Armagh Club football & hurling

Started by holylandsniper, November 09, 2006, 10:44:31 PM

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I was in Croke park in 1999 I think Armagh would have won the championship that year under the two Brian's if they had beaten Meath. But the Brian's panicked and made terrible decisions. For a start putting Donaldson into the team when he clearly didn't belong there and then failing to take of Reid when he was obviously heading for a double booking.

So the question is, with more time would they have learned and finally got it right? I have to say I don't think so. Unlike James McCartan they are not new to management, they already had considerable experience. I think they reached their zenith that day.

As for building the team that finally won the title. Well yes, they improved the attitude and fitness. They brought in a lot of young players that in earlier years may have been overlooked as Armagh managers had previously not been inspired to play younger lighter lads. They did leave Joe with a solid platform to work from. But in truth they did not leave a winning team behind, they left a squad that was defeated and uncertain. So in fact they can not really be accredited with the final leap to national champions, without Joe that would probably never have happened.


Harps men did a guy michael mckenna ever play for your seniors or is currently playing for them?? what sort of player is he ???


Fair play to cross. No matter what is thrown at them lads they will fight to the death. A must win all Ireland
I never forget a face but in your case I will make an exception.


word has it that this will be oisin's last game . how apt that if this is so that it's in croke park where armagh ignored him against wexford.


Quote from: twotwocharlie on March 03, 2011, 07:53:56 PM
word has it that this will be oisin's last game . how apt that if this is so that it's in croke park where he absolutely lorded it, winning AI titles with club and county.

1life 1club

Quote from: Skiddybadoo on February 10, 2011, 11:14:02 PM
No Tasker on the u-21 panel?
tasker for new york,,
u will prob see him in action against roscommon in the conaught championship..
full forward son

new devil

Who's tasker and who's he going to play for in New York?


ACL Division 1 Fixtures 2011
.by Official Armagh GAA on Monday, March 7, 2011 at 9:23pm.Division 1      17/4/2011

Round 1

Granemore  V Maghery

Pearse Og  V Droim an Tí

Clan na Gael  V Ballymacnab

Culloville Blues V St Patrick's Cullyhanna

Sarsfields  V Crossmaglen Rangers

Carrickcruppen V Whitecross

Division 1        20/4/2011

Round 2

Crossmaglen Rangers V Culloville Blues

Whitecross V Clan na Gael

Droim an Tí V Sarsfields

Maghery  V Pearse Og

Crossmaglen Rangers V Carrickcruppen

St Patrick's Cullyhanna V Granemore

Division 1       27/4/2011

Round 3

Culloville Blues V Clan na Gael

Carrickcruppen V Droim an Tí

Pearse Og  V St Patrick's Cullyhanna

Sarsfields  V Maghery

Granemore  V Ballymacnab

Crossmaglen Rangers V Whitecross

Division 1       1/5/2011

Round 4

Ballymacnab V Pearse Og

Droim an Tí V Crossmaglen Rangers

St Patrick's Cullyhanna V Sarsfields

Clan na Gael  V Granemore

Maghery  V Carrickcruppen

Whitecross V Culloville Blues

Division 1      8/5/2011

Round 5

Granemore  V Culloville Blues

Crossmaglen Rangers V Maghery

Pearse Og  V Clan na Gael

Sarsfields  V Ballymacnab

Carrickcruppen V St Patrick's Cullyhanna

Droim an Tí V Whitecross

Division 1      15/5/2011

Round 6

Culloville Blues V Pearse Og

Clan na Gael  V Sarsfields

Whitecross V Granemore

St Patrick's Cullyhanna V Crossmaglen Rangers

Ballymacnab V Carrickcruppen

Maghery  V Droim an Tí

Division 1      22/5/2011

Round 7

Crossmaglen Rangers V Ballymacnab

Maghery  V Whitecross

Droim an Tí V St Patrick's Cullyhanna

Pearse Og  V Granemore

Carrickcruppen V Clan na Gael

Sarsfields  V Culloville Blues

Division 1      29/5/2011

Round 8

Whitecross V Pearse Og

Clan na Gael  V Crossmaglen Rangers

Culloville Blues V Carrickcruppen

St Patrick's Cullyhanna V Maghery

Granemore  V Sarsfields

Ballymacnab V Droim an Tí

Division 1      1/6/2011

Round 9

Droim an Tí V Clan na Gael

Maghery  V Ballymacnab

Sarsfields  V Pearse Og

St Patrick's Cullyhanna V Whitecross

Carrickcruppen V Granemore

Crossmaglen Rangers V Culloville Blues

Division 1       5/6/2011

Round 10

Sarsfields  V Whitecross

Ballymacnab V St Patrick's Cullyhanna

Granemore  V Crossmaglen Rangers

Culloville Blues V Droim an Tí

Pearse Og  V Carrickcruppen

Clan na Gael  V Maghery

Division 1       12/6/2011

Round 11

Maghery  V Culloville Blues

St Patrick's Cullyhanna V Clan na Gael

Whitecross V Ballymacnab

Droim an Tí V Granemore

Carrickcruppen V Sarsfields

Crossmaglen Rangers V Pearse Og

Division 1      22/6/2011

Round 12

Maghery  V Granemore

Droim an Tí V Pearse Og

Ballymacnab V Clan na Gael

St Patrick's Cullyhanna V Culloville Blues

Crossmaglen Rangers V Sarsfields

Whitecross V Carrickcruppen

Division 1      26/6/2011

Round 13

Culloville Blues V Ballymacnab

Clan na Gael  V Whitecross

Sarsfields  V Droim an Tí

Pearse Og  V Maghery

Carrickcruppen V Crossmaglen Rangers

Granemore  V St Patrick's Cullyhanna

Division 1       3/7/2011

Round 14

Clan na Gael  V Culloville Blues

Droim an Tí V Carrickcruppen

St Patrick's Cullyhanna V Pearse Og

Maghery  V Sarsfields

Ballymacnab V Granemore

Whitecross V Crossmaglen Rangers

Division 1      6/7/2011

Round 15

Pearse Og  V Ballymacnab

Crossmaglen Rangers V Droim an Tí

Sarsfields  V St Patrick's Cullyhanna

Granemore  V Clan na Gael

Carrickcruppen V Maghery

Culloville Blues V Whitecross

Division 1      24/7/2011

Round 16

Culloville Blues v Granemore

Maghery  V Crossmaglen Rangers

Clan na Gael  V Pearse Og

Ballymacnab V Sarsfields

St Patrick's Cullyhanna V Carrickcruppen

Whitecross V Droim an Tí

Division 1      27/7/2011

Round 17

Pearse Og  V Culloville Blues

Sarsfields  V Clan na Gael

Granemore  V Whitecross

Crossmaglen Rangers V St Patrick's Cullyhanna

Carrickcruppen V Ballymacnab

Droim an Tí V Maghery

Division 1      31/7/2011

Round 18

Ballymacnab V Crossmaglen Rangers

Whitecross V Maghery

St Patrick's Cullyhanna V Droim an Tí

Granemore  V Pearse Og

Clan na Gael  V Carrickcruppen

Culloville Blues V Sarsfields

Division 1      7/8/2011

Round 19

Pearse Og  V Whitecross

Crossmaglen Rangers V Clan na Gael

Carrickcruppen V Culloville Blues

Maghery  V St Patrick's Cullyhanna

Sarsfields  V Granemore

Droim an Tí V Ballymacnab

Division 1      21/8/2011

Round 20

Clan na Gael  V Droim an Tí

Ballymacnab V Maghery

Pearse Og  V Sarsfields

Whitecross V St Patrick's Cullyhanna

Granemore  V Carrickcruppen

Culloville Blues V Crossmaglen Rangers

Division 1      28/8/2011

Round 21

Whitecross V Sarsfields

St Patrick's Cullyhanna V Ballymacnab

Crossmaglen Rangers V Granemore

Droim an Tí V Culloville Blues

Carrickcruppen V Pearse Og

Maghery  V Clan na Gael

Division 1      11/9/2011

Round 22

Culloville Blues V Maghery

Clan na Gael  V St Patrick's Cullyhanna

Ballymacnab V Whitecross

Granemore  V Droim an Tí

Sarsfields  V Carrickcruppen

Pearse Og  V Crossmaglen Rangers

I never forget a face but in your case I will make an exception.



I know but i just found these on facebook i am sure the rest are available on the armagh county web.
I never forget a face but in your case I will make an exception.

real food, real people

whos looking after Pearse ogs this year?


any update when ronan clarke may be togging out for the county


Quote from: winsamsoon on March 07, 2011, 11:02:27 PM
I know but i just found these on facebook i am sure the rest are available on the armagh county web.

Where'd these fixtures come from? can't see them anywhere semi official?


I was sent them by a lad that is rightly in touch with these sort of things, i don't think he would have made them up as it has the whole season mapped out. But could all be possible.
I never forget a face but in your case I will make an exception.


I never forget a face but in your case I will make an exception.