Armagh Club football & hurling

Started by holylandsniper, November 09, 2006, 10:44:31 PM

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Amazing run by Cross. Well done to Pearse Ogs. Hope Pearse Ogs win it now.


Wow, always gonna happen but mad to think that for the first time in 15 years Cross won't have any championship football in late September - October... 
As a matter of interest, what stage is that the championship at in Armagh and will the defeat of this amazing club team be a benefit to club football in Armagh in general???
GAA Board Six Nations Fantasy Champion 2010


Quote from: Real1995 on September 05, 2009, 11:26:03 PM
Anybody got starting line-ups from 2nites game?

My effort, hope not too many are wrong. Wouldn't know all the Ogs lads.

1. Hearty
2. Carragher
3. B McKeown
4. P McKeown
5. A Kernan
6. P Kernan
7. Donaldson
8. McEntee
9. McEntee
10. Ahern
11. McNamee
12. Cunningham
13. Clarke
14. T Kernan
15. McConville

1. McKinney
2. McCoy
4. Mallon
5. P Duffy
6. Rafferty
8. Moore
9. A Duffy
10. Shorty Clarke
11. R Clarke
12. McManus
14. S Clarke

Throw ball

Can add Parkinson was no. 3 and Conor Clarke at 15. Ciaran Hughes played at 10.Not an Ogs man so not sure of other two.

Was a very poor game of football with Oisin having as bad a game as I have seen in a long time. But then he has had so many good days he was due a bad one! Ogs full backline were superb and never gave the Cross forwards any room.

For Cross I thought only Paul Kernan and one of the McEntees(could not tell which one) had fair games and Jamie Clarke tried very hard up front. The rest were below their normal standard but much of this had to do with the effort the Ogs were putting in.

For the Ogs I think it is hard to pick out players but from a county perspective McKinney realy played well in goals and looked alot more secure than Hearty ever did. Although he was well marshalled I think Ronan Clarke had two key moments which swung the game the Ogs way. First when the Ogs were struggling in the second have he got a ball, went on a run and scored a great point which let to a couple of more scores. Then near the end with Cross looking a goal he made a great catch under his own crossbar. Great to see a great player standing up to be counted when needed.

Have to say I thought the Ref was fair enough - apart from his interpretation of overcarrying. He did miss a clear cut foul in the incident that people are suggesting was a penalty, although it may have been outside the square.

Finally, I think congratulations are due to Cross on their magnificent run and they did lead  an example to all clubs. At the end of the game it was noticeable how so many of their players went out of their way to congratulate the Ogs players. Champs to the end.


Quote from: Celt_Man on September 05, 2009, 11:42:31 PM
Wow, always gonna happen but mad to think that for the first time in 15 years Cross won't have any championship football in late September - October... 
As a matter of interest, what stage is that the championship at in Armagh and will the defeat of this amazing club team be a benefit to club football in Armagh in general???

My personal view is that it will do wonders for Armagh club football. Our championship (and recently league) had become nothing more than a procession for Crossmaglen. Crowds were poor and interest was low enough and people felt that all team were playing for was the right to beaten by Cross in the final. Division 1 teams were dropping down to intermediate because a senior championship run wasn't very appealing when a hiding was all you were likely to get at the end of it.

Team lacked belief. THe middle part of this decade saw a fine Dromintee team, probably a team capable of challenging most sides in Ulster, beaten time and time again by Crossmaglen. By last year they'd pretty much thrown in the towel and went out with barely a whimper to Cross. The biggest problem is that they simply did not really believe they could beat Cross. This year they exited tamely int eh first round without some of their best players in the country. And could you blame the players? Why give up a summer in America or Australia to take a beating from Crossmaglen.

This result tonight shows that Cross are beatable. No excuses, few players missing, Ógs seem to have beaten Cross simply by being a better team on the night. Now no doubt Cross will be back and they'll probably win more county titles than anybody else in the next decade. But they won't win them all and tonight was the crucial match in ensuring that.
As I dream about movies they won't make of me when I'm dead


Good stuff emain you are on the ball
I never forget a face but in your case I will make an exception.

under the bar

Now the hoo-doo is broken you will probably see a clutch of teams win the championship over the next few years.  So many teams believed they were beat before a ball was thrown in past years that Cross could probably have played their ladies team in the first half of many games.

Super run but the grinders have finally succumbed.


Quote from: TacadoirArdMhacha on September 05, 2009, 08:29:14 PM
What a result!

Raging I sat at home to watch the soccer now. Blows the championship wide open. Obviously Ógs are strong favourites but plenty of team will fancy their chances.

Fair play to Cross - great champions for a long long time but its positive for Armagh football for someone to beat them. Stephenite will be a happy man as well!


Hats off to Crossmaglen though - to do what they have done in this era is a superb achievement.


The best team won and my personal moment of the match was Stephen 'long face' Kernan getting getting dogs abuse from 85 % of the crowd for disputing a correct umpires decision- he is hated.

ps its wide open now lads - its anyones championship

Smokin Joe

Quote from: AFS on September 05, 2009, 11:48:12 PM
Quote from: Real1995 on September 05, 2009, 11:26:03 PM
Anybody got starting line-ups from 2nites game?

My effort, hope not too many are wrong. Wouldn't know all the Ogs lads.

1. Hearty
2. Carragher
3. B McKeown
4. P McKeown
5. A Kernan
6. P Kernan
7. Donaldson
8. McEntee
9. McEntee
10. Ahern
11. McNamee
12. Cunningham
13. Clarke
14. T Kernan
15. McConville

1. McKinney
2. McCoy
4. Mallon
5. P Duffy
6. Rafferty
8. Moore
9. A Duffy
10. Shorty Clarke
11. R Clarke
12. McManus
14. S Clarke

7 was Darren someone and 13 was Marc Cullen.


7. Darren Davidson.  10. Kieran Hughes, Shorty Clarke was 15 I think.

Fair play to the Ogs, no harm to Cross but I was happy to see them finally beaten in Armagh.  Interesting Championship now, but the Ogs looked focused after the game and it's theirs to lose now.

I was suprised at how some the younger ogs lads competed.  Having saw young Parkinson playing B football during the year (and not very well) I thought he was in for a torrid night, but he had a stormer, ditto for young Davidson who suprised me as well. The Ogs had a clear game plan and didn't deviate from it, that and a bit of luck saw them through.

Does open it the Championship up a bit, but if Cross had've come through we wouldn't be saying that.  The winners of tonight's game could have a big say yet.

Smokin Joe

Quote from: brokencrossbar1 on September 03, 2009, 02:34:27 PM

Ogs must be going in as slight favourites for the other game.  Even though Cross beat them twice in the league by all accounts the Ogs were the better team on both days and should have won only for some dodgy refereeing decisions.  They will have no lack of motivation and no lack of talent.  We are bound to be tired and maybe eyes elsewhere for the management with the whole Grimley thing blowing the county management open again. Ogs by 3.

Great shout BCB, you called the game perfectly  ;)


Quote from: Smokin Joe on September 06, 2009, 09:29:47 AM
Quote from: brokencrossbar1 on September 03, 2009, 02:34:27 PM

Ogs must be going in as slight favourites for the other game.  Even though Cross beat them twice in the league by all accounts the Ogs were the better team on both days and should have won only for some dodgy refereeing decisions.  They will have no lack of motivation and no lack of talent.  We are bound to be tired and maybe eyes elsewhere for the management with the whole Grimley thing blowing the county management open again. Ogs by 3.

Great shout BCB, you called the game perfectly  ;)

Just how I saw things SJ.  First of all, well doe to the Ogs.  It had to happen and it was only ever going to be against Ogs or Clans in my view as no harmt to the other teams they were either not good enough or didn't believe tehy were good enough.

Hard luck to our lads.  It was amazing and jsut a pity that the outright consecutive record coul;dn't be achieved, have to friggin share it with the Western wannabes :P

To the begrudgers who try to run us down, f**k you all >:(  We did it and you don't win 13 championships by grinding out results.  To the Bellaghy man on the thread in the main page grow a pair and get over it, I palyed against you boys often enough to know that football wasn't the only thing that won your games.  At least you fellow clubman on here Drumanee knows what football is and respects us, do you even know what a ball is. We will be back and will be favourites for next years championship no matter what happens the rest of the year.  There is too much talent there and the extended break now for all the players will make them well rested for the first time in 13 years expect a backlash next year is what I believe.

To the Ogs it is only the quarter final, 2 hours football yet and there are at least 2 teams that I think could beat you on any given day.  I would like you to win it out as you deserve it probably more than any team in Armagh bar Dromintee just keep your heads focused and the drive inside.

Smokin Joe

It could also work wonders for the county team.  The likes of Paul and Tony Kernan, Jamie Clarke, Paul McKeown and Titch can now all get a McKenna Cup and a league campaign behind them next Winter / Spring.
As opposed to the norm of them being thrown straight into Championship football.
