Moyle District Council Officially Twins With Gaza City

Started by give her dixie, March 13, 2012, 12:39:10 AM

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Seafood are u going through the www furiously trying to find a car make that was never used in a crime? Maybe one of those electric yokes. Anyhow, let's boycott all cars, its the only way to stop crazies using them to run people down.

give her dixie

Some interesting points made on the subject of Caterpillar and the International calls for a boycott of their products.

Since 1967 over 30,000 Palestinian homes have been demolished by Israel, using mainly Caterpillar equipment. Everyone from Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Richard Falk the UN Special Special Rapporteur on Palestine, and indeed Sinn Fein have called for a boycott of Caterpillar.

Just last week demolition orders were served on homes in the West Bank that will force 15,000 people from their homes. At the same time, they announced plans to build 1,500 more houses for illegal settlers from across the globe. Caterpillar equipment will be to the forefront to the demolition and the construction of these houses. 

At this years Ard Fheis, motion 106 was passed that said "This Ard Fheis extends our continuing solidarity with the people of Palestine and urges full support for the boycott and divestment (BDS) campaign of Israeli goods and services, including Caterpillar" For Martin McGuinnes to come out in full support of Caterpillar displays hypocrisy at the highest level.

Caterpillar know full well what their products do in Palestine, and until they act to stop supplying their products to the IDF, they will come under increasing pressure. Every year more and more people and companies are pulling their investments out because of this very reason.

I find it disgraceful that our tax payers money is going to a company that ignores International Law. I think that the various Departments in Stormont handing out public money should have in place certain standards that companies receiving said money adhere to.

Plus, we must not forget that Caterpillar dumped 750 workers on the dole not that long ago. For them to receive millions in return is a joke. No doubt when the grants run out they will feck off once again laughing all the way to the bank.

next stop, September 10, for number 4......