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Messages - mup

Seemingly there is a meeting tonight that Gaels are supposed to be attending. IMO (I'm not in the know) this transfer WILL go through.
Quote from: Westside on April 05, 2012, 09:40:35 PM
The best part of the interview is when he's asked "Why did you choose Kildare?" and he talks about admiring McGeeney and having friends from Kildare. Surely his answer should have been "Because I live in Kildare" This is an engineered transfer going against the ethos of the GAA. It should be denied to uphold the rules of the GAA as a whole and not because he can show the bare minimum of compliance.

If it does go through I wish himself and Kildare nothing but numerous defeats.

Thats a bit sad now isn't it. I'm sure McGeeney et al will be gutted to hear it. ::)
You can play hurling for one club and football for the other even if the two clubs play both hurling and football.
Quote from: heffo on January 29, 2012, 11:19:12 AM
Ps, Mup = Jowly blogger Ewan McKenna

??? ???
Quote from: Hill16 Blues on January 28, 2012, 07:31:21 PM
Open your eyes will you! It's poaching regardless as to who made the first call.

You should be concerned about the kick in the teeth this is for your younger players coming through particularly if this stroke fails to come off.

There you go jumping to conclusions again. Point out where I wrote that I thought Johnstons switch to Kildare was a good thing. For whats it worths I don't think it is.

In fairness I don't think you give a fiddlers about the younger players in Kildare.
Quote from: mylestheslasher on January 28, 2012, 07:20:38 PM
Quote from: mup on January 28, 2012, 06:28:31 PM
Quote from: mylestheslasher on January 28, 2012, 06:07:20 PM
Cavan fans are not relaxed and any I've talked to are happy to see the back of him and his rotten attitude. He won't do anything worth talking about with kildare either I'd wager.

Maybe you might know myles. Whats the story? Did he throw his toys out of the pram or was there something else in it?

From what I hear it went as follows...

At the end of last season the entire co panel was disbanded, ie each player was told they were not automatically on next years panel.
When the pre-season started Andrews called in a number of players but omitted 6/7 who were there last season, including Johnston and the captain from the year before, Martin Cahill. (it should be noted that Johnston was dropped by his own club and stripped of the captaincy last summer too)
Andrews called these players out of courtesy to tell them they were not going to be involved (there is debate exactly what was said here, Johnston gave his side but Andrews has not said anything yet. Johnston claims he was told he would not be a Cavan player again. I'd say that is bull.)
Johnston starts looking for a transfer while staying with his club, which is against the rules, his request fails at croke park.
An appeal is said to have legal costs of up to 10k. My understanding is he went to Cavan Gaels to see if they would back him (financially) for this appeal, they said no. He then puts in for a club transfer.

Is that throwing out the toys, probably. But I think for Johnston being a county player is more important than trying to get back on the Cavan county panel or even winning Ulster with his own club. As I've said before, ye are very welcome to him. In Cavan we have good young players coming through and I expect in 10 years time we will have real heros playing for Cavan like we once did before and Johnstons legacy will be one of a quitter and a turn coat.

Thank yo Myles. Interesting to hear the story form a Cavan perspective.
Quote from: Hill16 Blues on January 28, 2012, 07:18:18 PM
You're obviously no Sherlock Holmes!

Let's see I'm inter county footballer who's very highly rated but has fallen out with county manager. Ok I'll pick another county to play with but sure that's not allowed unless I live and play in the other county. Don't want to do that as I'm teacher in Cavan, like my job and don't want to move club. Well what county and manager would be disparate enough to accept this sham and parachute me straight in. Hold on there a second why don't I phone Geezer. Hell 'welcome' me with open arms!

That's poaching / fraud / deceit or whatever you're having yourself!

By your own admission that blows your poaching theory out of the water.

Quote from: Jinxy on January 28, 2012, 07:12:44 PM
He was clearly poached.
I don't see how anyone could suggest otherwise.

Ok thats fair enough. Now could you twll me how you know this is true?
Quote from: Hill16 Blues on January 28, 2012, 07:01:44 PM
Mup - you guys are so desperate to win anything you'd do/take any player from anywhere. Johnston will not live in Kildare. The address in Straffan is b*llox! And if you believe he will be committing to travelling from Cavan town where he will actually be living to play or train with St Kevin's you are as gullible as they come!

I'm not arguing with that fact address his address. You said he was poached and I'm asking you to back up your statement. Thats it really.

Simples. Can you back up the fact that you said he was poached?
Quote from: Jinxy on January 28, 2012, 06:59:51 PM
Quote from: mup on January 28, 2012, 06:47:37 PM
Quote from: Hill16 Blues on January 28, 2012, 06:42:54 PM
Mup - you might have a re-read of your own post and decide if you feel a bit silly! Darcy was born and bred in Dublin. Played for Leitrim as he had family background there and it was allowed by GAA to help weaker counties get stronger. He came back to Dublin few years later.

Dublin hurlers were in effect operating as weaker county in hurling till very recently and hence players that lived and played in Dublin were accepted onto county team. Johnston's setup with Kildare is a Sham pure and simple.

Stand 100% by my statement that it's thousand times better with your own countrymen. That will apply to my county hurling team if we ever manage to win Leinster or all Ireland hurling title. End of!

What information do you have that the rest of us don't that Johnston was poached from Cavan? Can you back up this accusation?

I don't care where Darcy was born. The fact remains that he played with Leitrim before Dublin.

He was born and reared in Dublin though.
As a matter of fact he was playing with Aughawillan in Leitrim illegally as he wasn't living or working in the area.
Dublin was his home county.

That wasn't the point of my argument. He mentioned something about poaching players from other counties. Now I don't know know if Johnston was poached or not but Hill16 Blues seems to know. So I'm wondering does he know something the rest of us don't.
Quote from: Hill16 Blues on January 28, 2012, 06:51:40 PM
Stop will ye. You're talking through you rear!

I'll take that as a no then.
Quote from: Hill16 Blues on January 28, 2012, 06:42:54 PM
Mup - you might have a re-read of your own post and decide if you feel a bit silly! Darcy was born and bred in Dublin. Played for Leitrim as he had family background there and it was allowed by GAA to help weaker counties get stronger. He came back to Dublin few years later.

Dublin hurlers were in effect operating as weaker county in hurling till very recently and hence players that lived and played in Dublin were accepted onto county team. Johnston's setup with Kildare is a Sham pure and simple.

Stand 100% by my statement that it's thousand times better with your own countrymen. That will apply to my county hurling team if we ever manage to win Leinster or all Ireland hurling title. End of!

What information do you have that the rest of us don't that Johnston was poached from Cavan? Can you back up this accusation?

I don't care where Darcy was born. The fact remains that he played with Leitrim before Dublin.
Quote from: mylestheslasher on January 28, 2012, 06:07:20 PM
Cavan fans are not relaxed and any I've talked to are happy to see the back of him and his rotten attitude. He won't do anything worth talking about with kildare either I'd wager.

Maybe you might know myles. Whats the story? Did he throw his toys out of the pram or was there something else in it?
Quote from: Hill16 Blues on January 28, 2012, 06:01:53 PM
Have Kildare supporters here no pride in themselves and their county? Johnston is a mercenary pure and simple. He picked Kildare presumably because they are competitive and because you have manager who'll obviously do anything at this point to win silverware. This is a sham and a disgrace if it goes through!

God knows in Dublin we suffered between 1996 and 2011 but we didn't stoop to poach players from other counties even when as with the Gallaghers they actually lived and played their football in Dublin. Winning with your own players is a thousand times better than winning with a chancer like Johnston in your team!

Also can't believe Cavan supporters are so relaxed about this. Cavan Gaels should run him out of the place if he gets away with this. You can be sure his chosen club in Kildare will see little or nothing of him.

Declan Darcy, Ryan O'Dwyer, Ciaran Barr. Do you want me to go on? Does that mean Dublin supporters have no pride?

In hindsight I bet you think your post is a bit silly now.
GAA Discussion / Re: O'Byrne Cup & Bihatimber 2012
January 22, 2012, 09:57:57 PM
Its the O'Byrne Cup so I'm not getting excited by todays result. And the fact that a Kildare man never committed an act of cowardice in neither here nor there. It would be an awful shame it this type of dispicable act was swept under the carpet.