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Messages - antigpa

General discussion / Re: N.I. Caption Comp No.1984
March 02, 2009, 08:28:41 AM
One mans freedom fighter is another mans target.
GAA Discussion / Re: Tyrone v Kerry NFL Round 2
February 24, 2009, 04:35:37 PM
Listen Im pro player and antigpa and I dont think theres any conflict there, Im certainly no fan of Tyrone football either, but I think Mc Menamin has been hung out to dry here.  In fact Im new to this board and if your are going to lynch the players then Ill not be here too long.  But Ill ask the crew on here.  If it was your own family getting this bad publicity what way would you handle it, I played football myself and amongst other things I once broke a mans jaw after I crossed the white line.  It was thuggish and I regretted it but it was certainly worse than Mc Menamens actions.  I apologised after the game and visited the fella in hospital - he had stood on my toes all throughout the game - so he was at it too, but we both crossed the white line and alls fair.  To be honest it was the silliest thing Ive ever seen in my life, a tad funny too particularly the rection from Galvin and I think he has too sullied his hard man reputation - Its maybe the reason why our gaelic games can never be mixed, the men would all be rolling around the ground.  But let the lads play the games, we'll enjoy watching them but leave it out when they stray.  
General discussion / Re: Donegal Town
February 24, 2009, 01:38:01 PM
he also told me theres a belfast camogie team heading up and a handball conference.  Should be a good GAA weekend. 
General discussion / Re: Donegal Town
February 24, 2009, 01:36:07 PM
brother in law has a nightspot in Donegal, it could work to stay in 2s and 3s , if anyone suspects a football club or stag do are coming into wreck the joint yis will not get into any pub in the town - just keepr yer heads down and try to keep a low profile and you'll get a few pints in, Ive heard of guys faking ids for a golf club etc.  Id say the Garda will be on high alert  as well, but enjoy your trip and that means no communication with Augher at all. 
GAA Discussion / Re: Internet petition by Father
February 24, 2009, 12:31:11 PM
To me it sounds like these guys at some stage were tapped up, and that has caused bitterness, however regardless of right and wrong, I wonder if the rich club discouraged the fellows would they go back to the poor club.  I think the dad should ask the questions to the comiittee meeting rather than launch this silly campaign, and if he has a reasonable case, theres prominent county board and very decent men in Aghaloo who will grant the wish.  Otherwise theres more to this than meets the eye.  
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
February 24, 2009, 12:22:39 PM
Did yer man Foncie Mc Connell and Pascal Mc Connell both won Ulsters for Tyrone in goals
As a Corkman I know how easy it is to easy to raise the masses, by nature the Cork psyche is anti establishment its one of individualism seperatism tis what makes a rebel.  However and I have held my stance on this until now but the manipulation of the situation by the hurling team makes me hold them beyond contempt.  I now believe that the situation is a test case for GPA, on how much they can get away with.  For every (and who gave the crowd figures at 12 - Donal Og?) 12000 Cork men that would march against the format, composition and ideals of the GAA ther'll be 4 times as many would march for it.  The guys who marched yesterday were fans yesterday, but are they clubmen, grassroots guys, no they are the type of people who think the GAA exists to serve the Cork senior hurling panel (o8)  - just like the 30 on it.  Is the GAA  not about serving the greater ideal than serving the self, Is the GAA not about com mitting to a county club or national cause without serving self.  The same lad di das that organised this strijke were prepared to strike before - one of the alleged  items on the agenda who would carry their kitbags onto the buses.  A greater shower of divas you could never meet - most of the older guys they havent a hope in hell of winning another all ireland medal  and any hurling man would tell you the same but they are trying to go out with a bang and take as mnay weak minded individuals with them in the biggest show of GPA might this country will ever seen.    Their tongue reminds me of the DUP in the 70s and 80s full of imagery, fervour and passion that can appeal to some but barely masks an underlying nastiness that spells danger for every right thinking Gael.   
General discussion / Re: Indoor athletics in the Odyssey
February 05, 2009, 11:51:28 AM
The funny walk always worth a look.
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
January 20, 2009, 01:23:53 PM
It would be interesting to see how many of these managers are members of the clubs they are managing and how many are doing it for the shekels - there does seem to be a ridiculously high number of mobile managers. 
General discussion / Re: Regrets
January 08, 2009, 01:54:24 PM
It must have been very frustrating for the poor girls.  Have you seen them since? 
Reading between the lines Another intrepretation may have been the 2 girls got down and at it, you watched and 30 seconds later you were done, you panicked, and you climbed out the window as they laughed you out of the place.   
As I trevelled from Rostrevor to Newry on a hard winters night
the sleet swirled so thickly I couldnt have seen out
not a sight could be seen sure the fog was that thick
when I got to newry I realised, Id missed the 'point
Id missed- the point. 
id missed the point Fade to finish..
I missed the point.
C) Jacklion 72
If love was my building
will you be my arch-i- tect
will uou be my arch-i tect
Lets build this bitch together..

If futures are written like a book
will you be my bio - graph-er
will you be my bio-graph-er
Lets write this bitch now or never... 
"darlin when you wake up you'll not be amused  
dont feel your fine body 's been used and abused
just be happy with the lovin that you've been given
and know that Ill never be the cleanest of livin'

So what goes for a man who craves female flesh
but can never stay still or turn down something fresh
his life aint so happy his soul hurts real bad
quick fix by the beer and the hookers... so sad.

I wanted to settle and feed my aching soul
but instead Im destined for a life on the pull
woman after woman and still the pain comes
Ill be found dead some day in a cheap whores slum's
Ill be found dead some day in a cheap whores slum's... fade to finish.  
"left my lover sleeping on the overnight train
God knows if she'll wake in France or Spain
But Ill be in Germany with a litre of beer
and a 50 dollar hooker nibblin on my ear"

"AFL is the same type of game as Gaelic. Obviously it's a different shaped ball, but I suppose it was just the lure of playing professional sport that brought me here," he said.

"You can't do that in Ireland and, until you can, there are going to be a lot more players coming out to Australia to play AFL."
B Donnellys views.   
I remember the Ohalpin brothers who would have been stars for Cork hurling saying that the money for playing sport was the lure. How are they getting on and is the money still as good?  What would they have achieved with their club and county if they hadnt went?