Tyrone club football

Started by Jinxy, November 13, 2011, 05:35:13 PM

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Quote from: Nally Stand on November 15, 2011, 01:43:51 PM
Quote from: Tubberman on November 15, 2011, 01:25:42 PM
Quote from: OverThePostsAWide on November 15, 2011, 01:22:38 PM
Quote from: Nally Stand on November 15, 2011, 01:08:55 PM
Quote from: Club Rossa on November 15, 2011, 01:03:59 PM
Any word of the Carrickmore man that was left with his ear hanging off?
Boxing is bad enough but when the biting starts...

Has had surgery in Belfast

Maybe you weren't so far off the mark Jinxy  :o

FFS, nearly biting a fella's ear off  :o
And people saying twas only what you'd see up and down the country.....

FFS it is a horrible act but no point chatting shite. You think that is the first time anybody in Ireland has had a piece of their ear bit off?

No, I'm not saying it never happened in Ireland before. I'm saying comments that were made previously in the thread like the ones below are obviously not the case:

Quote from: Mac Eoghain on November 14, 2011, 10:02:11 AMto suggest that this doesn't happen up and down the country in every county, regardless of county, division, age grouping is incredibly blinkered in my opinion. It does happen, several times a season in most counties were ugly scenes on the field are transferred to the stands where the odd scuffle or verbals might take place. Rather then simply pointing your finger around the country at other counties, start with your own doorstep and come up with some solutions.

Quote from: Mont on November 14, 2011, 11:50:29 AMit does happen up and down the country - just it seems to happen in tyrone more at high profile games which is why the national press will be all over it.

Quote from: Nally Stand on November 14, 2011, 01:30:04 PMImagine your own clubman on the pitch, playing in a final, and getting hit across the head by an opposition supporter and a stand full of the player's family, friends and neighbours standing at the scene. The end result would be the same at any match around Ireland. It's fanciful to suggest otherwise.

Quote from: Whishtup on November 14, 2011, 04:57:55 PM
Brawls, diggin sessions, call them what you want have happened up and down the country since the start of the GAA.  Let's not get haughty here.
"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

Moortown Spuds

There needs to be a clear separation of what happened on the pitch and what happened off it. Carrickmore did not start the brawl in the stands and although they started the one on the pitch that type of brawl happens up and down the country. Its the incident in the stand that is worrying. It would be unfair to suspend the players as a whole from any activities because of the actions of a few sc*mbags. But serious actions need to be taken to stop this rot spreading.


Quote from: Moortown Spuds on November 15, 2011, 02:15:12 PM
There needs to be a clear separation of what happened on the pitch and what happened off it. Carrickmore did not start the brawl in the stands and although they started the one on the pitch that type of brawl happens up and down the country. Its the incident in the stand that is worrying. It would be unfair to suspend the players as a whole from any activities because of the actions of a few sc*mbags. But serious actions need to be taken to stop this rot spreading.

So 2 Carrickmore players get the line, then a Dromore supporter starts whacking Carrickmore players with an umbrella and then 3 Carrickmore lads beat the tripe out of him and leave him with his ear hanging off?!

Throw the book at the whole lot I say!

Moortown Spuds

No I think it was a Carrickmore man who damaged his ear?


Quote from: Moortown Spuds on November 15, 2011, 02:15:12 PM
There needs to be a clear separation of what happened on the pitch and what happened off it. Carrickmore did not start the brawl in the stands and although they started the one on the pitch that type of brawl happens up and down the country. Its the incident in the stand that is worrying. It would be unfair to suspend the players as a whole from any activities because of the actions of a few sc*mbags. But serious actions need to be taken to stop this rot spreading.

No separation whatsoever. what happened on and off the pitch is a disgrace - that people do a bit of fighting in games across the country should not disguise the fact that Tyrone club football, is close to a low point in terms of discipline - and its that sort of disciplne  problem that will have an impact on the young kids playing that we could well do without.
in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. but he still only has one eye


1. There seems to be a school of thought that the pitch brawl, "happens up and down the country" so that makes it all-right then. No its f**king not all-right, why should a couple of thuggish clubs bring a bad reputation on all the GAA? If you'd have described the incident and asked me what two clubs were involved I wouldn't have been long getting to Dromore and Carrickmore. If the Tyrone GAA don't severely reprimand the two clubs involved then I'll have to say we deserve all the bad press we get.

2. Alot of people running to the defence of Tyrone here too. If I read "sure it happens up and down the country" one more time I think I'll be sick. f**k that, there are only two clubs involved here and why should we run to their defence whilst they drag Tyrone's reputation through the mud? f**k them, they deserve everything they get and more, I'd imagine it'll be more light touch regulation if the County board's precedent is anything to go by. I've a fair proportion of pub/nightclub brawls in my time, with men out of their mind on drink and probably a few on drugs too, never though have I seen a man's ear been nearly bitten off. f**king imagine that, family day out to watch the brother or father in a league final and your children end up with front row seats to a prison riot. You can use all the whaterboutry in the world but thats indefensible.

I can only imagine the reaction from Nally and the boys if this happened at a Linfield/Portadown match. I'm sure they would be more than accommodating.  ::) ::) ::)
Fantasy Rugby World Cup Champion 2011,
Fantasy 6 Nations Champion 2014

Wee Roddy

Lads I do not condone but there is some crap being talked here. Neither club is innocent and I would say both will take whatever punishment is handed out.
But let me state a few things about what happened from the outset of the inital incident.
1. There was no row initially, the Carrickmore player was sent off for a very bad tackle. There was a bit of pushing and shoving and after the red card, it appeared all had settled. As the Carrickmore player went to leave the field, the county player verbally abused him about his wife who is from Dromore. He made a go for the player and all hell broke lose.
2. At no stage was there 3 Carrickmore players at the wire beatening 1 Dromore player
3. Two Carrickmore players have cuts on their faces so how 1 player from Carrickmore was sent off in the row is anyones guess.
4. There was no trouble in the crowd in the man started hitting Carrickmore players with it. Indeed there was no trouble in the crowd until a man, who was a selector with Carrickmore went to retieve his seven year old from the vacinity. As he lifted his daughter the umberella man punched him in the face. That is when it kicked off.
5. The man who got his ear bit off wouldnt be a voilent man and it appears he was caught up in something out of pure inquisitiveness as to what was happening. He was wearing a Carmen fleece so he was a legitimate target to those fighting. The same seemed to be case with anyone with a Dromore fleece on.

Nally Stand

Quote from: trileacman on November 15, 2011, 02:39:18 PM
I can only imagine the reaction from Nally and the boys if this happened at a Linfield/Portadown match. I'm sure they would be more than accommodating.  ::) ::) ::)

Fcuk you are a clown. There have been manys a brawl at a Irish League matches and I have never commented on any of them for the reason that I have no interest in what happens in Irish League soccer. So take your self righteous bullshit elsewhere ye smug, condescending p***k.
"The island of saints & scholars...and gombeens & fuckin' arselickers" Christy Moore


Quote from: Nally Stand on November 15, 2011, 02:46:04 PM
Quote from: trileacman on November 15, 2011, 02:39:18 PM
I can only imagine the reaction from Nally and the boys if this happened at a Linfield/Portadown match. I'm sure they would be more than accommodating.  ::) ::) ::)

Fcuk you are a clown. There have been manys a brawl at a Irish League matches and I have never commented on any of them for the reason that I have no interest in what happens in Irish League soccer. So take your self righteous bullshit elsewhere ye smug, condescending p***k.

Nally Stand...

Step back and put - the - umbrella - down...

Nally Stand

Quote from: rogueryhill on November 15, 2011, 02:50:43 PM
Quote from: Nally Stand on November 15, 2011, 02:46:04 PM
Quote from: trileacman on November 15, 2011, 02:39:18 PM
I can only imagine the reaction from Nally and the boys if this happened at a Linfield/Portadown match. I'm sure they would be more than accommodating.  ::) ::) ::)

Fcuk you are a clown. There have been manys a brawl at a Irish League matches and I have never commented on any of them for the reason that I have no interest in what happens in Irish League soccer. So take your self righteous bullshit elsewhere ye smug, condescending p***k.

Nally Stand...

Step back and put - the - umbrella - down...

I ain't from Dromore!
"The island of saints & scholars...and gombeens & fuckin' arselickers" Christy Moore


Quote from: Nally Stand on November 15, 2011, 02:46:04 PM
Quote from: trileacman on November 15, 2011, 02:39:18 PM
I can only imagine the reaction from Nally and the boys if this happened at a Linfield/Portadown match. I'm sure they would be more than accommodating.  ::) ::) ::)

Fcuk you are a clown. There have been manys a brawl at a Irish League matches and I have never commented on any of them for the reason that I have no interest in what happens in Irish League soccer. So take your self righteous bullshit elsewhere ye smug, condescending p***k.

I think that says it all...

Moortown Spuds

Quote from: Nally Stand on November 15, 2011, 02:46:04 PM
Quote from: trileacman on November 15, 2011, 02:39:18 PM
I can only imagine the reaction from Nally and the boys if this happened at a Linfield/Portadown match. I'm sure they would be more than accommodating.  ::) ::) ::)

Fcuk you are a clown. There have been manys a brawl at a Irish League matches and I have never commented on any of them for the reason that I have no interest in what happens in Irish League soccer. So take your self righteous bullshit elsewhere ye smug, condescending p***k.

Now now Nally, dont take the bait FFS. As far as Ricey mouthing you would think that Carrickmore and everybody else would be used to it by now. But the ear thing I can not get my head around. Bad bad carry on and I wish him well in his recovery.

Carrickmore supporters would be rather agressive/confrontational. I remember watching them play an ACL game in Carrickmore. They were beaten in a tight and competitive game and middle aged men who really should have known better were nudging into the away fans on the way out and muttering condescending remarks.

Gone are the days when it was the loser who had to act with dignity, the winning club that is Dromore cant even win with grace. There is nothing to gain in mouthing to a team that you have beaten well. What does it achieve except ill feeling and resentment which will simmer for years to come.

Nally Stand

Quote from: OverThePostsAWide on November 15, 2011, 02:54:54 PM
Quote from: Nally Stand on November 15, 2011, 02:46:04 PM
Quote from: trileacman on November 15, 2011, 02:39:18 PM
I can only imagine the reaction from Nally and the boys if this happened at a Linfield/Portadown match. I'm sure they would be more than accommodating.  ::) ::) ::)

Fcuk you are a clown. There have been manys a brawl at a Irish League matches and I have never commented on any of them for the reason that I have no interest in what happens in Irish League soccer. So take your self righteous bullshit elsewhere ye smug, condescending p***k.

I think that says it all...

Nothing to say about the veiled accusation of sectarianism though no?  ::) (I have repeatedly condemned Sunday's violence too but I suppose that escaped your attention yeah?)
"The island of saints & scholars...and gombeens & fuckin' arselickers" Christy Moore


Yeah but Irish League brawls are more civilised.

I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


Quote from: Nally Stand on November 15, 2011, 03:00:25 PM
Quote from: OverThePostsAWide on November 15, 2011, 02:54:54 PM
Quote from: Nally Stand on November 15, 2011, 02:46:04 PM
Quote from: trileacman on November 15, 2011, 02:39:18 PM
I can only imagine the reaction from Nally and the boys if this happened at a Linfield/Portadown match. I'm sure they would be more than accommodating.  ::) ::) ::)

Fcuk you are a clown. There have been manys a brawl at a Irish League matches and I have never commented on any of them for the reason that I have no interest in what happens in Irish League soccer. So take your self righteous bullshit elsewhere ye smug, condescending p***k.

I think that says it all...

Nothing to say about the veiled accusation of sectarianism though no?  ::)

No. I can't get a picture of the menace on your face and the veins bursting out of your neck out of my head. Sort of like that photo in the Irish News today coincidently...