Conway quits Tyrone funding body

Started by ziggysego, December 10, 2007, 07:42:51 PM

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QuoteThis grants issue strikes at a different principle altogether.

Thanks Rois. That was doing my head in, but I've used up my pedantic posts quota.

behind the wire

as far as i know the money for the tyrone holiday fund came from mr dolan. i may be wrong. what he does with his money is up to him. the same could be said for the grant. but the fury in this situation involves the fact that the funding is widespread and that everyone with an ounce of sense believes it is a stepping stone towards pay for play. i think if the gpa would come out and say that they have secured this payment fom the government as a one off, for every county player equally, alot more people would have supported the idea. however as we all know this doesnt appear to be the case.
He who laughs last thinks the slowest


Does it matter who the money is coming from?? Pay for play is pay for play whatever way you want to dress it up! You can't say - well its not pay for play because the money was paid by someone who is acceptable, thats how managers get away with it.! And am i not mistaken that the GAA pays quite substantially into a holiday fund for the all - ireland finalists! Is that not Pay for play and this comes directly from the GAA - but its a holiday so its ok?? There alot of "a la carte" amateurs on here!!
That was never a square ball!!

Star Spangler

Mark isn't the only one pulling out of Club Tyrone - not by a long way.

It appears the GPA has thrown the baby out with the bath water.


Not sure where the idea that Croke Park pays into a holiday fund comes from?

Personally, I'm happy to contribute £500 a year knowing that some of it will go towards a team holiday if they're successful.  I recognise the effort, dedication etc put in by players to achieve high levels of performance.  Because I know that they don't get that reward elsewhere.  To me it's a swap of GAA efforts.

If the Tyrone players didn't get a holiday because they didn't perform/there was no money/some other reason, I'd like to think they wouldn't hold the county to ransom by refusing to play.    


Of course The GPA should consult with club tyrone on welfare issues..

his holiness nb

Quote from: DMarsden on December 11, 2007, 03:53:41 PM

Of course The GPA should consult with club tyrone on welfare issues..

Its these sarcastic attempts at belittling the people standing up against the grants that do the yes camp no favours. Some comments on these threads are very patronising and sneaky. This is why I have avoided comment on here as much as possible.
Ask me holy bollix

behind the wire

Quote from: BennyHarp on December 11, 2007, 03:36:51 PM
Does it matter who the money is coming from?? Pay for play is pay for play whatever way you want to dress it up! You can't say - well its not pay for play because the money was paid by someone who is acceptable, thats how managers get away with it.! And am i not mistaken that the GAA pays quite substantially into a holiday fund for the all - ireland finalists! Is that not Pay for play and this comes directly from the GAA - but its a holiday so its ok?? There alot of "a la carte" amateurs on here!!

i dont think there is anything wrong with a team holiday. it is a perk, just like receiving gym membership, a few pairs of football boots etc. i dont think it is right that players that dont go on that holiday should receive the money- that would be against rule 11. however, if wj dolan wants to give a player x number of pounds for whatever reason it is hard to see how it can be stopped. who are the gaa to tell wj dolan what to do with his money?

when the money is coming directly into the back pocket of the players from an accountable body ie either the government or the gaa - it is then that problems arise and the road to (semi) professionalism looks set.

He who laughs last thinks the slowest

Star Spangler

Quote from: DMarsden on December 11, 2007, 03:53:41 PM

Of course The GPA should consult with club tyrone on welfare issues..

That's a laughable comment.  How could the GPA even come close to providing Tyrone footballers with the kind of support provided by Club Tyrone?  GPA arrogance clearly knows no bounds!


Holiness - why bother trying to discuss the issues when noone else is interested in them beyond the headlines. As far as i'm concerned the people at the ELK meeting waving euro notes did a good enough job embarassing themelves by not having a coherent message and disregarding the procedures of the association they profess to be saving.


Quote from: Star Spangler on December 11, 2007, 04:05:42 PM
Quote from: DMarsden on December 11, 2007, 03:53:41 PM

Of course The GPA should consult with club tyrone on welfare issues..

That's a laughable comment.  How could the GPA even come close to providing Tyrone footballers with the kind of support provided by Club Tyrone?  GPA arrogance clearly knows no bounds!

FYI - it is the role of tyrone county board to provide for the welfare needs of their players. it is the job of the players body to lobby for these needs to be met. no you fire away and manipulate that for whatever irrelevent argument you're going to come up with next.


All this talk about if it's good enough for managers, then it's good enough for players. That's nonsense and you know it.

The GAA have a system in place now that the players will get paid (sorry receive a grant) from the Government for playing in an amature sport.

All paids to certain managers are under the shelf and it is extremely difficult to regulate again. The GAA aren't paying the managers, but they are making it easy to pay the players.
Testing Accessibility

his holiness nb

Quote from: DMarsden on December 11, 2007, 04:07:12 PM
Holiness - why bother trying to discuss the issues when noone else is interested in them beyond the headlines. As far as i'm concerned the people at the ELK meeting waving euro notes did a good enough job embarassing themelves by not having a coherent message and disregarding the procedures of the association they profess to be saving.

The argument against the grant is being put very well in most cases imo, a lot may not be what you want to hear but thats a different issue.
I would have more of a problem with people coming out saying they know intercounty footballers who were offered double the grant to publicly oppose it, and then ignore all requests to back these wild accusations up.

The people at the Elk who you THINK embarrassed themselves actually represent the views of a lot more people than Dessie would have you believe.
Ask me holy bollix


Nobody in the else have any reason to feel embarassed. It's the GPA who should feel embarassed and ashamed.

Now they're stirring the shite in Cork too.

What are the Cork county board going to do ? Back down as usual ? Or have the courage to stand up to them at last ?


There's hardly a line you post that doesn't betray total ignorance of the facts or at the very least mis understanding.

On your latest post.

Quote from: orangeman on December 11, 2007, 04:25:35 PM
Nobody in the else have any reason to feel embarassed. It's the GPA who should feel embarassed and ashamed.

Now they're stirring the shite in Cork too.

Were you in the elk? The meeting was to oppose the GAA's decision making process. nothing to do with the GPA.

I've seen mention of the GPA in the dealings in cork. perhaps you could enlighten me?