Edendork St Malachy's GFC clubhose badly damaged by fire

Started by red hander, November 08, 2008, 11:06:19 AM

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Kentucky Blue

Sad state of affairs when an amateur organisation which is a great outlet to any community is targeted.

Fair play to edendork though for their win against pomeroy

EC Unique

That little p***k from Sinn Fein McElduff was on the radio this morning talking about these fires. He was just using it as a political point scoring exercise and I think the GAA should distance themselves from his comments as people like him could just make the situation worse. >:(


Another sad day. The re-emergence of the OV is worrying on its own and has wider implications. Its really just terrible. I imagine it would be very hard to convince any knuckle-darggers now not to retaliate.
It won't be the next manager but the one after that Meath will become competitive again - MO'D 2016


Terrible news and I just hope that this isn't a start of a wave of attacks on GAA Halls across the county. I hope that some idiot doesn't attack Orange Halls as a result also.

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Drumanee 1

that gipe mcelduff should be nozzled,he does the gaa more harm than good,every time i hear him on the radio i cringe,this morning he was more interested in getting a dig at campbell than representing the views of the genuine gael.


Shit ! Here we go again !

Orange hall damaged in explosion 

The Pomeroy Road, on which Bawn Orange Hall is situated, has been closed

Police are investigating an explosion at an Orange hall in the County Tyrone village of Pomeroy.

The incident was reported to police at 0830 GMT on Friday.

Richard Reid, who is a trustee of Bawn Orange Hall, said those behind the attack forced their way in with a sledgehammer.

"A fire was started in the front porch but more sinister, some sort of explosive device appears to have gone off within the main hall."

Mr Reid said this had caused "considerable damage to internal structures together with blowing a hole in the roof, lifting the rear of the roof up off the walls and blowing through the slates".

The incident was reported to police at 0830 GMT on Friday.

Sinn Féin MLA Michelle O'Neill said such attacks "only set back community relations".

"In recent months there have been attacks on Orange Halls and GAA clubs alike. Both are equally as wrong and need to be brought to a stop immediately."

The Pomeroy Road, on which Bawn Orange Hall is situated, has been closed and diversions are in place.

Anyone who was in the area late on Thursday night or early on Friday morning is asked to contact the police.


Chairman sents out warning
16 November 2008

The Chairman of the Fr Rocks club in Cookstown, Damien Harvey has stressed that the arson attack on their clubhouse last weekend will not break their spirit.

Following the incident that occurred last Saturday night, there has been calls from politicians on both sides of the divide to stop the craziness that has occurred recently as a number of GAA clubs and Orange Order facilities were targeted.

However, Harvey admitted that the arson attack on the club came as a great shock, but he was adamant that the club would grow even stronger following the incident.

'It came as a total surprise to us. It was the first time that the club has been targeted. But they can destroy a building but they cannot destroy our spirit,' said Harvey. 'We thought we had taken the necessary safety precautions. But there will always be people determined to wreak havoc.'


Penalised again !

Arson attacks drive up Tyrone insurance costs
12 November 2009

Tyrone clubs are counting the cost of last year's terrorist attacks on the Fr. Rock's and Edendork clubhouses.

The overall insurance bill has jumped from EUR106,000 in 2008 to a whopping EUR230,000 this year. In some cases, the figures for individual club premiums are up 140 per cent. Other factors in the huge increase included extensive flooding at grounds such as Beragh Red Knights and Carrickmore.

Last year, the Fr Rock's club in Cookstown suffered extensive fire damage, while Edendork's clubhouse was burnt to the ground in sectarian attacks by the Orange Volunteers terrorist group.

Both clubs have received insurance payouts, but Cookstown are still awaiting a certificate from the Chief Constable confirming they were victims of a terrorist attack.

Speaking to the Irish Daily Star, Fr Rock's chairman and Tyrone PRO Damien Harvey admitted that it has been a frustrating wait for the cert.

"Some clubs have been very harshly hit. If we can get the NIO to say it was a terrorist act, then the premium will come down again next year," he said.

"They (the other clubs) are not going to hold it against us, but in the interests of the GAA in Tyrone, it is important that does come through."


Jesus, doesn't seem like a year ago that they were burnt down. How are the clubs doing now in terms of facilities. Those insurance costs are massive, even before the increase.
It won't be the next manager but the one after that Meath will become competitive again - MO'D 2016