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Messages - tayto

GAA Discussion / Re: Thomas Davis v the Government
November 29, 2006, 01:54:20 AM
So Dublinfella, when you said the capacity would have to be reduced to 2,000 if the ground was expanded for a GAA pitch, did you not know that Thomas Davis had expert advice to the contrary or did you just forget to mention it? Fairly massive thing to leave out.
Quote from: Gnevin on November 28, 2006, 02:50:14 PM
But we had the wonders of Dublin city to marvel at during does 7 hours , what is their to see on the road to donegal :P

Oi, Gnevin, you keep confusing you for me wit that avater the same as mine  ??? :P
GAA Discussion / Re: Thomas Davis v the Government
November 28, 2006, 04:08:49 PM
So it's Tallaght or Rathcoole. I know where I'd prefer to commute to.
GAA Discussion / Re: GAA Vs Soccer (humorous)
November 28, 2006, 03:33:46 PM
Someone actually took the time out to reply to each point ... good god ... thats so sad it's funnier then the joke ever was.
Quote from: Mayo4Sam on November 28, 2006, 01:45:58 PM
Tough last couple of games, dubs are bound to be up for it after the hiding they got in castlebar last time round and last august's result.

Whatever about August, that was some hiding in castlebar. Awful stuff.
GAA Discussion / Re: NFL 2007 - Fixtures Thread
November 28, 2006, 12:13:13 PM
I'd say so. i dont see why they cant shuffle the fixtures up a bit more then that.
GAA Discussion / Re: Thomas Davis v the Government
November 28, 2006, 12:00:06 PM
The southside clubs have received funding alright but they've applied for it through the proper channels, grants for facilities that are open to any sports club nationwide.

This is an exceptional case, you can't deny that.

True about the crowds, Rovers will have their work cut out to attract soccer fans from the premiership on TV. Having said that they should be attracting more fans then any other club in the country and i'd be happy enough to see them back on their feet finally after being ripped off by previous chairmen.

Just think people condemning Thomas Davis for fighting their corner are wrong, they have a case whether people like it or not, and saying it is purely an anti-soccer agenda is paranoia.
GAA Discussion / Re: Thomas Davis v the Government
November 28, 2006, 10:57:11 AM
Well that's something. Anyway, at least it'll be sorted one way or the other in that case.
GAA Discussion / Re: Thomas Davis v the Government
November 28, 2006, 10:41:21 AM
And what is happening now is preferable? This could be delayed again, then either side could appeal, which could take another year ...
GAA Discussion / Re: Thomas Davis v the Government
November 28, 2006, 10:09:53 AM
Quote from: resdubwhite on November 28, 2006, 09:54:51 AM
O'Donoughue has specifically said he will not fund a dual puerpose stadium. Interesting to see if he's true to his word if Davis win.

But why not, if it can be done in a reasonable timeframe without messing up the capacity, why is he being so stuborn about it? Whats the problem with a dual purpose stadium, surely that is the way forward for sports.
GAA Discussion / Re: Thomas Davis v the Government
November 28, 2006, 09:49:32 AM
Well it depends on the reputation of their architect. If the decision has been rejected on the grounds that the capacity would have to be reduced to 2k, then I can see exacly why the SDCC and Rovers said no way. But if TD can prove that such a reduction is not necessary and the DCB offer to pay for the extension work then they might win. I can't see why it shouldnt be extended if that's the case. Judges don't always side with county councils thats for sure, depends onthe judge and/or legal teams as well i suppose.
GAA Discussion / Re: Thomas Davis v the Government
November 28, 2006, 09:40:06 AM
Quote from: MacDanger on November 28, 2006, 04:33:35 AM
However, it seems a bit late for the GAA to be taking this to court when the thing is half finished, they should have gotten involved a lot earlier.

The project got this far under Rovers. They ran out of cash so it has been sitting half finished for years. The DCB has offered to help finish the project in the past, offers that were turned down. It is only now that the SDCC has taken the land back and decided to finish the project that this is all up in the air again.
GAA Discussion / Re: Thomas Davis v the Government
November 27, 2006, 06:39:01 PM
Well if that is accurate, then the case makes no sense.

Surely no one would expect the SDCC and by extension Shamrock Rovers to seriously accept that much of a reduction in capacity ... if you have you figures right .. are you sure it's not a 2000 reduction in capacity?

I'm sorry dublinfella but I find it hard to believe there is something as obvious as that to make the case a waste of time.
GAA Discussion / Re: Thomas Davis v the Government
November 27, 2006, 06:24:03 PM
Quote from: dublinfella on November 27, 2006, 05:57:32 PM
since when does 'community' (actually its municipal) mean multi sport? its a soccer stadium, always  been seriously, there are a number of these facilities in the country and no-one ever complained before.

tayto, the SDCC had agreed to look at the feasabilty of letting the gaa in, but the decision was taken not to as the entire project would have to be restarted with a 2,000 capacity. thats ttechnically what the review is about, the decision not to make it multi sport. rovers werent violently opposed to some form of sharing originally if the capacity was suitably high, but i believe they trust kennedy as far as they can throw him at this stage and question his motives.

I said Municipal originally, thanks for correcting me. Its not a soccer stadium it is a half finished soccer stadium that now belongs to the SDCC.

Are you 100% sure that's why the SDCC changed their mind? as far as i'm aware the SDCC only changed their mind after John O' Donohue threatened to withdraw funding. Are you telling me extending the pitch would have reduced the capacity to 2k? Thats the first I've heard of that, surely that would make the whole issue cut and dried as a 2,000 seater would be far too small for Rover's needs. As far as I'm aware rovers rejected offers from the DCB to come on board long before it came to this.