More Double Standards from Irish Republicans

Started by Evil Genius, July 14, 2009, 02:41:57 PM

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Quote from: MW on July 24, 2009, 12:35:07 AM
Quote from: Roger on July 24, 2009, 12:27:14 AM
Quote from: deiseach on July 23, 2009, 06:23:06 PMIncidentally, Roger, I would say that this board is very lightly policed. Where did you get the idea that it "has a reputation of being strict"? From Gnevin?
Just a flick round the other parts of the site would suggest that the site is fairly strict on its rules.  Is it not?  Gnevin is not someone I've read too much about tbh, but I've been aware of bans for lesser offences imho although I usually avoid the 'he's posting under this username, and she's not from such-n-such county at all' stuff.   However, I have read some horendously sectarian and bigotted stuff on here. These appalling instances are not viewpoints and opinions which anyone can debate rationallly and which generally is not done on here.  But I feel the bigotted abuse is sometimes disgraceful (as it is now) and totally in opposition to that which a lot of people try to position themselves to be in. I'm not fussed what the admin people say but one poster even has asked what I'm on about.  FFS, it's blatant sectarian hatred and personal abuse right here. It is being ignored by the board and those that consider themselves reasonable (and by-and-large I would too but from a different perspective) and no one is prepared to mutter a peep.  Fair play to you deiseach but maybe this sort of thing is normal to the rest of you all?  Shame on you if it is.

Roger, some people on these boards are subject to the rules, others are untouchable.

Not like owc  ::)
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


Quote from: Rossfan on July 23, 2009, 04:41:58 PM
I would see an awful lot of similarity between the OO and the KKK.
Both organisations run on hatred of what they see as inferior beings and see themselves as the elite guardians of a master race of superior beings.

I'm no blanket defender of the Orange Order, but that is just wrong.

The KKK do indeed see black people as superior and whites as a master race. That is their raison d'etre.

The Orange Order's beliefs make no mention of race, or of anyone being an inferior or superior beings. Their beliefs are based on religious ideology - what branches of Christianity are "true" Christianity and which are "false".


Quote from: pintsofguinness on July 24, 2009, 12:36:42 AM
Quote from: MW on July 24, 2009, 12:35:07 AM
Quote from: Roger on July 24, 2009, 12:27:14 AM
Quote from: deiseach on July 23, 2009, 06:23:06 PMIncidentally, Roger, I would say that this board is very lightly policed. Where did you get the idea that it "has a reputation of being strict"? From Gnevin?
Just a flick round the other parts of the site would suggest that the site is fairly strict on its rules.  Is it not?  Gnevin is not someone I've read too much about tbh, but I've been aware of bans for lesser offences imho although I usually avoid the 'he's posting under this username, and she's not from such-n-such county at all' stuff.   However, I have read some horendously sectarian and bigotted stuff on here. These appalling instances are not viewpoints and opinions which anyone can debate rationallly and which generally is not done on here.  But I feel the bigotted abuse is sometimes disgraceful (as it is now) and totally in opposition to that which a lot of people try to position themselves to be in. I'm not fussed what the admin people say but one poster even has asked what I'm on about.  FFS, it's blatant sectarian hatred and personal abuse right here. It is being ignored by the board and those that consider themselves reasonable (and by-and-large I would too but from a different perspective) and no one is prepared to mutter a peep.  Fair play to you deiseach but maybe this sort of thing is normal to the rest of you all?  Shame on you if it is.

Roger, some people on these boards are subject to the rules, others are untouchable.

Not like owc  ::)

I really wouldn't know, since I can't even view OWC.


Quote from: Myles Na G. on July 23, 2009, 06:08:29 PM
'KKK wouldn't let a black join, Orange order wouldn't allow a catholic to join
KKK wouldn't let a man who married a black join, OO wouldn't allow a man who married a catholic join
KKK had a nasty element that murdered blacks and civil rights demonstrators, OO had mass murderers like Billy Wright parading and going on stage with them.

I think the similarities are quite string. Maybe the OO could wear orange sheets and red white and blue pointy hats! If I get time on photoshop later I might post an image unless someone beats me too it. '

Opus Dei won't let you join unless you're a Catholic.
The Catholic Church, until a few years ago, wouldn't let a Catholic marry a Protestant, unless they first signed a document promising to bring up any children of the marraiage as Catholics. Non Catholics are still barred from receiving communion at mass.
Many of those convicted of sectarian murders, or of plotting mass murder, in the past 25 or 30 years have been devout Catholics.
Would you put the Catholic church up there with the KKK and the Orange Order? If not, why not?
at least you are consistently clueless every time !

Opus Dei won't let you join unless you're a Catholic. - prob the only thing you got right. Pointless however
The Catholic Church, until a few years ago, wouldn't let a Catholic marry a Protestant, unless they first signed a document promising to bring up any children of the marraiage as Catholics. - a    'few'    years ago ...  no longer applies - for quite some time too - zero points! ! !
Non Catholics are still barred from receiving communion at mass.  - hardly bouncers up at the alter now !   I know of many incidents , occurring around magherafelt where protestants have gone up and received holy communion in a Catholic church. Obv you have never set foot in one or you'd know yer talking carp again.minus 10 points
Many of those convicted of sectarian murders, or of plotting mass murder, in the past 25 or 30 years have been devout Catholics. - your proof of this?
Would you put the Catholic church up there with the KKK and the Orange Order? If not, why not? - anyone can join the Catholic church irrespective of your previous religion for a start...

when do the school holidays end ! !


Quote from: Main Street on July 23, 2009, 05:46:51 PM
Quote from: deiseach on July 23, 2009, 03:16:15 PM
Quote from: Roger on July 23, 2009, 03:11:41 PM
There are some reasonable people on this board who are unlikely to ever agree with me on much, but I am surprised that the level of sectarian bigotry and personal insult on this thread is simply ignored.  I've heard about moderators banning on this board and it has a reputation of being strict.  It appears that this might be true but not when the personal insult and sectarian bigotry is aimed at a non-Gael.  The silent majority (who must have been reading this thread since the view figures have been increasing) whom are usually vocal about such matters are simply complicit here.

You have a point. Comparing Evil Genius to the KKK is not on. Main Street?

That he is too smart to be on that level?
He is an ideologue on a similar level as a segregationist who does not want to engage in real dialogue with the other side.
His intelligence is applied to arguing full and complicit support for the general good of the apartheid like statelet.
Constant efforts to equalise that nationalist are also to blame for any shortcomings within that apartheid like statelet
Constant efforts to argue the righteousness of security policy and actions of security forces for the general good in that apartheid statelet.
All under the pseudo umbrella of  "One Step Forward", or as I call it 100 reasons why not to take a step forward.
I do not respect dishonest debaters.

As the Orangeman said when asked why are they not burning a tricolour at his 12th bonfire, he replied that 'I do not have to denigrate another culture in order to celebrate mine'.
Evil Genius has not even reached the awareness of the sentiments that the Orangeman expressed,
with his persistant efforts to argue the high ground over Britishness and constant sneering at Irish culture, Irish history and Irish sports.

I find it amusing that some are calling out in 'mock horror' at the 'slur' on the oo - yet the same people lambast the GAA as a 'bigoted/sectarian' organisation that is a vehicle for the ira and republicanism and is hell bent on driving out protestants from Ireland !

Also amusing that it has been intentionally taken that Main Street has 'said' evil myles is a member of the kkk.
I dont see that.
I see a comparison when MS posted the pic as an answer to 'who are people like eg'

and to be honest, I cant see fault with what MS has posted above.
we have the continual chipping at GAA/nationalist stuff/Irish culture by a guy who obv dreads the reunified Ireland.
Look at the two threads he has started - comparing sf to nazis and another pop at republicans with unfounded wrong allegations of 'double standards' by.
As per usual though its all thread title and long posts with no content or proper debate to back this up.Only tangents and moving of goalposts when eventually beaten again.

The intent and bitterness is there, I dont see anyone else starting those kinds of idiotic threads. Thats the nub of a bitter individual.
Where else would you find such mindsets....well maybe in places like alabama.

Main Street

I thought the photo was very good,  especially the sinister character on the left, he was the one I had in mind for EG.
Obviously the photo was timely tongue in cheek but with more than a little sting.

After reading the posts from him on topics like B Specials,
Evil Genius has proved himself to be a staunch defender of the Orange Unionist statelet.
From its cradle to its (inevitable) grave.
The Orange Unionist Statelet was led by figures who have proved themselves no different than the Klan idelogues or those in Apartheid SA.
Hugely influential people like Paisley and his supporters left their fundamentalist mark on Unionist ideology in the latter half of the last century.
Difference is, the croppies fought back.
Anyone who comes on here and trumps the B Specials, dumps poison on the GAA  and persists with a self righteous agenda against nationalists,
can expect that I and others have a distinct antipathy to it.
If  he expresses mock horror at this antipathy then he can feck off to where his views are well received.
Evil would not be the type to wear the sash of an Orangeman, nor the robes of a Klansman, he is content to be an fanatic dogmatic ideologue with no general perspective and little respect for the expressed culture his fellow Irish nationals.

As I wrote previous, I can have respect for people who sincerely believed that actions of the Orange security forces were for the general good and now its time to move on with respect.
I should add, I have no respect for the self righteous who are not only obsessed about the "righteousness" of their blinkered beliefs but also the perceived "wrongness" of others.


Quote from: Roger on July 24, 2009, 12:27:14 AM
Just a flick round the other parts of the site would suggest that the site is fairly strict on its rules.  Is it not?  Gnevin is not someone I've read too much about tbh, but I've been aware of bans for lesser offences imho although I usually avoid the 'he's posting under this username, and she's not from such-n-such county at all' stuff.   However, I have read some horendously sectarian and bigotted stuff on here. These appalling instances are not viewpoints and opinions which anyone can debate rationallly and which generally is not done on here.  But I feel the bigotted abuse is sometimes disgraceful (as it is now) and totally in opposition to that which a lot of people try to position themselves to be in. I'm not fussed what the admin people say but one poster even has asked what I'm on about.  FFS, it's blatant sectarian hatred and personal abuse right here. It is being ignored by the board and those that consider themselves reasonable (and by-and-large I would too but from a different perspective) and no one is prepared to mutter a peep.  Fair play to you deiseach but maybe this sort of thing is normal to the rest of you all?  Shame on you if it is.

Roger, in my opinion the site is lightly policed. People cribbing about mods ruling with an iron fist don't indicate that the mods rule with an iron fist, they tell us about people who think that free speech entitles them to yell 'FIRE!' in a packed stand.


Quote from: Main Street on July 24, 2009, 12:09:41 PM
I thought the photo was very good,  especially the sinister character on the left, he was the one I had in mind for EG.
Obviously the photo was timely tongue in cheek but with more than a little sting.

After reading the posts from him on topics like B Specials,
Evil Genius has proved himself to be a staunch defender of the Orange Unionist statelet.
From its cradle to its (inevitable) grave.
The Orange Unionist Statelet was led by figures who have proved themselves no different than the Klan idelogues or those in Apartheid SA.
Hugely influential people like Paisley and his supporters left their fundamentalist mark on Unionist ideology in the latter half of the last century.
Difference is, the croppies fought back.
Anyone who comes on here and trumps the B Specials, dumps poison on the GAA  and persists with a self righteous agenda against nationalists,
can expect that I and others have a distinct antipathy to it.
If  he expresses mock horror at this antipathy then he can feck off to where his views are well received.
Evil would not be the type to wear the sash of an Orangeman, nor the robes of a Klansman, he is content to be an fanatic dogmatic ideologue with no general perspective and little respect for the expressed culture his fellow Irish nationals.

As I wrote previous, I can have respect for people who sincerely believed that actions of the Orange security forces were for the general good and now its time to move on with respect.
I should add, I have no respect for the self righteous who are not only obsessed about the "righteousness" of their blinkered beliefs but also the perceived "wrongness" of others.

Have you any idea how much like an EG post that looks? :D None of it changes the fact that you played the man, not the ball.


Quote from: deiseach on July 24, 2009, 02:19:02 PM
Have you any idea how much like an EG post that looks? :D None of it changes the fact that you played the man, not the ball.

Well deserved it was too.

Myles Na G.

'at least you are consistently clueless every time !

Opus Dei won't let you join unless you're a Catholic. - prob the only thing you got right. Pointless however
The Catholic Church, until a few years ago, wouldn't let a Catholic marry a Protestant, unless they first signed a document promising to bring up any children of the marraiage as Catholics. - a    'few'    years ago ...  no longer applies - for quite some time too - zero points! ! !
Non Catholics are still barred from receiving communion at mass.  - hardly bouncers up at the alter now !   I know of many incidents , occurring around magherafelt where protestants have gone up and received holy communion in a Catholic church. Obv you have never set foot in one or you'd know yer talking carp again.minus 10 points
Many of those convicted of sectarian murders, or of plotting mass murder, in the past 25 or 30 years have been devout Catholics. - your proof of this?
Would you put the Catholic church up there with the KKK and the Orange Order? If not, why not? - anyone can join the Catholic church irrespective of your previous religion for a start...

when do the school holidays end ! !

Why is my comment about Opus Dei pointless? Oh right. Because you say so. Silly me. :D
So against the stated policy of the Catholic Church, you're setting your anecdotal evidence of a few confused souls up the country somewhere. Strange I haven't heard of this before.  :D
I'd go easy on that exclamation mark if I were you - you're going to break it.


Why not open a prod opus dei? That would solve it.

I can however see the merit of baptising kids in the catholic church. you don't want them to pass on without first giving them god's blessing.

you might as well be doing a morris dance and throwing fanta on the children for the good a protestant blessing gets you. its a made up religion ffs.

Myles Na G.

Quote from: carribbear on July 24, 2009, 09:04:15 PM
Why not open a prod opus dei? That would solve it.

I can however see the merit of baptising kids in the catholic church. you don't want them to pass on without first giving them god's blessing.

you might as well be doing a morris dance and throwing fanta on the children for the good a protestant blessing gets you. its a made up religion ffs.
All religion is made up. Why pick on the prods?