchester. I had another drink...
Its Grim up North


I was in the Beaumont hospital, one of my mates had a bad accident and he was in a coma for 4 days. He was out from the 10th sept onwards. When he came around he was pumped full of drugs for a few days, he had some job getting his head around what was happening in the world!
Someone mentioned Gareth O'Callaghan, one of my mates was in New York when it happened and he was ringing his radio show with updates. I flew into the city about3-4 weeks after the incident and the place was surreal, there was loads of pics up of missing people, building that hadn't been cleaned and the stench was crazy.


I was on my honeymoon in Portugal and it was a bit surreal because at the same time a brush fire was threatening to engulf a big city (cant remember witch) and I kept seeing people gathering around TV's I was just thinking that City must be fooked, wasn't too long before we realised.

Over the Bar

Anyone see the show last night about Tania Head who worked on the 78th floor as an investment banker when the plane hit while her husband was killed in the other tower?   She duly went on to become president of the surviors association, headed the support network, the media TV shows about her surviving on the 78th floor despite the aviation fuel fireball, met by the president, Mayor Guiliani etc. .... 

6 years later the NY TImes discoverd that not only was she not in the towers nor had she a husband died in the other tower, but she wasnt even american and was from Spain!  She flew to the US 2 weeks after 9/11 and made the whole thing up! 

full back

Was working at the Galway races, think it was in between races & news filtered through. Rang home for more details as I have relations in NYC but didnt realise the seriousness of it till I got back to the hotel.
Was heading to LA a few weeks later to meet up with friends & the country was still in a bit of a panic.


I was work in Limerick, just back from 4 years in Arizona that April. One of our last internal trips in the States was a whiz around Boston and NYC, the previous Thanksgiving. One of the things we did was have lunch in the 'Restaurant at the top of the world' up on the top floor of one of those towers. I'll never forget how small the lady in the bay looked from up there.

Less than a year later it was a pile of rubble and a cloud of dust, and a few thousand people were dead inside.

Scary shit.


I was in Spain on hols, was due to fly home the next day, and we weren't sure how that was going to happen, it looked like all flights wre going to be grounded. It felt like the world was ending somehow.


Quote from: Over the Bar on September 12, 2008, 10:11:30 AM
Anyone see the show last night about Tania Head who worked on the 78th floor as an investment banker when the plane hit while her husband was killed in the other tower?   She duly went on to become president of the surviors association, headed the support network, the media TV shows about her surviving on the 78th floor despite the aviation fuel fireball, met by the president, Mayor Guiliani etc. .... 

6 years later the NY TImes discoverd that not only was she not in the towers nor had she a husband died in the other tower, but she wasnt even american and was from Spain!  She flew to the US 2 weeks after 9/11 and made the whole thing up! 

seen that alright,cant understand how it took them so long to catch on,surely the relatives of the man she claimed to be he husband/fiance would have caught on alot earlier and also the company which worked on the 78th floor would have known she didnt work for them.she was one screwed up girl but as one of the survivors said she did alot of good and made no financial gain from her hoax,pose she was just a attention seeker even though a bit extreme