Modem Driver

Started by Treasurer, December 17, 2008, 03:50:59 PM

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Having googled myself green in the face, does anyone have any recommendations for good sites for modem drivers?  Specifically a sunhold thd 0501L.



I feel your pain. Do yourself a favour and buy a new one on ebay for €10 including driver disc. Modems are a bastard to get drivers for as the modem design pretty much hasn't changed in 20 years so you have all range of stuff floating around and drivers that only suit certain versions of windows.


It's not my pc Myles but I think that's the road I'll be suggesting. 

Unbelievable how things snowball -

  • Visit 1 - called to install a printer - couldn't get drivers to work with W98
  • Visit 2 - upgraded to 2000 sp3, but printer needed sP4
  • Visit 3 - upgraded to sp4, realised had lost the modem in the upgrade
  • Visit 5 - brought what appeared to be the correct drivers, but nooooooooo had got caught by damn fake download with virus
  • Visit 6 - removed virus
  • Vist 7 - slit wrists.....

All to install a feckin' printer as a favour!!!

PS I know that's all very boring but I feel better now.


Always happens to me. I am the PC good samaritan. Call to someones house to fix some simple thing on their pc and end up bringing it home for a week to upgrade Ram, HD, modem, Graphics Card etc etc. But of all of them I hate modems with a passion. Like I said, I feel your pain.


12 years in IT and another 12 before as the resident geek have given me an early warning system for these calls from friends

Them- "blah blah blah- hey do you still work in computers?"

Me *warning bell* "yeah why what sort are you having a problem with?"

Them "oh no not me, a friend/relative"

Me "and what type of computer is it they're having a problem with"

Them " I think its a windows laptop"

Me- " I actually work with mainframes- don't know anything about windows"

obviously this last line reflects whatever the absolute opposite type that they have is....
Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity


The worst one of all (and it usually happens the week after Christmas) is

"Hiya, any chance you could drop in some evening and show us how to work this new computer"

"Well, what is it you want to learn how to do?"

"Aw just everything really, haven't a clue"



i keep 3/4 of these on hand for those sort of emergencies

give me a call when you've read that seems to get me a free pass
Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity



I cant even begin to comprehend it.


Quote from: heganboy on December 17, 2008, 06:48:49 PM
12 years in IT and another 12 before as the resident geek have given me an early warning system for these calls from friends

Them- "blah blah blah- hey do you still work in computers?"

Me *warning bell* "yeah why what sort are you having a problem with?"

Them "oh no not me, a friend/relative"

Me "and what type of computer is it they're having a problem with"

Them " I think its a windows laptop"

Me- " I actually work with mainframes- don't know anything about windows"

obviously this last line reflects whatever the absolute opposite type that they have is....

Kind of the same, I actually take them into work and do nothing with them, before handing them back 4 months later. They never ask again.


Quote from: hardstation on December 17, 2008, 10:17:28 PM
Jeez, it's a good job yis aren't doctors or something. Some friends.

If it was a good mate I'd go round to the house, ditto for the family and in-laws. It's the c***ts in work who think they can just drop the PC off at your desk, with the 'he's probably got nothing better to do with his evenings and sure those Techies just sit around fixing stuff all the time attitude' that start to piss you off very quickly.


I'll give you an example from when I first started working in IT Support years ago in Dublin. When I landed back to my desk once, there was a PC left on my chair, no note or a quick email from the colleague asking that I take a look at it. Took it off my chair and put it under my desk - 3 days later a middle aged women came and asked how her PC was coming along.

Middle-aged woman - How is my son's PC coming along?
Me - What PC?
Middle-aged woman - the one I left on your seat a few days ago
Me - Oh, that was yours, an explanation of what the problem was and a simple request that I please look at your sons PC might have been nice?
Middle-aged woman - but he is in the middle of his thesis, he needs to have it working asap.
Me - Do you work here? I've never seen you before
Middle-aged woman - I work 2 days a week in accounts
Me - How is this my problem?
Middle-aged woman - You fix computers, it's your job!
Me - I fix computers for this company, I don't get paid to fix your sons PC
Middle-aged woman - I certainly wasn't expecting to be charged
Me - If you asked me nicely I wouldn't have charged you
Middle-aged woman - How much will it cost
Me - I don't want to start a new company, I have a job
Middle-aged woman - Well, if that's your attitude I'll take it elsewhere
Me - Good, I think that would be the best option for your son
Middle-aged woman - If my son doesn't get his thesis in on time it'll be on your head
Me - I couldn't give a f**k about your sons thesis, it's got nothing to do with me
Middle-aged woman goes to Managing Director to complain about me
Managing Director gives me a warning for using the word f**k - closes the door on her and tells me I was dead right, if there are people who have problems with their PC they shouldn't be approaching me, but if I don't mind helping people out that's my business.

The thing is, and I've learnt this through experience, once you do one little job on someones home machine, they will come back to you whenever anything goes wrong - and we're talking young families with kids who install any old shite and are constantly getting viruses. It's just not worth the hassle, but if you say no you're the biggest **** in the world, so I simply employ that method to keep them off my back whilst doing nothing - too much hassle in the long run


Quote from: stephenite on December 18, 2008, 01:07:18 AM
I'll give you an example from when I first started working in IT Support years ago in Dublin. When I landed back to my desk once, there was a PC left on my chair, no note or a quick email from the colleague asking that I take a look at it. Took it off my chair and put it under my desk - 3 days later a middle aged women came and asked how her PC was coming along.

Middle-aged woman - How is my son's PC coming along?
Me - What PC?
Middle-aged woman - the one I left on your seat a few days ago
Me - Oh, that was yours, an explanation of what the problem was and a simple request that I please look at your sons PC might have been nice?
Middle-aged woman - but he is in the middle of his thesis, he needs to have it working asap.
Me - Do you work here? I've never seen you before
Middle-aged woman - I work 2 days a week in accounts
Me - How is this my problem?
Middle-aged woman - You fix computers, it's your job!
Me - I fix computers for this company, I don't get paid to fix your sons PC
Middle-aged woman - I certainly wasn't expecting to be charged
Me - If you asked me nicely I wouldn't have charged you
Middle-aged woman - How much will it cost
Me - I don't want to start a new company, I have a job
Middle-aged woman - Well, if that's your attitude I'll take it elsewhere
Me - Good, I think that would be the best option for your son
Middle-aged woman - If my son doesn't get his thesis in on time it'll be on your head
Me - I couldn't give a f**k about your sons thesis, it's got nothing to do with me
Middle-aged woman goes to Managing Director to complain about me
Managing Director gives me a warning for using the word f**k - closes the door on her and tells me I was dead right, if there are people who have problems with their PC they shouldn't be approaching me, but if I don't mind helping people out that's my business.

The thing is, and I've learnt this through experience, once you do one little job on someones home machine, they will come back to you whenever anything goes wrong - and we're talking young families with kids who install any old shite and are constantly getting viruses. It's just not worth the hassle, but if you say no you're the biggest **** in the world, so I simply employ that method to keep them off my back whilst doing nothing - too much hassle in the long run
and there hardstation was thinking you were awkward .some people just don't know they are born.
If you make yourself understood, you're always speaking well. Moliere