Supporting England?

Started by corn02, October 09, 2007, 11:12:57 AM

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Billys Boots

QuoteHaving said that, I'd say a foreigner living in Ireland could easily say the same about Irish media and Irish teams.

That's for sure!
My hands are stained with thistle milk ...



Rugby in England is mostly the preserve of the working class
unlike in Ireland where esp in leinster it is only now allowed to let the common oiks into the elitist clubs

I like the god old ordinary engander, esp the rugby crew

Lynchboy - rugby in England is most certainly not the preserve of the working class! It's much the same as in Leinster except it's private schools' rather than grammar schools' main sport, soccer is the sport of the working class in England.


Indeed Lynchboy....

Rugby league is a sport popular amongst the northern working classes in yorkshire and lancashire and their fans are sound. Most of the rugby union boys are posh twats only rivalled in their snobbery by rowers. I like plenty of English footballers and enjoy the premiership but still couldnt support any english team. remember their soccer fans that caused the abandonment of the game against ROI i nthe early 90s.suppose its the media that really wind us up


Quote from: Declan on October 09, 2007, 01:14:32 PM
QuoteSo if someone supports an English football team, you must follow England?

No deiseach - I never said you had to follow them I just can't understand the virulent anti-englishness everytime their teams play. Having said that I can understand how their jingoistic media could annoy you alright

You've clearly never had the cnuts hold a rifle to your head when you were all of 8 years old as they dragged your brother off to Castlereagh, or have their skivvies the UDR hassle the hell out of you going to games...oh aye, let's ALL support England. Bastion of diplomacy, democracy, fairplay and  equality.

To find his equal an Irishman is forced to talk to God!


 its the 800 years of oppression that turns me against the cnuts!!


Quote from: Rav67 on October 09, 2007, 02:49:10 PM

Rugby in England is mostly the preserve of the working class
unlike in Ireland where esp in leinster it is only now allowed to let the common oiks into the elitist clubs

I like the god old ordinary engander, esp the rugby crew

Lynchboy - rugby in England is most certainly not the preserve of the working class! It's much the same as in Leinster except it's private schools' rather than grammar schools' main sport, soccer is the sport of the working class in England.

well in central England there were rug by towns and soccer towns
I grew up in my early years in a rugby town, and all the rest of the lads at the club were as working class as the family I came from.
No doubt there were posh rugger playing schools (more of them in east scotland round edinburgh way I think) but our school team used to love beating the likes of them.
Same goes for soccer (though our school were traditionally rubbish at soccer)

Rugby is not the elitist game in england as it is in Ireland - or more so , as it was in Leinster.