TV3 to broadcast documentary on Irish Soccer violence

Started by Jim_Murphy_74, February 03, 2009, 12:00:34 PM

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Quote from: his holiness nb on February 03, 2009, 01:47:34 PM
In fairness, I dont think anyone should criticise the content of the programme until we have seen it.

Agreed, but the blurb in the press so far does not augur well.

Quote from: his holiness nb on February 03, 2009, 01:47:34 PMDublinfella, speaking of hooliganism, any chance of providing links to the newspaper stories for the so called "riot" involving Dublin fans you claimed happened last year.

There was nothing on tv or in the papers (that I saw anyway) at the time, then months later you claimed it was "all over the papers at the time" yet I cant find any links.
Maybe you can direct me to one?

I'd appreciate if you could, I've asked you to do this a few times previously but you dont seem to reply.
Its just a pretty big claim to make without any back up whatsoever.

To quote your good self "link please"

Did I describe it as a riot?

It was in the Herald the next day, whenever that was. Whether they were genuine Dubs fans or not I don't know, but there were blows traded with the Poles on Parnell Street. My own two eyes etc.

his holiness nb

Havent seen the papers about the programme so fair enough.

Thanks for clarfiying re the "riots".
No links so.
Ask me holy bollix


Quote from: dublinfella on February 03, 2009, 01:56:12 PM
Quote from: lynchbhoy on February 03, 2009, 01:48:04 PM

being a bit obteuse here with reality arent you
sure the 'pigs head' thing plus other acts of violence are known to you I am sure!
please dont label it all as being made up.
Acknowledge there is a potential problem with some sets of soccer fans.
Its not widespread, then again the fanbase isnt massive so it couldnt be

I'm being obtuse? Are we calling throwig a pigs head onto a pitch 'an act of violence' now?

What about the coins thrown at Mulligan on Saturday? Does that mean the GAA have a hooligan problem too.

the pigs head was the memorable bit to make this particular riot (up and down the streets around phibsboro) stand out from the other violence.
So you are saying the entire act was just the throwing of the pigs head and there were no fights, rioting and gardai being called in ?

as for coins being thrown at mulligan - well its the first I have heard of it.
Certainly if that happened I'd be looking for culprits to have them charged under legal process (as banning them from grounds isnt worth a fiddlers as it doesnt work imo).
But you cant equate soccer with Gaelic games, - we (GAA)dont have the same problem with violence, but I could agree that we both share bad manners at times - as does most of modern Irish society.


anyone watch this?

or was it a blank screen for 30 mins given that theres no such thing as violence in soccer in Ireland!
;) :D