
Started by armaghniac, January 10, 2014, 10:30:22 AM

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Jeepers Creepers

Is this creating much of a stir down south? Politicians falling over themselves to have a go a paisley?

Tony Baloney

Quote from: Shamrock Shore on January 10, 2014, 01:58:51 PM
A hateful auld cnut.

Nothing more need be said as far as I am concerned. He can reinvent all he wants be he'll always be a HAC to me.
Sums it up nicely.


In January 2012 I wrote this on another thread here on the board - I wanted to post it again, especially for the younger members of the board who did not experience the full brunt of Paisley's hatred - I did and I know we won't see the first part of the interview until Monday documentary, so comments about it must wait until it's aired - But I'd hope that what I have included below will help you avoid buying into any attempts he might make in re-writing history - When watching the show remember the sentence below where Leon Uris states that  "If a man could be singled out as responsible for the tragic condition of Northern Ireland, no one has more to answer for than Ian Paisley"
"In 1973 Leon Uris, the author of Trinity, Exodus and some other notable novels wrote the text for a pictorial book his wife, Jill Uris was publishing entitled "Ireland – A Terrible Beauty"  - In it he had the following to say regarding Ian Paisley "His most notable victory was attained in collapsing the O'Neil government over Civil Rights and getting himself elected to both Stormont and to Westminster. His political mentor, a standoffish barrister named Desmond Boal, cleaned up Paisley's act for the British Parliament;  here he has shown himself to be a reasonable man with wit and mock candor that have hoodwinked thousands in Ulster, Britain and even Ireland. In support of a most remarkable Jekyll and Hyde charade, His Puritan Press runs overtime with a nonstop barrage of hate literature ............ Ian Paisley is not so naïve as not to learn from his chosen enemy. He has created his own papacy in some three dozen Free Presbyterian churches (Written in 1973, this number has grown significantly since then) ...... Paisley is the Moderator, a Protestant Pope complete with infallibility. Confession, the use of ministers in a role similar to that of Catholic priests, and many other adaptations are straight from Rome. He practices it all with a totalitarianism that few Catholic churchmen practice ........ If a man could be singled out as responsible for the tragic condition of Northern Ireland, no one has more to answer for than Ian Paisley"
I was very struck by that last sentence when I first read it many years ago because I knew in my heart that it was true
I had been aware of Paisley and his infant organization from the early 60's when he had "converted" a young Tyrone girl from Catholicism to his brand of Presbyterianism (I knew about it as I was friendly with one of the girl's neighbors) – During the Civil Rights area, I came to realize that Paisley was an evil person, especially after the incident at Burntollet Bridge – Ian Uris opens his piece on Paisley with this "The most diabolical by-product of three hundred and fifty years of the plantation of Ulster is a cancerous growth known as Paisleyism ....... Few men possess the power to hate with such magnitude, and more frightening, few have the energy and ability to transmit and infect fellow creatures with that hatred"
That awkward moment - Not sure if you do have free time or if you're just forgetting everything!

T Fearon

Jekyll and Hyde character alright.As Mallie says there are six different Ian Paisleys and promises a meeting with every one of them during this two part documentary

Count 10

Quote from: ballela-angel on January 11, 2014, 03:11:37 AM
In January 2012 I wrote this on another thread here on the board - I wanted to post it again, especially for the younger members of the board who did not experience the full brunt of Paisley's hatred - I did and I know we won't see the first part of the interview until Monday documentary, so comments about it must wait until it's aired - But I'd hope that what I have included below will help you avoid buying into any attempts he might make in re-writing history - When watching the show remember the sentence below where Leon Uris states that  "If a man could be singled out as responsible for the tragic condition of Northern Ireland, no one has more to answer for than Ian Paisley"
"In 1973 Leon Uris, the author of Trinity, Exodus and some other notable novels wrote the text for a pictorial book his wife, Jill Uris was publishing entitled "Ireland – A Terrible Beauty"  - In it he had the following to say regarding Ian Paisley "His most notable victory was attained in collapsing the O'Neil government over Civil Rights and getting himself elected to both Stormont and to Westminster. His political mentor, a standoffish barrister named Desmond Boal, cleaned up Paisley's act for the British Parliament;  here he has shown himself to be a reasonable man with wit and mock candor that have hoodwinked thousands in Ulster, Britain and even Ireland. In support of a most remarkable Jekyll and Hyde charade, His Puritan Press runs overtime with a nonstop barrage of hate literature ............ Ian Paisley is not so naïve as not to learn from his chosen enemy. He has created his own papacy in some three dozen Free Presbyterian churches (Written in 1973, this number has grown significantly since then) ...... Paisley is the Moderator, a Protestant Pope complete with infallibility. Confession, the use of ministers in a role similar to that of Catholic priests, and many other adaptations are straight from Rome. He practices it all with a totalitarianism that few Catholic churchmen practice ........ If a man could be singled out as responsible for the tragic condition of Northern Ireland, no one has more to answer for than Ian Paisley"
I was very struck by that last sentence when I first read it many years ago because I knew in my heart that it was true
I had been aware of Paisley and his infant organization from the early 60's when he had "converted" a young Tyrone girl from Catholicism to his brand of Presbyterianism (I knew about it as I was friendly with one of the girl's neighbors) – During the Civil Rights area, I came to realize that Paisley was an evil person, especially after the incident at Burntollet Bridge – Ian Uris opens his piece on Paisley with this "The most diabolical by-product of three hundred and fifty years of the plantation of Ulster is a cancerous growth known as Paisleyism ....... Few men possess the power to hate with such magnitude, and more frightening, few have the energy and ability to transmit and infect fellow creatures with that hatred"

He was the best recruiting officer the Provos ever had.


Quote from: lawnseed on January 10, 2014, 03:59:49 PM
Ive been in the big mans company a couple of times hes very witty loves a good craic as does jnr.
No matter how you look at it hes the greatest politican this island has produced whether or not you share his view. He has the perfect blend of religion and politics perfect for his devoted following.

Thats like you saying you are the greatest poster ever on the GAAboard. What a load of shite. This man should have been jailed for incitement to hatred on numerous occasions. He was the single biggest barrier to peace on the Island. He did nothing but increase his old power by instilling total fear of all things nationalist/republican/catholic and look what that has left us with. A perfect example is his behaviour with the pope. I may agree with him in his dislike of the pope but he had to know, given the divisions in the 6 counties, what the reaction on the ground would be to him roaring abuse at the pope on TV. He was playing to his own gallery and f**k the consequences. If you admire this man then you are really not well in the head.


Quote from: mylestheslasher on January 11, 2014, 09:28:02 AM
Quote from: lawnseed on January 10, 2014, 03:59:49 PM
Ive been in the big mans company a couple of times hes very witty loves a good craic as does jnr.
No matter how you look at it hes the greatest politican this island has produced whether or not you share his view. He has the perfect blend of religion and politics perfect for his devoted following.

Thats like you saying you are the greatest poster ever on the GAAboard. What a load of shite. This man should have been jailed for incitement to hatred on numerous occasions. He was the single biggest barrier to peace on the Island. He did nothing but increase his old power by instilling total fear of all things nationalist/republican/catholic and look what that has left us with. A perfect example is his behaviour with the pope. I may agree with him in his dislike of the pope but he had to know, given the divisions in the 6 counties, what the reaction on the ground would be to him roaring abuse at the pope on TV. He was playing to his own gallery and f**k the consequences. If you admire this man then you are really not well in the head.
The greatest barrier to peace this island.. ? I suppose the litany of useless 26 governments who turned their backs on the republican/nationalist minority here didnt contribute to the situation? You know the fellas who wined and dined the good doctor and his wife only a couple of years ago.. You know the "how can we afford ye lot?" brigade. The blame for the instability imo is in the 26 it always has been
A coward dies a thousand deaths a soldier only dies once


Quote from: lawnseed on January 11, 2014, 09:52:31 AM
Quote from: mylestheslasher on January 11, 2014, 09:28:02 AM
Quote from: lawnseed on January 10, 2014, 03:59:49 PM
Ive been in the big mans company a couple of times hes very witty loves a good craic as does jnr.
No matter how you look at it hes the greatest politican this island has produced whether or not you share his view. He has the perfect blend of religion and politics perfect for his devoted following.

Thats like you saying you are the greatest poster ever on the GAAboard. What a load of shite. This man should have been jailed for incitement to hatred on numerous occasions. He was the single biggest barrier to peace on the Island. He did nothing but increase his old power by instilling total fear of all things nationalist/republican/catholic and look what that has left us with. A perfect example is his behaviour with the pope. I may agree with him in his dislike of the pope but he had to know, given the divisions in the 6 counties, what the reaction on the ground would be to him roaring abuse at the pope on TV. He was playing to his own gallery and f**k the consequences. If you admire this man then you are really not well in the head.
The greatest barrier to peace this island.. ? I suppose the litany of useless 26 governments who turned their backs on the republican/nationalist minority here didnt contribute to the situation? You know the fellas who wined and dined the good doctor and his wife only a couple of years ago.. You know the "how can we afford ye lot?" brigade. The blame for the instability imo is in the 26 it always has been

So let me get this straight. The southern government who had no power to do f**k all were worse than Paisley who was out roaring fire and brimstone, inspiring his followers to burn out and murder catholics. He had no interest in sharing power with any catholic until he got the opportunity in later years for a bit of revisionism in the history books to allow him to be painted as some sort of peace maker. When a man gets old he starts thinking of his legacy after all.

I am no fan of southern governments of the time but to say what you have is just total horseshite and being controversial for the sake of it. Tell me, what would you have these southern governments do given that militarily and financially they were tiny in comparison to the UK government. Just because he charmed you in conversation doesnt mean he was any lesser a monster, I saw plenty of pictures of adolf hitler hugging babies too and I am sure he was a real charmer - he was also a murderous sc**bag. You are very easy to charm it seems Lawnseed.


Quote from: lawnseed on January 11, 2014, 09:52:31 AM
Quote from: mylestheslasher on January 11, 2014, 09:28:02 AM
Quote from: lawnseed on January 10, 2014, 03:59:49 PM
Ive been in the big mans company a couple of times hes very witty loves a good craic as does jnr.
No matter how you look at it hes the greatest politican this island has produced whether or not you share his view. He has the perfect blend of religion and politics perfect for his devoted following.

Thats like you saying you are the greatest poster ever on the GAAboard. What a load of shite. This man should have been jailed for incitement to hatred on numerous occasions. He was the single biggest barrier to peace on the Island. He did nothing but increase his old power by instilling total fear of all things nationalist/republican/catholic and look what that has left us with. A perfect example is his behaviour with the pope. I may agree with him in his dislike of the pope but he had to know, given the divisions in the 6 counties, what the reaction on the ground would be to him roaring abuse at the pope on TV. He was playing to his own gallery and f**k the consequences. If you admire this man then you are really not well in the head.
The greatest barrier to peace this island.. ? I suppose the litany of useless 26 governments who turned their backs on the republican/nationalist minority here didnt contribute to the situation? You know the fellas who wined and dined the good doctor and his wife only a couple of years ago.. You know the "how can we afford ye lot?" brigade. The blame for the instability imo is in the 26 it always has been

Reiterating Paisley's "blame the south" agenda, you really are a the biggest gobshite/WUM on this board.
Fantasy Rugby World Cup Champion 2011,
Fantasy 6 Nations Champion 2014


Quote from: mylestheslasher on January 11, 2014, 10:04:54 AM
Quote from: lawnseed on January 11, 2014, 09:52:31 AM
Quote from: mylestheslasher on January 11, 2014, 09:28:02 AM
Quote from: lawnseed on January 10, 2014, 03:59:49 PM
Ive been in the big mans company a couple of times hes very witty loves a good craic as does jnr.
No matter how you look at it hes the greatest politican this island has produced whether or not you share his view. He has the perfect blend of religion and politics perfect for his devoted following.

Thats like you saying you are the greatest poster ever on the GAAboard. What a load of shite. This man should have been jailed for incitement to hatred on numerous occasions. He was the single biggest barrier to peace on the Island. He did nothing but increase his old power by instilling total fear of all things nationalist/republican/catholic and look what that has left us with. A perfect example is his behaviour with the pope. I may agree with him in his dislike of the pope but he had to know, given the divisions in the 6 counties, what the reaction on the ground would be to him roaring abuse at the pope on TV. He was playing to his own gallery and f**k the consequences. If you admire this man then you are really not well in the head.
The greatest barrier to peace this island.. ? I suppose the litany of useless 26 governments who turned their backs on the republican/nationalist minority here didnt contribute to the situation? You know the fellas who wined and dined the good doctor and his wife only a couple of years ago.. You know the "how can we afford ye lot?" brigade. The blame for the instability imo is in the 26 it always has been

So let me get this straight. The southern government who had no power to do f**k all were worse than Paisley who was out roaring fire and brimstone, inspiring his followers to burn out and murder catholics. He had no interest in sharing power with any catholic until he got the opportunity in later years for a bit of revisionism in the history books to allow him to be painted as some sort of peace maker. When a man gets old he starts thinking of his legacy after all.

I am no fan of southern governments of the time but to say what you have is just total horseshite and being controversial for the sake of it. Tell me, what would you have these southern governments do given that militarily and financially they were tiny in comparison to the UK government. Just because he charmed you in conversation doesnt mean he was any lesser a monster, I saw plenty of pictures of adolf hitler hugging babies too and I am sure he was a real charmer - he was also a murderous sc**bag. You are very easy to charm it seems Lawnseed.

Myles, why do you bother?

MWWSI 2017


Quote from: muppet on January 11, 2014, 11:13:14 AM
Quote from: mylestheslasher on January 11, 2014, 10:04:54 AM
Quote from: lawnseed on January 11, 2014, 09:52:31 AM
Quote from: mylestheslasher on January 11, 2014, 09:28:02 AM
Quote from: lawnseed on January 10, 2014, 03:59:49 PM
Ive been in the big mans company a couple of times hes very witty loves a good craic as does jnr.
No matter how you look at it hes the greatest politican this island has produced whether or not you share his view. He has the perfect blend of religion and politics perfect for his devoted following.

Thats like you saying you are the greatest poster ever on the GAAboard. What a load of shite. This man should have been jailed for incitement to hatred on numerous occasions. He was the single biggest barrier to peace on the Island. He did nothing but increase his old power by instilling total fear of all things nationalist/republican/catholic and look what that has left us with. A perfect example is his behaviour with the pope. I may agree with him in his dislike of the pope but he had to know, given the divisions in the 6 counties, what the reaction on the ground would be to him roaring abuse at the pope on TV. He was playing to his own gallery and f**k the consequences. If you admire this man then you are really not well in the head.
The greatest barrier to peace this island.. ? I suppose the litany of useless 26 governments who turned their backs on the republican/nationalist minority here didnt contribute to the situation? You know the fellas who wined and dined the good doctor and his wife only a couple of years ago.. You know the "how can we afford ye lot?" brigade. The blame for the instability imo is in the 26 it always has been

So let me get this straight. The southern government who had no power to do f**k all were worse than Paisley who was out roaring fire and brimstone, inspiring his followers to burn out and murder catholics. He had no interest in sharing power with any catholic until he got the opportunity in later years for a bit of revisionism in the history books to allow him to be painted as some sort of peace maker. When a man gets old he starts thinking of his legacy after all.

I am no fan of southern governments of the time but to say what you have is just total horseshite and being controversial for the sake of it. Tell me, what would you have these southern governments do given that militarily and financially they were tiny in comparison to the UK government. Just because he charmed you in conversation doesnt mean he was any lesser a monster, I saw plenty of pictures of adolf hitler hugging babies too and I am sure he was a real charmer - he was also a murderous sc**bag. You are very easy to charm it seems Lawnseed.

Myles, why do you bother?

I could never be convinced that you can't bate a square peg into a round hole.


Lawnweed has surpassed himself in fcukwittery on this subject.
Davy's given us a dream to cling to
We're going to bring home the SAM


I see his Israeli doppelgänger has shuffled off this mortal coil.


For the immature posters, here is the Paisley family in chat mode

If at first you don't succeed, then goto Plan B


Once a bad get always a bad get. There'll be no glowing obiturary from me when he dies. When he goes I'll say he wasn't worth a shite when he was alive and he's not worth a shite now when he's dead.