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Messages - Cluborcountywhynotboth

Quote from: Taylor on May 15, 2020, 01:37:05 PM
Quote from: Cluborcountywhynotboth on May 15, 2020, 01:07:20 PM
Quote from: Taylor on May 15, 2020, 11:51:58 AM
Quote from: Cluborcountywhynotboth on May 15, 2020, 09:00:21 AM
Quote from: larryin89 on May 15, 2020, 01:11:38 AM
Quote from: Cluborcountywhynotboth on May 14, 2020, 06:48:53 PM
To all the experts on here repeating verbatim that we can't do anything till we have a vaccine.....a virologist was on the tv today (so I'd suggest a little more qualified that most on here), and stated that the world has never created a vaccine for any of the coronavirus strands (sars etc..), in fact in history the only vaccine for a virus similar to this was the vaccine for smallpox. Even the much compared Spanish flu was never cured. So if you seriously think that we won't be returning to things like football before a vaccine is found then you are very much wrong. As minister Harris said weeks and weeks ago, we have to find a way to live with the virus.

Who are you to call it ? There are reports in the public domain from club managers the last 48hrs telling you some of their players are not willing to risk bringing the virus to their home if they had to play before social distancing is lifted.

There will be no football this year and it will be a case of seeing how the virus progresses by next year to see if it is possible for football in 21 .

For now and the foreseeable the world is a very different place the pre covid19. Living with the virus does not mean gung   ho  off ye go . There will always be restrictions till cure or vaccine . It's a very bleak period , there is nothing positive at all about covid19  & it's way more serious of a threat than we think .
I am no one to call it, I am giving my opinion which is what a discussion board is about, albeit it appears if you don't tow the party line on here you are attacked with ridiculous comments about wanting people to die and how it's like Nazi Germany 🤯.
It's ironic that you question who should call it yet you (And others on here) totally ignore the fact that the actual experts, those who have put us into lockdown and are advising on the government strategy have laid out a plan for resumption of normal life (and within this football) and yet because it doesn't suit your narrative you and others question it. You must know better than the CMO and the virologists.
Also with regards club managers saying players wouldn't play, the survey carried out by the Club Players Association indicated that only 22% of players said they would not play (57% would and 21% didn't know), if you factor in the likely hood of players with underlaying health issues like asthma etc... this is to be expected. However (for those talking about government spin) the spin from the CPA was headlines of 'players don't want to play', which was totally  disingenuous.

So almost a quarter of players said they wont play with a further 1/5 undecided.

Means many many teams wouldnt have the numbers to field - simple fact of the matter
Or you could say almost 2/3 are prepared to play with potentially a lot more. All depends on your perspective doesn't it.
I have to say the narrative from some people on here is very worrying. Just because myself and a couple of other posters are saying that we should return when the medical professionals advising the government and the GAA say so, it is being equated to not caring about if old or sick die. Horrible ascertain to make against people.
The fact of the matter is this is not a black and white issue and, as experts have said, waiting for a vaccine to return to any semblance of normality is a non starter as there is no guarantee we ever will find one. So saying that we should let those who want to play play (when advised too by the experts) is NOT saying we don't care about our communities or we are like Germany in the 30's.

Who has said we should not return when medical professionals say it is safe?
The road map is saying we should be back in July. This is the roadmap laid out by the medical professionals advising the government, therefore they are saying it is safe to go back and play whist social distancing is still taking place in some aspects of life....yet yourself and others are saying this should not happen. That's the very essence of the last few pages of this thread.
Btw in my very first post on this issue I have said that I don't think we will see football this year and i don't think the roadmap with follow as it's laid out.....BUT if the medical professionals and the government are saying it is safe to do so in July then the players who want too should be allowed too.
Quote from: Taylor on May 15, 2020, 11:51:58 AM
Quote from: Cluborcountywhynotboth on May 15, 2020, 09:00:21 AM
Quote from: larryin89 on May 15, 2020, 01:11:38 AM
Quote from: Cluborcountywhynotboth on May 14, 2020, 06:48:53 PM
To all the experts on here repeating verbatim that we can't do anything till we have a vaccine.....a virologist was on the tv today (so I'd suggest a little more qualified that most on here), and stated that the world has never created a vaccine for any of the coronavirus strands (sars etc..), in fact in history the only vaccine for a virus similar to this was the vaccine for smallpox. Even the much compared Spanish flu was never cured. So if you seriously think that we won't be returning to things like football before a vaccine is found then you are very much wrong. As minister Harris said weeks and weeks ago, we have to find a way to live with the virus.

Who are you to call it ? There are reports in the public domain from club managers the last 48hrs telling you some of their players are not willing to risk bringing the virus to their home if they had to play before social distancing is lifted.

There will be no football this year and it will be a case of seeing how the virus progresses by next year to see if it is possible for football in 21 .

For now and the foreseeable the world is a very different place the pre covid19. Living with the virus does not mean gung   ho  off ye go . There will always be restrictions till cure or vaccine . It's a very bleak period , there is nothing positive at all about covid19  & it's way more serious of a threat than we think .
I am no one to call it, I am giving my opinion which is what a discussion board is about, albeit it appears if you don't tow the party line on here you are attacked with ridiculous comments about wanting people to die and how it's like Nazi Germany 🤯.
It's ironic that you question who should call it yet you (And others on here) totally ignore the fact that the actual experts, those who have put us into lockdown and are advising on the government strategy have laid out a plan for resumption of normal life (and within this football) and yet because it doesn't suit your narrative you and others question it. You must know better than the CMO and the virologists.
Also with regards club managers saying players wouldn't play, the survey carried out by the Club Players Association indicated that only 22% of players said they would not play (57% would and 21% didn't know), if you factor in the likely hood of players with underlaying health issues like asthma etc... this is to be expected. However (for those talking about government spin) the spin from the CPA was headlines of 'players don't want to play', which was totally  disingenuous.

So almost a quarter of players said they wont play with a further 1/5 undecided.

Means many many teams wouldnt have the numbers to field - simple fact of the matter
Or you could say almost 2/3 are prepared to play with potentially a lot more. All depends on your perspective doesn't it.
I have to say the narrative from some people on here is very worrying. Just because myself and a couple of other posters are saying that we should return when the medical professionals advising the government and the GAA say so, it is being equated to not caring about if old or sick die. Horrible ascertain to make against people.
The fact of the matter is this is not a black and white issue and, as experts have said, waiting for a vaccine to return to any semblance of normality is a non starter as there is no guarantee we ever will find one. So saying that we should let those who want to play play (when advised too by the experts) is NOT saying we don't care about our communities or we are like Germany in the 30's.
Quote from: larryin89 on May 15, 2020, 01:11:38 AM
Quote from: Cluborcountywhynotboth on May 14, 2020, 06:48:53 PM
To all the experts on here repeating verbatim that we can't do anything till we have a vaccine.....a virologist was on the tv today (so I'd suggest a little more qualified that most on here), and stated that the world has never created a vaccine for any of the coronavirus strands (sars etc..), in fact in history the only vaccine for a virus similar to this was the vaccine for smallpox. Even the much compared Spanish flu was never cured. So if you seriously think that we won't be returning to things like football before a vaccine is found then you are very much wrong. As minister Harris said weeks and weeks ago, we have to find a way to live with the virus.

Who are you to call it ? There are reports in the public domain from club managers the last 48hrs telling you some of their players are not willing to risk bringing the virus to their home if they had to play before social distancing is lifted.

There will be no football this year and it will be a case of seeing how the virus progresses by next year to see if it is possible for football in 21 .

For now and the foreseeable the world is a very different place the pre covid19. Living with the virus does not mean gung   ho  off ye go . There will always be restrictions till cure or vaccine . It's a very bleak period , there is nothing positive at all about covid19  & it's way more serious of a threat than we think .
I am no one to call it, I am giving my opinion which is what a discussion board is about, albeit it appears if you don't tow the party line on here you are attacked with ridiculous comments about wanting people to die and how it's like Nazi Germany 🤯.
It's ironic that you question who should call it yet you (And others on here) totally ignore the fact that the actual experts, those who have put us into lockdown and are advising on the government strategy have laid out a plan for resumption of normal life (and within this football) and yet because it doesn't suit your narrative you and others question it. You must know better than the CMO and the virologists.
Also with regards club managers saying players wouldn't play, the survey carried out by the Club Players Association indicated that only 22% of players said they would not play (57% would and 21% didn't know), if you factor in the likely hood of players with underlaying health issues like asthma etc... this is to be expected. However (for those talking about government spin) the spin from the CPA was headlines of 'players don't want to play', which was totally  disingenuous.
To all the experts on here repeating verbatim that we can't do anything till we have a vaccine.....a virologist was on the tv today (so I'd suggest a little more qualified that most on here), and stated that the world has never created a vaccine for any of the coronavirus strands (sars etc..), in fact in history the only vaccine for a virus similar to this was the vaccine for smallpox. Even the much compared Spanish flu was never cured. So if you seriously think that we won't be returning to things like football before a vaccine is found then you are very much wrong. As minister Harris said weeks and weeks ago, we have to find a way to live with the virus.
Quote from: Ed Ricketts on May 14, 2020, 12:21:10 PM
The lockdown has never been about protecting young, healthy people from the virus. Where has that idea come from? Why are people arguing against this straw man?

It's about stopping young, healthy people (and everyone else) being a conduit for virus to not so young and not so healthy people.

Inherent in the argument that young, healthy people don't die, and should therefore be allowed to play away, is the notion that old and sick people should die so that this can happen. That's reprehensible.

Not one single person is saying that. What people are saying is that we have very defined sections of the community that are at a much much higher risk from this awful disease, yet at the moment we are in total lockdown for everyone (barring essential workers etc...). There will come a time, be it for work, football whatever, where this will no longer be possible/acceptable. IMO the best way forward would be to shield/lockdown/cocoon whatever you want to call it, those who are vulnerable and let everyone else get on with it. So your young healthy footballer or worker or whatever will not be passing it on to someone vulnerable as they will still be isolating.
How many of the guys on here saying 'just wipe out the season' are current players?? Seems to me (even in the media) it is the older volunteers or administrators who are expunging this. As a current club player I'd be 100% interested in playing as long as reasonable precautions are taken. As others have said on here there is no guarantees that a vaccine will ever be found, if we have the mantra of 'vaccine or nothing' then we could have no clubs or county boards to go back too and will lose out on a generation of players. You also have to realise that lockdown and social distancing is not to eliminate the virus (this is pretty much impossible without building up immunity or a vaccine) it is to ensure that the health services can deal with any cases that arise, that is why there is a stepped approach. Also remember no players will be forced to play, it's entirely up to them. Finally, I'd just caveat all this by saying I don't think we will see football this year, I think the timeline set out is to give people hope so that they are more compliant to the restrictions on place, and I think we will see a lot of pausing at stages for more than the 3 weeks and even going back stages. However if come July I am told that it is safe to go to stage 4 and start training/playing again, I will be happy to do so, and anyone who isn't is quite within their rights not too.
GAA Discussion / Re: GAA Response to Coronavirus
April 16, 2020, 07:51:50 PM
Quote from: tiempo on April 16, 2020, 11:17:29 AM
Open draw with the caveat that D1 teams are seeded, so kept apart in equal measure on opposite sides of the draw, but they have to play their first game away, all other games and rounds thereafter at neutral venue.

32 teams, all games played to a result on the day (except for final, replay if necessary), no back door, 5 games to win it, could be played off in 7 weeks, then on to the club scene rattled off in similar fashion across the country.

In my opinion it's very unlikely we will see any football this year but if we do, it will be club football as it's likely anything with the attendances you would get at an inter county championship game will not be allowed till next year.