Paddy's Day - National Disgrace?

Started by Hurler on the Bitch, March 18, 2008, 10:45:33 PM

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Hurler on the Bitch

I'll throw open a question to ye all. ... The attached link is a story concerning Dublin on Paddy's Day.. In Belfast, we had hand to hand gang fights, an attempted rape, more stitches handed out in the Royal than you could shake a stick at, a car hijacked with a baby in it... need I go on.. ? Meanwhile as I went through Belfast last night, the Blue Bag / Caesar hair-cut spides with Celtic tops were in the ascendancy.... and to top it off.. the number of pricks insulting Ireland by dressing as Leprechauns - Big hats, Ginger beards - was sad!

What is us and the need to GET BLOCKED? It really has become the Fenian Twelfth... IT'S ALL BOOZE, BOOZE BOOZE ... and don't start me on the students.. But are we just a fecking stereotype of Father Jack on Paddy's Day? Discuss..


Agree fully with all of your remarks.  In my own town yesterday, I was disgusted at the amount of underage drinking, never mind those who were legally drinking and falling all over the streets in front of cars, throwing bottles at cars, the list goes on.

I watched what I would say were a crowd of 14 year olds, standing with their blue carry out bags at 10.45am, awaiting the St. Patrick's Day parade, as they guzzled their cheap beer and whatever else they had, in full public view.

I'm not against a few pints and having a good time, but what I saw yesterday and last night was beyond a joke.  And for some reason, this year seemed to be far worse than those that have gone before imo.

I heard of an elderly man who, while awaiting his taxi home on his own, was jumped upon by a passing drunken crowd in their early 20's who were apparently off their heads on either drink or drugs or some other substance.  The elderly man was knocked to the ground and kicked repeatedly until bouncers ran from a nearby bar to intervene.  The man was carted off to hospital unconcious in an ambulance.  I know this could have happened in our society on any weekend, but it didn' happened on a St. Patrick's Day Monday!  Absolute disgrace!!!!

If this is what our National Day has come to, I'm lost for words.

Leg End

were u never young hurler..
catch yourself on. i agree that there are too many spides but they are out doing wat they're doing if its st patrick's day or not. these leprechauns that u talk of with hats and beards are taking part in a bit of light hearted humour and by the sounds of u you could do with a bit of it. Its a day off for most and if they want to go out and get drunk so be it. Because i'm sure u have never been drunk before. never. and i'm sure you wouldn't think of touching a drink on st patricks day. I do not condone (unsure of spellin) any of the  above mentioned crimes but the harsh reality is that these are happening every weekend not just st patricks day. But they are being committed by the minority and once again it appears that the minorities seem to be spoiling it for the rest. Do not tar everyone with the same brush. It is a lovely day out and can be finished with a few (too many) drinks listening to some traditional music. If you keep yourself to yourself and your own company in areas you are used to then you will not experience anything you wouldnt expect to. I had a great day and was by no means sober and i'm sure i'll do the same next year..
we're here for a good time, not a long time


I have been saying this for years, it is not a celebration of our National Saint, it is an orgiastic display of the vile under-currents in our society, violence, drunkenness and thuggery are now our national emblems. Any decent half sane society would have banned it years ago. Like the Donnybrook Fair and the associated faction fighting, it should be confined to history.

An Fear Rua

Paddys day = mass, parade and maybe some sweets and a break from lent for me. Never done paddys day as a legal drinker as ive been abroad since that age.

Its Grim up North

The Gs Man

Lurgan was a nightmare.  We had a dozen Rangers top wearing spides standing just 15 yards from the police station waving Ulster flags and shouting abuse at young kids parading with their GAA clubs, under 10's etc included.

This then kicked off disturbances which lasted all day.  Both sides were at it for hours, throwing bottles, bricks and, for some reason, eggs.  Trying to run a business in the middle of that shit is pretty difficult.  It's a fecking headache to be honest.

The average age of these little f**kers causing the trouble was probably about 15.  You hit one of them a boot in the hole and thats you up in court.  You can't win.
Keep 'er lit


I am with Leg End on this one. The problem is the Nations attitude to drink and not St. Patricks day. All Ireland day is the same for many, should wee ban it?

Aristotle Flynn

It gets worse every year. It's now getting like the October Fest in Munich - a drinking competition. Ads like this don't help.
A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion.


I'm with Leg End as well. There's definitely problems with younger people drinking but after the trip to chapel I'll be off to the bar for a few drinks to watch the gaa. Only for the MacRory final being switched to Omagh I would've been away to Casement to watch that cause the Academy were in it but any other year I'll be going for a few pints in the bar.

Hurler on the Bitch

Quote from: Pangurban on March 18, 2008, 11:42:06 PM
I have been saying this for years, it is not a celebration of our National Saint, it is an orgiastic display of the vile under-currents in our society, violence, drunkenness and thuggery are now our national emblems. Any decent half sane society would have banned it years ago. Like the Donnybrook Fair and the associated faction fighting, it should be confined to history.

Good point about the Donnybrook Fair - indeed the word Donnybrook is a slang for a fight - anyhow...  To the earlier poster, I can assure you that I was young once, do like a drink (have been in situations that would have given my mother heart attacks) but like to keep my wits about me. My problem with Paddy's Day is the sectarian undertones of it all. I saw girls draped in Tricolours, Celtic flags, starry ploughs ... I just feel that drink and an excuse to flag wave always will end up with one result. The other thing is why is GETTING BLOCKED something that goes hand in hand with Paddy's Day?....................................................  


There is very little sectarian about St. Patricks day. Due to the commercialism of the day it is now used as a day of 'National Pride'. I hate all this 'National Pride' nonsense. As Ireland do not have an Independence Day they are willing to celebrate St. Patricks Day has become the substitute for that. Most country's have some form of National Day of Pride but Ireland is to divided to pick any day in particular and so St. Patricks Day has now become that. Rather than celebrate St. Patrick we celebrate Ireland and all it's stupid symbolism inclding flags and songs. It's not anti anything but pro Ireland.

Hurler on the Bitch

Quote from: Zapatista on March 19, 2008, 08:31:28 AM
There is very little sectarian about St. Patricks day. Due to the commercialism of the day it is now used as a day of 'National Pride'. I hate all this 'National Pride' nonsense. As Ireland do not have an Independence Day they are willing to celebrate St. Patricks Day has become the substitute for that. Most country's have some form of National Day of Pride but Ireland is to divided to pick any day in particular and so St. Patricks Day has now become that. Rather than celebrate St. Patrick we celebrate Ireland and all it's stupid symbolism inclding flags and songs. It's not anti anything but pro Ireland.

In da Nort it takes a more sinister tone. Flags and Emblems are okay in Dublin, Cork etc. but when it becomes an opportunity to display tribalism.. well... that's a different story.........How can you display 'National Pride' in a place that is 'technically' - to Unionists -  not part of Ireland - for a lot of the Baseball Hat spides it's a case of CHUCKY ERR LAW!   


Totally agree Hurler, people seem to think if they wear green in their clothing or wear a stupid Guiness hat anything goes. I never went out the door on Paddys day but did notice enough 15 year olds walking past the house with their blue bags to convince me i had made the right decision. The only good thing i see about St Patricks day is the club finals on the tv and a day off work.
"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"

Hurler on the Bitch

HOW THINGS CHANGE? This is how the Irish were dipicted by the English in the 19th Century..  could have been any bar at chucking out time on Monday..


That's right - that lad with the rock is the dead spit of my barman announcing closing time.