Saddest day following your county?

Started by Mayo4Sam, August 18, 2009, 09:32:56 AM

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Should this not be re-named the Mayo thread?


All Ireland Under-21 football final in Thurles in 1996. So near and yet...
Boycott Hadron. Support your local particle collider.


89 for me , first time in croke park, only a young fella  , really believed we would win it , and moreso after the goal , all the disappointments since then have actually been easier to take as i get older, 04 and 06 were actually more a numbness than a sadness..

ah well roll on our next game!


Kerry in 2000 probably. Was only 15 though so suppose that eased the pain a bit. Some of the fellas in their 40s or 50s who'd be following Armagh for decades were walking round like ghosts afterwards.
As I dream about movies they won't make of me when I'm dead


1996 both days. Firmly believe that the was the only AI we left behind. We just weren't good enough in all the others.


Quote from: TacadoirArdMhacha on August 18, 2009, 12:36:07 PM
Kerry in 2000 probably. Was only 15 though so suppose that eased the pain a bit. Some of the fellas in their 40s or 50s who'd be following Armagh for decades were walking round like ghosts afterwards.

Would have to agree that was one of the worst. That plus the fact with it going to extra time i missed the boat back to Holyhead, had to get a later (slower) crossing and didnt get into Birmingham until about 4am. Think the same day Holland came back from 2-0 against Ireland. 2004 losing to Fermanagh in 1/4 final was gutting.
2005 semi final was disappointing but was eased by the fact that it was just a brilliant game.


Don't think anything will ever beat the last bank holiday monday for football.

From a hurling point of view- the defeat to limerick this year.


Without doubt it has to be the 04 defeat by Fermanagh, I retired to the Premium Level bar to drown my sorrows, even Tyrone being beaten by Mayo outside could not take me back outside to watch the second game. So sick! It was on again a few weeks back before the Tyrone Kildare QF, opened old wounds especially listening to that pompous pr1ck McStay commentating on it. "The Armagh fans are booing John Bannon but they are not used to consistent refereeing"  >:( >:(
Keep your pecker hard and your powder dry and the world will turn.


In football I was a bit too young to appreciate it fully but Dublin 83 AI final must have been one to watch from behind the sofa. I'm nearly glad I only have a fuzzy recollection of it.

In hurling 1990 AI final must be up there. Well on way to beating Cork before a complete collapse.


Hard to know - as Archie says, getting beat by Sligo in 2002 after being 7 points up in 20 minutes was a sickener as was the literal and figurative beating suffered at the hands of Meath in 96. Mainly these 2 probably because they weren't really expected.

Getting beat by Derry in the QF in 01 was a kick in the stones more than anything else as it was the 1st year of the backdoor and they'd already been beaten in the Ulster Semi - looking back at the negative mood in the County before that game meant it was on the cards.

I'm sure Armagh in 87 also merits a mention - moreso for the fluke nature of the result than anything else.


2nd March 2004, the day Cormac McAnallen died.
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Donnellys Hollow

Quote from: Dinny Breen on August 18, 2009, 09:36:17 AM
Galway 98  :'(

For me 2000 against them was worse. 98 was massively disappointing but there was still a great sense of pride that we'd won got so far and beaten the three previous All-Ireland winners. The way we'd won Leinster in 2000 gave everyone a real belief that it was finally our year. I'll never forget that semi-final as long as I live - absolutely bucketed down all day and we were still level going into the last five minutes, John Finn was wrongly sent off and then Donnellan kicked three points to win it.........gutted.

94 against the Dubs was heartbreaking as well. I think it was the day the pubs were closed around the time of the Ireland Italy soccer match. Ken Doyle kicked a point to put us one clear going into injury time but then Dublin went up the field and Charlie Redmond put over an equalizer with the last kick of the game.
There's Seán Brady going in, what dya think Seán?


Indiana, your worst came within the last month and you're still standing?


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