An Open Appeal to all Republicans

Started by Seosamh, January 30, 2010, 07:06:34 PM

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Having lived in the United States for many years, I have perhaps witnessed more trial by media than most people who live in Europe. Two of the most outrageous cases of this that come to mind were the trials in California of O. J. Simpson, and Michael Jackson. Hordes of press from all types of media outlets descended on these trials in a feeding frenzy of T V and print sensationalism. Rather than attempting to use these trials as a means of educating the public on the complexities of the U S judicial process, the media turned these events into a circus of luridness, half-truths, and innuendo. During these trials, the daily exploitation of the American judicial process by media outlets, for the financial gains of newspaper sales and T V ratings, left many Americans dismayed.

With this in mind, and not having the benefit of a legal department on my Blog, I have resisted the temptation to add my two cents worth in the Blogesphere, on the recent disclosures surrounding the propriety of the behavior of local politicians, Iris Robinson, and Gerry Adams.

Barring a diminished responsibility defense, due to mental illness, it seems clear that Iris Robinson will have her day in court to explain her very unusual concepts of fund raising, lobbying, and the bidding process, not to mention certain standards of ethics required of elected representatives.

With my very rudimentary legal knowledge, gained from "Lawyering for Idiots", I would be the first to admit that I would be out of my depth on commenting on the legal issues surrounding the situation that Gerry Adams finds himself in, having admitted that when his niece, Aine Tyrell, accused his brother Liam, her father, of sexually assaulting her as a child, he believed his niece.

What I do know though is this; The actions of Gerry Adams after he was aware that his brother might be a pedophile, raise serious questions as to his judgment, as an elected representative of his community, and his responsibilities to the most defenseless section of that community, children.

The many inconsistencies, in Gerry Adam's many versions of events, detailing the actions he took in response to the accusations against his brother, have been well documented in the excellent reporting of Sunday Tribune Northern Editor, Suzanne Breen. (See Links Below)

Today on the Slugger O'Toole Blog Ms. Cahill, another woman who has claimed that she was repeatedly raped by a prominent Republican and that Gerry Adams was aware of the facts but failed to take action has issued an Open Letter to all Republicans.

Ms. Cahill is a niece of Joe Cahill, a veteran of the organization of which Gerry Adams was never a member.

The open letter is produced below in full.
