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Messages - Glensman

Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
April 30, 2007, 07:32:43 PM
Cheers Mhic Easmuint. Some result again for you boys. You're on a bit of a roll.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
April 30, 2007, 05:25:49 PM
Anyone post up the Antrim football results from the weekend? All divisions?

I can't get access to the fixtures/results bit of the Antrim website at work.

Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
April 23, 2007, 07:04:14 PM
You're awful anti the Malone roaders imtommygunn!
Rossa, Glenravel and Rasharkin should be clear favourites for Div 2 anyway.
Bit too much of a step up for the Malone roaders this year maybe.

Any reports from the Portglenone St Galls match? Milltown Row?

The Logan's must have a big influence on any team...all good footballers. Ballymena beat Portglenone there a couple of weeks agp..admittedly both might not have been at full strengthe but not bad going.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
April 21, 2007, 03:54:42 PM
Was putting it mildly as to cause no offence to anyone on the board here...its pretty much a great service if they toned down the sarcasm/condescending natujre of the replies it would be better.

That's not Owen Quinn as in the fell who was on the county panel a couple of years ago?

Good young referees are what we need. Have played a couple of matches this year with a few elder statesmen in the middle - pretty grim stuff. Thats not to say they don't deserve credit...I wouldn't do it if you paid me.

A few years back as I was the only senior player watching I had to ref a minor club game - one of the most traumatic experiences of my life. Completely lost it - at one point started shouting at some fella who was giving me grief from the crowd, lost the page of the wee diary I was writing the scores in and had to add them up when I eventually found it with about 10 minutes left (while paying full attention to the game of course...) and also forgot to start the watch at the start of the second half (just waited until the team winning's manager started shouting at me to finish it then added on 5 minites).
Doing a couple of things at once was never a forte of mine.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
April 20, 2007, 03:19:45 PM
A team of very "smart" people.

The sarcasm annoys me a bit. Good in certain senses and generally lighthearted but can be condescending enough.
Hope you're not one of them Mhic Easmuint...

Owen Quinn from where?
April 19, 2007, 02:27:30 PM
Are Na fuiseoig not Larne? I could very well be wrong here.
Hopefully not another team from Twinbrook...scary enough having to go there to play Davitts.

Bredagh did lose at home to Cloughmills in Div 3 as stated earlier - the match was only played due to a magnanimous gesture from St Malachy's who were training on a double booked pitch in Cherryvale.
I have heard that due to long standing politics between Bredagh and St Malachy's they initially weren't going to let Bredagh on the field to play a match (rather let the two teams, Bredagh and Cloughmills, stand fully stripped and watch them train!) but saw sense and very kindly moved their training to behind one of the pitches.
Gestures like that, although the sensible thing to do, aren't too common when club rivalry gets involved in Antrim.
Sounds like from what I have heard about last night that St Malachy's have some decent people behind them. Hopefully the favour can be returned by Bredagh.

Look at me getting all romantic about nice gestures and all...maybe one of the big southern teams from down south could magnanimously (word of the day) let us win a game against them this summer.
April 18, 2007, 11:11:52 AM
Do you think he was Christened "Terry"?

You can call him what you want Syd. You sound like you had some romantic involvement with him - "For me he will always be..."

Best banner ever seen at a GAA match (could be a new thread) when Sambo/Terry/Syd's lover himself was working for Guinness :
"Guinness for pints, Sambo for points"
April 17, 2007, 05:52:29 PM
Given that S&W (like this better than Terry and Woody - have never heard Sambo been called Terry before it appeared on this board) are more than likely to persist with Shields (and McManus) playing is it not upon the management of Dunloy to take a wise step and give him a bit of a break.
The three men in charge will certainly see him if he is jaded.
A few weeks off for the A levels at least?!

He won't want it, he'll want to play every game possible for them, but might be the call for three senior heads to leave him out of as many matches/trainings as they possibly can - I know he didn't start v Ballycastle.

What a joke it is to be saying to a young fella to rest him from club hurling but it may be the answer?? He was supposed to be kicking football this year as well - is that the case?

Good luck to Darren Quinn as well. Coming from a position of having to prove himself again might be exactly where he needs to come from.

I agree about Micko Herron as well - his performance at centre half back when they ran (Wexford??) close that day in Parnell Park was as good a performance from a minor as I have seen.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
April 17, 2007, 03:18:54 PM
I would guess that Slim is bullsh1tting with the odds alright.
They don't even have all the people in the senior championship in there anyway in his list of odds.

Mickey Moran has arguably been exposed as naive in the past on bigger stages that Antrim championships but if he or Creggan think that Sunday's result was anything other than down to cobwebs being blown off by Cargin and Creggan getting a good start on their (as said before) wee pitch then they need their head sorted.

However, its good to see it being competitive with two shock results (in my opinion) portglenone beating Lamh Dearg and Creggan beating Cargin.

Shame to see Dunloy's result v St Galls - they are better than that result. I believe they have a couple of big players not playing this year.
April 17, 2007, 03:11:48 PM
You are right Colonel...I forgot about the Scullions.

Ruairi Og - I think those 3 are still hurling for Dunloy. Wouldn't put those three as either past their sell by date at all or even players who would stay past their sell by date.
ALL class acts.

Paul Shields would be more useful than Darren Quinn in my book but I believe the latter is only getting back to full capacity after being out injured for a while. Good to see it if so as he always had the talent.

Skull - are you of the opinion that the same thing happened to Darren Quinn that you fear will happen to Paul Shields? He was lining out for the senior Antrim squad under Dinny.
April 17, 2007, 01:42:38 PM
Disagree North Antrim...he does have a fair bit to do with the town. He is married to a girl from there I believe and lives there. Also trained the footballers and obviously C&P.
Have seen him out and about in the Town as well.
But still no right for Ballycastle to have gripes about it.

Not sure what age you are North Antrim but how can you say Joe Cassidy "is a Derry lad I think". The man played for Derry for a number of years, admittedly not in their most successful period, but he should be and is a well known name.

Not sure who for Dunloy is past it to be honest - they might just have the blend of experience and youth that is needed though arguably Cushendall and to a lesser extent Loughgeil have that as well.

Will Bell be hurling for Rossa with the football commitments?
April 17, 2007, 11:42:46 AM
Cassidy is the fitness trainer for Loughgeil I believe - not sure if he can help them with the psychological element of things where they have been lacking for the last few years.
Not one to normally talk about such rumours/crap but heard that certain people in Ballycastle weren't too happy with Cassidy taking up this post with the bodies. What a joke. If Loughgeil approached him first and wanted to tap into something good (he and yer man Kearney have clearly had a great effect on Cross and Passion) then good on them. Ballycastle can have no gripe with the man after this work with C&P and then him taking them pretty far in the junior football Cship last year (and also defending their corner with the controversy surrounding it).

As regards the comments that Loughgeil may be fresher than other teams due to lack of county involvement - arguably Winker/w**ker(your choice) is the only one who would have been on the panel. Johnny C and Barney will be on there to the death and will probably both start on our assault on the All Ireland this year.

Gary O'Kane is the third past player involved.

Personally think its the right time to freshen things up. After a long hard slog reaching the all ireland semi a change is as good as a rest, though they have had one of those as well. That Skinner gets to spend more time with the family is a bonus.
Am not sure whether I share the opinion that Skinner is a tactical genius that has been expresssed on this board before. An astute passionate manager indeed but as the Loughgeil final last year is probably seen as his crowning glory - Cushendall couldn't have played much worse in the first half, Loughgeil completely choked and targetting certain players with a bit of the hard stuff isn't groundbreaking.
Nonetheless the man deserved alot of credit.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
April 16, 2007, 09:35:39 AM
And I look forward to the slagging Max.
The beers went down well.

Some result for Creggan - anyone at it? A report?
Also a great result for Portglenone.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
April 13, 2007, 04:39:35 PM
We're not making excuses Max at this stage...when is this little section of emails that you decided to wind us all up were we making excuses?

Debate has been had as to players missing (some America bound, some hurling, some other reasons). Debate has been had as to the merits of Jody etc.
As Antrim fans we are entitled to do that with each other - its a discussion board.
There has been no direct talk so far as I am aware of the problems in Belfast with getting the population into the GAA. So your point about the comparison with Derry is null and void. Personally I'd love to see more hurling/gaelic in derry city but you make it very hard for me to firmly believe that.

We know we're crap...some come on and lay it on the line and say we are crap and need to get structures sorted, others have a slightly more romantic view of things in that maybe we can do it...year after year. That is their prerogative.

What we don't need is some outsider coming in and slabbering about people saying "maybe this year guys" in a sarcastic fashion and saying we are from a shithole.

I am proud to be from this shithole and if we could only keep what slight momentum we have going....sigerson players, club in an all ireland final, a sensible manager, large club antrim draws etc...there might be something in it.

So there you have may have wound me up. I only pray we beat you in the CShip.
I am off to drink my first beer of the evening quicker than I would've before writing this email (and get my blood pressure checked)

Have a good weekend boys - up the Antrim teams in the Ulster league.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
April 12, 2007, 03:39:54 PM
Fall for what. You saying our county is shite?
Fall for you constantly coming on here and jibing about the standard of our football...the origin of some of our club players etc etc

That's a good one Max, you had us all hanging there and someone jumped at the bait you cleverly laid out for us???   You're a real wind up merchant...a comedian in fact.

Actually someone didn't wound up they just told you where to go - away and sort out your own mess and we'll try to sort ours.