The Many Faces of US Politics...

Started by Tyrones own, March 20, 2009, 09:29:14 PM

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Quote from: foxcommander on November 11, 2016, 05:09:35 PM
Quote from: J70 on November 11, 2016, 11:47:35 AM
Quote from: stew on November 11, 2016, 02:31:37 AM
Obama put his legacy on the line here, he stated it was and yet the people rejected it, why?

Liberals, do you have the intestinal fortitude to ask were it all went wrong????

By the way, eat as much pizza as you want, cuddle puppies as much as you want but the fact remains America is sick of your shit!!!

True story.

It went wrong because a flawed, status quo candidate was beaten, in the electoral college, by a demagogue playing to the basest instincts and manipulating the fears of a lot of scared, frustrated and misguided people.

It's happened many times before in history. Why would the US be immune?

Trump lost the popular vote. More people wanted Hillary. He would be well advised to heed that. He won't, though.

You might say that Trump played to basest instincts but do you not think that the policies of Obama and Hillary are also to blame for the result? The pandering to minorities (including siding with BLM over the police) and blatant policies like affirmative action would make anyone scared for their own futures. If you ever lost a job due to affirmative action you'd understand this.

I have lost a job to affirmative action. So what? Am I supposed to be bitter and twisted towards minorities now because of that?

Many black people lose or don't even get an opportunity due to prejudice.

And affirmative action is hardly a major factor in the plight of poor white people anyway.

Quote from: foxcommander on November 11, 2016, 05:09:35 PM
A case in point is the Grads of life 'initiative' put forward by Hillary during her campaign. Don't have an education ? Don't bother. Just turn up and tell an employer you have life experience and you'll get a job. It's like a silent affirmitive action plan.

What sort of message does that send across to middle america who break their back earn money to send kids to school, see them spent years studying and then and watch them being looked over again.

Its voluntary FFS. A movement to get poor kids opportunities in big companies.

Its not like companies are being forced, with guns to their heads, to hire some poor black kid who hasn't finished high school to be an executive VP.

Anyone who is offended or alarmed by something like this has serious issues.


Sheriff David Clarke being lined up to serve in some capacity in new administration now we're talking


Quote from: whitey on November 11, 2016, 03:17:18 PM
I stopped into my local coffee shop this morning on my way home from the gym

Had a nice chat with the owner about the election (he's a conservative like me)

Seeming quite a few  of the teenagers from the local prep school (14-18 yr olds) were crying their eyes out and consoling each other on Wednesday morning. 

Their parents pay $50k a year to send them there and this is what theyre turning out....fvckin nanny pambies......I'd be looking point for a refund if I was them.

God bless them the poor crathurs, their feelings have been hurt.  There's want a good week in a he bog to harden them up....and a good kick up the hole too

Were you so dismissive of right wingers who were similarly upset and forecasting the end of America four and eight years ago?

People get upset about sports FFS. Presidential politics is something that actually matters and affects real lives.


Quote from: Gmac on November 11, 2016, 09:54:15 PM
Sheriff David Clarke being lined up to serve in some capacity in new administration now we're talking

He can take his place alongside talent such as Sarah Palin.


Quote from: J70 on November 11, 2016, 09:54:45 PM
Quote from: whitey on November 11, 2016, 03:17:18 PM
I stopped into my local coffee shop this morning on my way home from the gym

Had a nice chat with the owner about the election (he's a conservative like me)

Seeming quite a few  of the teenagers from the local prep school (14-18 yr olds) were crying their eyes out and consoling each other on Wednesday morning. 

Their parents pay $50k a year to send them there and this is what theyre turning out....fvckin nanny pambies......I'd be looking point for a refund if I was them.

God bless them the poor crathurs, their feelings have been hurt.  There's want a good week in a he bog to harden them up....and a good kick up the hole too

Were you so dismissive of right wingers who were similarly upset and forecasting the end of America four and eight years ago?

People get upset about sports FFS. Presidential politics is something that actually matters and affects real lives.

They weren't happy 4 years ago, but they weren't curled in in the foetal position or crying into
their skinny one pump chai lattes


Quote from: whitey on November 11, 2016, 10:20:59 PM
Quote from: J70 on November 11, 2016, 09:54:45 PM
Quote from: whitey on November 11, 2016, 03:17:18 PM
I stopped into my local coffee shop this morning on my way home from the gym

Had a nice chat with the owner about the election (he's a conservative like me)

Seeming quite a few  of the teenagers from the local prep school (14-18 yr olds) were crying their eyes out and consoling each other on Wednesday morning. 

Their parents pay $50k a year to send them there and this is what theyre turning out....fvckin nanny pambies......I'd be looking point for a refund if I was them.

God bless them the poor crathurs, their feelings have been hurt.  There's want a good week in a he bog to harden them up....and a good kick up the hole too

Were you so dismissive of right wingers who were similarly upset and forecasting the end of America four and eight years ago?

People get upset about sports FFS. Presidential politics is something that actually matters and affects real lives.

They weren't happy 4 years ago, but they weren't curled in in the foetal position or crying into
their skinny one pump chai lattes

Right, because only rich limousine liberals buy expensive coffee! ;)


Quote from: J70 on November 11, 2016, 09:51:40 PM
Quote from: foxcommander on November 11, 2016, 05:09:35 PM
Quote from: J70 on November 11, 2016, 11:47:35 AM
Quote from: stew on November 11, 2016, 02:31:37 AM
Obama put his legacy on the line here, he stated it was and yet the people rejected it, why?

Liberals, do you have the intestinal fortitude to ask were it all went wrong????

By the way, eat as much pizza as you want, cuddle puppies as much as you want but the fact remains America is sick of your shit!!!

True story.

It went wrong because a flawed, status quo candidate was beaten, in the electoral college, by a demagogue playing to the basest instincts and manipulating the fears of a lot of scared, frustrated and misguided people.

It's happened many times before in history. Why would the US be immune?

Trump lost the popular vote. More people wanted Hillary. He would be well advised to heed that. He won't, though.

You might say that Trump played to basest instincts but do you not think that the policies of Obama and Hillary are also to blame for the result? The pandering to minorities (including siding with BLM over the police) and blatant policies like affirmative action would make anyone scared for their own futures. If you ever lost a job due to affirmative action you'd understand this.

I have lost a job to affirmative action. So what? Am I supposed to be bitter and twisted towards minorities now because of that?

Many black people lose or don't even get an opportunity due to prejudice.

And affirmative action is hardly a major factor in the plight of poor white people anyway.

Quote from: foxcommander on November 11, 2016, 05:09:35 PM
A case in point is the Grads of life 'initiative' put forward by Hillary during her campaign. Don't have an education ? Don't bother. Just turn up and tell an employer you have life experience and you'll get a job. It's like a silent affirmitive action plan.

What sort of message does that send across to middle america who break their back earn money to send kids to school, see them spent years studying and then and watch them being looked over again.

Its voluntary FFS. A movement to get poor kids opportunities in big companies.

Its not like companies are being forced, with guns to their heads, to hire some poor black kid who hasn't finished high school to be an executive VP.

Anyone who is offended or alarmed by something like this has serious issues.

If you're happy losing a job and your livelihood so that a quota can be filled then you have serious issues. At least you can smile while you're on skid row. Or maybe you can feed your family with smug.

As for the grads of life program it's a stealth action program - companies will be shamed into adopting it like everything else PC - i'm sure that's what Obama/Hillary were angling at. Should be no shortcuts.

Every second of the day there's a Democrat telling a lie


Quote from: foxcommander on November 11, 2016, 10:51:48 PM
Quote from: J70 on November 11, 2016, 09:51:40 PM
Quote from: foxcommander on November 11, 2016, 05:09:35 PM
Quote from: J70 on November 11, 2016, 11:47:35 AM
Quote from: stew on November 11, 2016, 02:31:37 AM
Obama put his legacy on the line here, he stated it was and yet the people rejected it, why?

Liberals, do you have the intestinal fortitude to ask were it all went wrong????

By the way, eat as much pizza as you want, cuddle puppies as much as you want but the fact remains America is sick of your shit!!!

True story.

It went wrong because a flawed, status quo candidate was beaten, in the electoral college, by a demagogue playing to the basest instincts and manipulating the fears of a lot of scared, frustrated and misguided people.

It's happened many times before in history. Why would the US be immune?

Trump lost the popular vote. More people wanted Hillary. He would be well advised to heed that. He won't, though.

You might say that Trump played to basest instincts but do you not think that the policies of Obama and Hillary are also to blame for the result? The pandering to minorities (including siding with BLM over the police) and blatant policies like affirmative action would make anyone scared for their own futures. If you ever lost a job due to affirmative action you'd understand this.

I have lost a job to affirmative action. So what? Am I supposed to be bitter and twisted towards minorities now because of that?

Many black people lose or don't even get an opportunity due to prejudice.

And affirmative action is hardly a major factor in the plight of poor white people anyway.

Quote from: foxcommander on November 11, 2016, 05:09:35 PM
A case in point is the Grads of life 'initiative' put forward by Hillary during her campaign. Don't have an education ? Don't bother. Just turn up and tell an employer you have life experience and you'll get a job. It's like a silent affirmitive action plan.

What sort of message does that send across to middle america who break their back earn money to send kids to school, see them spent years studying and then and watch them being looked over again.

Its voluntary FFS. A movement to get poor kids opportunities in big companies.

Its not like companies are being forced, with guns to their heads, to hire some poor black kid who hasn't finished high school to be an executive VP.

Anyone who is offended or alarmed by something like this has serious issues.

If you're happy losing a job and your livelihood so that a quota can be filled then you have serious issues. At least you can smile while you're on skid row. Or maybe you can feed your family with smug.

As for the grads of life program it's a stealth action program - companies will be shamed into adopting it like everything else PC - i'm sure that's what Obama/Hillary were angling at. Should be no shortcuts.

Or how about you roll your sleeves up and try again? Which I did at the time, and I've a very good career.

If there was no history of racism and blacks being frozen out of jobs, it wouldn't have been necessary to introduce affirmative action. Same as with catholics in the PSNI.

If there is an argument to be made that its time to now phase it out, fair enough.

Your objection to the Grads for Life thing is just hysterical, faux outrage bullshit. How the f**k will a company be shamed into hiring someone clearly unsuitable?

Jell 0 Biafra

Washington Post opinion piece yesterday calling for liberal-bastion-universities to adopt a quota system for hiring conservatives.   No trace of irony.

Muck Savage

I've been in China all week and for some reason they block this discussion board!

Trump won and he deserves a shot at it for the next 4 years. He will compromise/tone-down on a lot of the stuff he talked about during the election. I hear a lot of people talking about him losing the popular vote but that makes no difference, he played the election the way the election is set out to be won. Popular vote means nothing really as the republicans have the house and the Senate.

Hillary lost because she represented Washington and all that the middle class hate about the corrupt system that is in place. Playing to special interest groups and lobbyist came back-up to bite her as it is the core of the corrupt government that is in place. Trump came in with a different approach and it hit a chord with a large amount of voters in the swing states. Clinton also came across to many as untrustworthy and gave an air of entitlement to the position. To middle America all of this needed to change and hence the outcome is as can be seen now.

The next 4 years will be interesting for sure!


Main Street

As predicted, Trump has done a back flip on his major campaign promise to "immediately repeal and replace Obamacare" towards a tinkering with it,
and this is just his first major interview a few days after being elected, 2 months before taking up office.


Quote from: Main Street on November 12, 2016, 11:25:50 AM
As predicted, Trump has done a back flip on his major campaign promise to "immediately repeal and replace Obamacare" towards a tinkering with it,
and this is just his first major interview a few days after being elected, 2 months before taking up office.
That is how Plámás works.
He will.throw a few bones to voters but power does what it wants.