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General discussion / Re: The Frontline - RTE Pat Kenny
September 29, 2009, 06:23:33 PM
Unions seeking 3.5% pay increase in public sector pay, so I suppose I can expect a similar decrease in my dole.  ::)
General discussion / Re: The Frontline - RTE Pat Kenny
September 29, 2009, 06:20:32 PM
Quote from: Pangurban on September 29, 2009, 06:07:26 PM
The plain people of Ireland will rip each other apart and when it is all over the same rotten,corrupt,political,religious and social elites will still be top of the pile, running things to their advantage. You all know this is true

Fianna Fail
General discussion / Re: The Frontline - RTE Pat Kenny
September 29, 2009, 05:49:58 PM
The ones that really annoyed me last night where the ones screaming what do you earn? I don't think I saw any Public Sector workers lower themselves to that, in fact a few might have been embarrassed to say how low they where getting paid on national TV. Then there was the public sector worker in a pinstripe suit & looked a bit of a ponce to be honest (with the curly red hair) apparently his opinion did not count because he looked "well healed", I used to wear a pinstriped suit to work, it was called professionalism before I lost my job (but my pay wasn't much over half of my teacher friends with the same years worked, actually I have worked a lot more years, because I only got about 23 days holiday a year, and the I did the same degree in college). While this fella seemed like a bit of a plonker why was he their target? They hounded him until he said he earned well under €100,000, at which point the sneering a hissing started. What angered me when I saw this is these public sector workers where having a go at him for being worried about loss of income or loss of his job, he did say he had children too, they where about to go to college (fees will have to be paid by him too), so if he over-burdened himself through say a big mortgage during the boom and now could get a reduction in income or lose employment how is he any more to blame than a public service worker who got a mortgage that was probably to large for them in the first place.

Then there was the public servant who shouted at the private sector worker with the sling, jeering him about who did he think "did his arm". My question is who filled the atm in the bank so he could purchase a coffee, who served him his coffee on his way to RTE studios, when he pulled in for petrol who did he pay for the petrol. Of course when he gets home and has a sandwich, who packed the contents on the shelves and who did he pay on the way to the checkout to purchase the ingredients. Private sector workers all the way.
General discussion / Re: The Frontline - RTE Pat Kenny
September 29, 2009, 03:56:38 PM
It's all Fianna Fails fault.

Despite my anger at Public Servants, I know nurses work is very tough, Gardai work is dangerous & teachers have to deal with little gobsh!tes. I also believe that the vast majority of people in the banking industry are not to blame for the banks fck ups, I believe most people at branch level including as far up as Branch managers did their job as best and honestly as possible. I would even say must area managers where no to blame. In the building Industry not all developers are to blame for the economic crises, I for one think the Liam Carroll wasn't a man who was overlay greedy and was a victim of the economic crises as most of us, and all those he employed.

Most of the abuses or problems of our economy are down to Fianna Fail, which I do believe is corrupt from root to branch. It is Fianna Fails need for power at any cost that has led to so many of the problems in our economy. The Government should have reformed the Civil Service years ago instead of decentralisation to buy votes. Instead of hiring so many extra civil service workers prior to elections. Not properly keeping any eye on the banks to make sure they are following their prudential responsibilities. For instance AIB had been quite responsible in relation to lending up to 2 years ago, but pressure from shareholders based on the practices of Anglo-Irish bank forced AIB to change to a stupid risky lending policy. But then again the Government couldn't even keep an eye on the Financial Regulator or bodies such as FAS. They played lip service to national spacial strategies. Don't say decentralisation, because if it where to follow the National Development programme those jobs should have gone to large towns such as Castlebar, Ballina, Letterkenny, Athlone, Killarney, Tralee, Portlaoise, Sligo, Kilkenny, Wexford, Dundalk, Drogheda, Tullamore, Cavan, Monaghan & Longford. The BMW region has been left to fester and rot during the Celtic Tiger period, what hope have we now.

Step 1. Get Fianna Fail out of Government.
Step 2. Ban Fianna Fail as a party, guilty of economic terrorism.

Am I the only one sick to my stomach to see the big posters of Bertie Ahern for the Sunday World. He should be hanging his head in shame (not in the Fianna FAILure lexicon). How the hell he never spent time in Mountjoy or another prison I'll never know.
GAA Discussion / Re: Mucksavage(Ladies) Football
September 29, 2009, 03:13:50 PM
Have to say about 10 years ago in certain quarters in Mayo there was a derogatory enough attitude to ladies football, but as soon as people in the county saw tiltles coming back to the sweet plains, the soft & craggy boglands, & the tall magestic hills their attitude changed massively. It was funny to see the change in attitude especially of ould fellas who would be barstool critics, they went from prior to Mayo's first title "A sure girleens cant play football, they might break a nail" to a few years later "Do ya reckon the girls can do it again for us on Sunday, fair play to them".  For quite a while I thought this was just a Mayo thing because of our Final Day horrors in the mens game, but after talking to friends from Galway & Cork, success seems to hav changed their attitudes too. I'm sure Monaghan, Waterford, Kerry & Laois home to many titles might have the same attitude & the unlucky people of Dublin, who have been close to bring a title back to the Capital.
GAA Discussion / Re: Pearse Hanley mayo
September 29, 2009, 09:31:13 AM
Ya from the responses om the bigfooty site, he sounds set to stay where he is at the moment.
Thanks Ziggy that looks interesting alright, can imagine that steep 1 mile they talk about on the video after a big feed the day before. Might look into it, a nice drive up a run & a nice drive down.
GAA Discussion / Re: Pearse Hanley mayo
September 29, 2009, 12:55:18 AM
Sorry InisBofin I couldn't tell you, but when I saw your username in the same post as a reference to a Ballaghadereen player I was reminded how loyal ex-parts of Mayo are to Mayo GAA, while parts of the county that where added to Mayo around the same time are also loyal to Mayo football.
General discussion / Re: The Frontline - RTE Pat Kenny
September 29, 2009, 12:29:41 AM
Public Servants, don't live in the real world. I have actually stopped going to the pub with a few of my mates because they start going on about the banking industry, they are public servants that still earn double what I did before I was made redundant. I decided to stop drinking with them because I was sure I would box one of them one night, but if you say a word about public servant pay, pensions, job security, working hours, sick-days, unions or overtime they have a shitattack. Lads I have been friends with for 17 years and I can't stand going for a pint with them anymore. Went to school & college with these lads, shared digs with them & holidays, but I have enough of their Civil Servant shite, bloody teachers (lads also working on their extensive paid holidays, the bloody cheek).
Quote from: ziggysego on September 28, 2009, 11:31:18 PM
What about St. Stephen's Day?

Ya that might be ok, where is it?
Quote from: Olaf on September 28, 2009, 10:29:35 PM
Quote from: on September 28, 2009, 05:07:07 PM

Its not that difficult to know what Britain/UK/British isles etc actually consist of

It's quite simple
1. Britain is England, Scotland & Wales
2. The United Kingdom is England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland.
3. The British Isles don't exist.
4. England is England not Britain.
5. England is not the Sceptred isle Isle, Britain is. Ireland is the Emerald Isle.
6. Ireland is both (A) The Island of Ireland & (B) The Independent state officially called Eire or Ireland (The Republic of Ireland is a soccer team).
7. Northern Ireland consists of 6 Irish counties in Ulster on the Island of Ireland under British administration.
8. Ulster is a province on the Island of Ireland consisting of 9 Irish counties, 6 in the UK, 3 in Eire.
9. Both the UK & Ireland are in the European Union.
10. Citizens of Ireland & Subjects/Citizens of the UK are Europeans.
11. The mainland is Continental Europe not Britain, its a friggen Island too.

Most British people struggle to understand most of these.

How hard is the above to understand?

Must admit 6 confuses me a bit. An island called "Ireland"  AND a state making up part of that island also calling itself  "Ireland." Someting not quite right there.

The rest are easily understood.

The official name of the Independent state of Ireland is Ireland or Eire. The Republic of Ireland is a non-existent country, I really hate the term Republic of Ireland & I don't use it other than the Irish soccer team. When talking to foreigners when they ask me if I am from the North or South, I first reply the West, then if they continue to look confused, I say that I'm from the Independent State, the Republic.

I refer to the 32 counties as the Island of Ireland & the Independent Republic as Ireland.
GAA Discussion / Re: Mucksavage(Ladies) Football
September 28, 2009, 11:00:06 PM
Quote from: Rois on September 28, 2009, 10:49:21 PM
Quote from: Cillo on September 28, 2009, 10:25:03 PM

O dear God NO. There is one thing I hate- girls that play football. Just a real turn off for me. Dont like the thought of going out with a woman who could prob kick more points than me or do more push ups. Would rather have a lady like woman.

No disrespect to women who play gaelic its just my personal opinion that they are bogging.

Isn't that a relief, cause girls that play football don't want to be going out with a shite footballer who can't do a few push ups.  Jeez it would be embarrassing! Would rather have a man-like guy, not someone who couldn't keep up at a girls' training session.

How about a shite footballer who can do the press-ups & training but ability to kick a ball straight is woefull. Despite my joke earlier I have alot of respect for ladies football & camoige players, I would attend quite a few ladies Intercounty & Club games, have alot of friends that play both, I always find them quite sexy actually, sporty women are a real turn on.
Hey folks anyone know of any fun-runs/road races in the 5 - 20 klm range coming up in October & November that are open to anyone to enter. Preferably in the West but anywhere in Ireland would be grand.

Its not that difficult to know what Britain/UK/British isles etc actually consist of

It's quite simple
1. Britain is England, Scotland & Wales
2. The United Kingdom is England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland.
3. The British Isles don't exist.
4. England is England not Britain.
5. England is not the Sceptred isle Isle, Britain is. Ireland is the Emerald Isle.
6. Ireland is both (A) The Island of Ireland & (B) The Independent state officially called Eire or Ireland (The Republic of Ireland is a soccer team).
7. Northern Ireland consists of 6 Irish counties in Ulster on the Island of Ireland under British administration.
8. Ulster is a province on the Island of Ireland consisting of 9 Irish counties, 6 in the UK, 3 in Eire.
9. Both the UK & Ireland are in the European Union.
10. Citizens of Ireland & Subjects/Citizens of the UK are Europeans.
11. The mainland is Continental Europe not Britain, its a friggen Island too.

Most British people struggle to understand most of these.

How hard is the above to understand?
Quote from: Lazer on September 28, 2009, 03:52:02 PM
Quote from: muppet on September 27, 2009, 05:05:28 AM
Quote from: ziggysego on September 26, 2009, 11:26:07 PM
Of all the terminlogy, this is the one that grates me the most.

The next time you say America instead of the US or the States give yourself a bollocking.

It is quite correct to say America in reference to visiting any country in North or South America.

Personally I don't like the term US or the states, The USA is not the only country made up of united states.

As for including Ireland in the British isles - i've no real problem with that.

References to Ulster - meaning the 6 counties really annoys me
And references to Nirthern Ireland part of Britain also really annoys me!

Its not that difficult to know what Britain/UK/British isles etc actually consist of

Mexico's real name (in the English lanuage) is The United States of Mexico.

I quite like the fact that the U.S.A. as Gailge is S.A.M. (as in Uncle SAM).

On a slightly different note the official name of the Queen as in relation to Australia is the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, at least the British had the respect to alter the official title, even if they took 6-7 years after Independence to get around to it.