lennon leaves celtic

Started by the colonel, April 25, 2007, 12:44:56 PM

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The Gs Man

Plenty of stories about Lenny when he came home to Lurgan.  Most of them probably just rumours from people jealous of his success.

I did see him and Gerry Taggart sticking £20 notes to their face one night though.   :D
Keep 'er lit

Gaoth Dobhair Abu

Colonel, your wasting your time arguing with these eejits.

Thank you Neil for 7 years of hard graft and commitment........!  8)


Slim has this guy summed up - good riddance to bad rubbish.
come disagree with me on http://gushtystuppencehapenny.wordpress.com/ and spread the word


Neil Lennon has been an outstanding servant to Celtic for 7 years and a way better player than he was ever given credit for. He has slowed down all right in the last couple of years but before that he was as effective as nearly any defensive midfielder around.
When he was at unfashionable Leicester he was their backbone and led them to three League Cup Finals, winning two. Chelsea were trying to sign him when he chose Celtic and since then he has had to put up with more abuse than any other footballer will ever receive.
The time is right for him to leave Celtic on a high. Thanks Neil for your efforts.

Here's an article on Lennon which appeared on one of the Celtic websites earlier this year summing up what he's had to go through as a Celtic player:

Here's another piece written on him today:

the colonel

QuotePosted by: Gaoth Dobhair Abu 

Colonel, your wasting your time arguing with these eejits.

Neil Lennon has been an outstanding servant to Celtic

finally decent celtic supporters!
the difference between success and failure is energy

Main Street

Neil Lennon is one of my favorite players, not at all one of the best, just in regards to football intelligence, team leader and holding player par excellance. I am not a Celtic fan.
Games that I remember with him in particular were the away games against Ajax and Liverpool.
His time had to come some day to leave his favored club and he couldn't have chosen a better time to leave.

his holiness nb

"then firing a water bottle into an empty away dugout!"

I never realised Lennon did this, jesus the guy is worse than hitler  ::)
Ask me holy bollix


See the little sc**bag was being his usual spiteful self today...

come disagree with me on http://gushtystuppencehapenny.wordpress.com/ and spread the word


just finished his book (only ok) and trouble follows lennon around the place, never his fault tho. no doubt he loves celtic but a cool head on a captain is a big help and that he doesnt have. as far as i can see he never met a fight he didnt like....

Gaoth Dobhair Abu

Quote from: paddypastit on May 12, 2007, 08:30:30 PM
See the little sc**bag was being his usual spiteful self today...

What because Aberdeen fans booed him and tried to drown him out as he made his farewell speech, or is it just you that is being spiteful?


Quote from: paddypastit on April 25, 2007, 11:27:30 PM
Slim has this guy summed up - good riddance to bad rubbish.

QuoteSee the little sc**bag was being his usual spiteful self today...

That's pretty rough language to use from someone who is usually fairly moderate. Poor show.

I met Neil Lennon once and he went out of his way to sign a rake of kits for kids back home and then offered to organise a trip over to Glasgow for a team of youngsters in our area. Maybe I met him on a good day but a nicer guy you couldn't meet.


Not that he will be missed, its a two team competition.
Am I wrong?


Lennon plays that unglamourous role in soccer. He is not as good as he used to be.
At leicester he used to take a lot of the free kicks and so on and was quite creative. Celtic (Martin ONeill) seemed to fobid him from doing this. Think in his last epl season in leicester he was top of the opta stats chart for passes/pass completion - above Keano and Viera (players in similar positions).

Lennon was the driving force behind Celtic in his first few seaons. When his pace started to go, plus changing from a 352 (which hid his lack of speed) to a 442 - Lennon was no longer the force he was.
Always did wel in most games, but you need pace in the modern soccer game.
Think he was kept to help bring along young Celtic players.
Think he realised that he needed to leave to stop Strachan embarrassing them both and continuing to pick him next season.
Was a better player than people give him credit for alright, was very good for Celtic.some of their fans need a good kick up the ass with their attitude. I can never understand fans giving abuse to their own players. Though I think the Celtic support got behind lennon after this.

Drumanee 1

i have met lennon quite a few times now through a mutial friend and the fella is a gentleman,yes he has got into a few scraps but like the rest of us you do silly things in the heat of the moment,so you may all judge him on his football ability but dont discredit his personality when you dont even know him

the colonel

being at uni in scotland, i know he is the honorary president of glasgow uni's gaelic team and has attended thir functions, sponsored the team and also been to a few of their games with john hartson when he could make it. he has been decent to all their lads in the past.
the difference between success and failure is energy