favourite/best nicknames???

Started by kinghen, July 29, 2008, 03:46:41 PM

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Our Nail Loney

Used to call aidan carr motor in school! Think you came up with it kinghen, says a lot for your nickname making skills.


Knew (not well I must add) boys called boggin' and shit  ??? classy

Also a ould dorty thing called finger of fudge until someone else got to upgrade it to mars bar (and it's not because she liked eating them)  ::)
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera

Our Nail Loney

Fella in our school called eoin ribena rubber gub.

He had a big red/blue birth mark under his lip.

The rumour going about the college was that he spilt acid over it in chemistry and the only thing he had to wash it off with was ribena

Our Nail Loney

Another fella with a range of nicknames, one 'Regi' because he blinks more than average!

Also gets cow features because he looks like a cow. Moo Moo Sylla also because of the cow thing again

Our Nail Loney

Mate of mine plays football with someone called 'The Walking Spot'

He has bad acne

Also fella with bad acne in school-'Jam Sandwich face'

achadh gallain

Quote from: Our Nail Loney on July 29, 2008, 05:23:46 PM
Fella in our school called eoin ribena rubber gub.

He had a big red/blue birth mark under his lip.

The rumour going about the college was that he spilt acid over it in chemistry and the only thing he had to wash it off with was ribena

ya wernt the school bully where ya our nail?!?!?  :D

Our Nail Loney

Know a family of follically challenged people.

There is cueball senior, cueball and cueball junior for the wee sister!

Also pep reina, collina etc etc

The Claw

We called a lad in college Rambo for a while, he bedded a virgin and she had a bit of a spillage, hence her "First Blood"  :D :D

My mother had a heap of them for her folk back home, one man was called "the tourist" because he was born 2 years after his "father" died.
Another one was "Dinny the Lady" because he couldnt grow a beard.

achadh gallain

Quote from: Our Nail Loney on July 29, 2008, 06:00:56 PM
Know a family of follically challenged people.

There is cueball senior, cueball and cueball junior for the wee sister!

Also pep reina, collina etc etc

i never get cueball junior for bein the wee sister.. it never caught on!!

fella used to stay in our house an NEVER leave.. we call him the lodger, he even borrowed pyjama's for his own pyjama parties which he held..  :D :D


just a selection of the ones I have come across

wingnut, funny, pele, boner, gearbox, towbar, wombat, wobbles

Our Nail Loney

A nickname fight could be had between the harps and tir na nog...

You can check the harps nicknames on their thread, some portadown ones-dogbox, slasher, big mcdoo, wee mcdoo

Our Nail Loney

Charlie Stubbs on here gets wally, due to his uncanny resemblence with the notorious hide and seeker


Cowhead  - head as big as a cows.

Lefty        - missing his left hand.

Zero         - zero chnce of every scoring with a woman.

Boxcar      - like a train running down the field.

Toad        - shape and looks of a toad.

Princess     - more worried about his looks than anything.

Skin Head  - highest forhead ever seen on a human face.

Skinny       - guy who's waist you could run a marathon around.

All above are good friends.
Gaaboard Predict The World Cup Champion 2014


O'Neill families (as well as many others) have a hoor of a habit of having set family nicknames. Not going to disclose my 'clan' but it can be disconcerting when you're in some foreign land and some homebird comes up who vaguely recognises you and asks, 'is it Shane _ _ _ _ _ _?' Took the wife 14 years to get used to it.

I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


Mr T which stands for Mr Testicle. Same guy is also know as Tommy Twisted Testicle or 3T.
Fella in question (Tommy) when younger walked across the top bar of a gate in his shitty wellies and naturally slipped and went straight down on the top rung of the gate. (Most men cross their legs at this point of the story and wince) When his father found him an hour or so later lying unconcious in a pool of liquid cow sh1t with a couple of curious cow sniffing and dribbling on his head, his ball sack had swollen to 3 times its normal size and was a purple/black colour. The doctor in the hospital had to slice part of his sack to releave the pressure and when his balls finally returned to there normal size one of them was pointing upwards (like a rugby ball standing on end) rather then the normal way. Hence ever since he has been know as Tommy twisted testicle or Mr T!!

Few others include Billy Me (dude likes talking about himself),
Fathead (has a pumpkin sized head),
The Tit (cos he is a tit),
Comeoffeh (like to say "come off it" in Brummie accent sounds like comeoffeh),
Skaramanga (after midget character in James Bond Golden eye film)
Boon (after the old tv series)
Cueball (bald since he was 17)
The bitch (cos he is a moody hormonal fecker)
Bones (skinnist fella you ever met)
Hiace (he is from Moyvane in Kerry pronounced My Van)
Convict (had a few run ins with John Law!)
Chewey (can take off Chubaca from star wars perfectly, looks like him too)