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Messages - Zapatista

Quote from: dublinfella on December 13, 2010, 04:38:27 PM
Quote from: Zapatista on December 13, 2010, 03:54:36 PM

From the GAA's highlighting of this I gather it was info entered voluntarily by clubs. The GAA didn't request this info but some clubs included it for some members. There might have been other info included for various reason but the health info was the only info deemed a high enough concern to contact these members directly. This health related data was not requested of the clubs and the GAA never intended it to be on the system. It may have been a few club secretaries thinking they were doing a good job. Which they were, i'm sure no expected the data to be misused.

I assume the data was all entered by the clubs individually straight onto the system. This will always lead to mistakes and needless info going onto a system if you aren't very specific to the data required.

If that was the scenario, that was a HUGE data protection clanger dropped by the GAA. They stored medical information they didn't intend to by accident and then it got out?!?

I think you need to look at the company managing the data for blame there. It shouldn't matter what is on it if it's secure. When dealing with data of half a million members data being collected and inputed by ametuers/volunteers you are going to have mistakes. That's one of the reasons it should be secure. I'd love to see the needless info Tesco has on me.
Quote from: dublinfella on December 13, 2010, 03:39:03 PM
Quote from: Mac Eoghain on December 13, 2010, 02:31:08 PM

Are you on the wind-up? Have you read the previous posts?

No, yes and no-one has answered it.

Part of my job involves data protection, and a major part of it is only seeing the information you need for your job and someone else can see different information

I see no justification for medical details to be centrally accessible, or even stored above need to know level, which in this case is the clubs

From the GAA's highlighting of this I gather it was info entered voluntarily by clubs. The GAA didn't request this info but some clubs included it for some members. There might have been other info included for various reason but the health info was the only info deemed a high enough concern to contact these members directly. This health related data was not requested of the clubs and the GAA never intended it to be on the system. It may have been a few club secretaries thinking they were doing a good job. Which they were, i'm sure no expected the data to be misused.

I assume the data was all entered by the clubs individually straight onto the system. This will always lead to mistakes and needless info going onto a system if you aren't very specific to the data required.
GAA Discussion / Re: Payment to clubs for AFL draftees
December 13, 2010, 08:27:13 AM
All fomal links sould be cut not increased.
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
December 13, 2010, 07:58:42 AM
Where was McCaughey and who was he talking to when he said this?
So what happened? Did someone just take the info and send it to the data protection agency and the gpa?
General discussion / Re: Are you going My Way?
December 08, 2010, 11:54:20 PM
Quote from: EC Unique on December 08, 2010, 04:42:58 PM
So Celt Man is up Zaps arse and Ziggy is coming soon..  :o This forum is away to the dogs. :-X

General discussion / Re: Its snowing!
December 08, 2010, 11:11:21 PM
Quote from: Puckoon on December 08, 2010, 05:44:04 PM
Zap has originally slowed down because of the poor conditions is my take on it. On a normal road condition it still isnt acceptable to tail gate someone, but in bad conditions it is really not - I am not going to speed up on snowy or icy roads because a driver behind is putting pressure on. If they want to be that close to me I am going to slow down so that in the event they rear end me (which is possible because they are too damn close) - the damage is as minimal as possible.

I dont think in this instance that the front car is dictating the braking distance - the car behind is not respecting the braking distance and so the car in front (zap) is making sure he doesnt get ploughed into and off the road - while still being cautious of the conditions ahead.

f**k it lads too many road deaths - safety first. Don't put another driver in the position - its a privilege to use the roads, not a right.

Anyway, I try to ride the bus.

Spot on.

If there is a build up of cars behind I will again adjust my speed and act accordingly in the safest manner. Assume there is no build up as it wasn't mentioned, I didn't mention about the car in front of me either so assume it's at a safe distance etc.

Yes it's poor road conditions that's why I posted on this thread.
General discussion / Re: Its snowing!
December 08, 2010, 04:11:29 PM
Quote from: Tyrones own on December 08, 2010, 03:36:37 PM
Quote from: Zapatista on December 08, 2010, 09:29:47 AM
A little tip for drivers out there. If you are driving too close to me I will slow down further to allow for the speed/breaking distance. If that frustrates you then tough, don't drive so close and I'll increase my speed accordingly.
Ive an idea...if you're that bad a driver, instead of slowing down to piss him off hows about slowing down and pulling off the road altogether and let people by that can drive!

You have a warped view on what's good and bad driving.

Let me break it down for you-
Driving at an unsafe disance from the car in front = Bad Driving.
Becoming aware of this and lowering your speed to reduce the distance required for safe breaking distance = Good Driving.

I don't do it to piss them off, I do it to protect them from self harm 8)
General discussion / Re: Are you going My Way?
December 08, 2010, 03:31:12 PM
Quote from: ziggysego on December 08, 2010, 01:06:35 PM
Coming soon.

I'm am but can't stop as Celt Man is driving up my arse >:( ;D
Quote from: Bogball XV on December 08, 2010, 12:40:14 PM
he's deluding himself then, i find it all a bit bizarre tbh.

He's been deluding us for years :P
Quote from: Bogball XV on December 08, 2010, 12:11:40 PM
he has less to lose than most in that his ministerial pension won't be as significant as the rest of the cabinet, but I have heard that health issues will preclude his even standing.

It would be shocking if he his party voted him in with his record over the last 2 years, twice voted europe's worst finance minister and more tellingly, his record proves that this is probably the case.

He said on RTE last week that he'll definitely be standing. I think the selection convention is this week or next week.

OK, he's not a very reliable source but I think he's right on this one.
General discussion / Re: Its snowing!
December 08, 2010, 09:29:47 AM
A little tip for drivers out there. If you are driving too close to me I will slow down further to allow for the speed/breaking distance. If that frustrates you then tough, don't drive so close and I'll increase my speed accordingly.
I heard a clip of Lenihan chatting Ivan Yates played this morning. Yates asked was he embarrassed? Lenihan said - No, I have had to deal with the worst crisis in history blah blah. I accept mistakes were made, huge mistakes were made pre 2008.... :o. He just hung Cowen out to dry. There is a definite line of attack there.
Quote from: Bogball XV on December 08, 2010, 12:01:03 AM

It's a difficult thing to take away what people have grown accustomed to and what they therefore think they are entitled to, this budget went nowhere near far enough, in fact, I think this budget has an eye on the next election, i think FF actually think that being this soft, they might be able to win back a few loyal followers.  It's hardly a coincidence that old age pensions were barely touched, that the public sector have been exempted from the necessary cuts, that social welfare remains at unsustainable levels, that tax rates have been unchanged, that headline making caps on public sector salaries which will save a few million at most are being introduced.

You could be right about an eye on the next election but I think that was more to do with where the cuts went than anything else.

This buget was always going to remove 6bn regardless of the next election. Money in the pocket is no substitute for life quality. Looking at emigration and unemployment levels is a better way to judge it. It's better to be working for a little less and be able to stay at home than it is to be uneployed and forced to leave. Multiply this by 45,000 people and 45-60,000 people respectively  in such a small country and you have major problems and poor life qquality. Add to that those living on the bread line but suffering daily with personal debt and a bleak future. If we are comparing then that's the sort of comparisons we should make. Lenihans was making financial and monetary comparisons all evening regarding the SW as good reason to make the cuts. He did stop short of making the same comparisons in TD's, Ministers and top Public servants salaries though.
Quote from: Bogball XV on December 07, 2010, 11:25:28 PM
I'd agree with muppet that the whole thing has been a tad underwhelming.  The cuts should be much greater and the taxes higher imo.
From what I can make out, certainly as far as tax is concerned, we have just went back to about 2005 levels - people complaining about cuts have to remember we're coming from a pretty high base, the cuts and increased taxes still leave us pretty well off by european levels - that is unsustainable in the long run.

We are not pretty well off when you look at job prospects, health care, education costs etc. And as Muppet pointed out earlier, that's only addressing the deficiet. The debt is still hanging over us. I assume we need to take into account the IMF/ECB loan which has yet to be drawen? It is underwhelming though especially when people sitting at home shitting themselves watching the budget get treating to a chamber laughing and joking at Paul Gogarty. I wasn't fecking laughing with them. There are more of these budgets to come via FG, I'd like to have seen them angry rather than giggling at the Government.

I noticed Coughlan sitting sipping water as Pearse Doherty was attacking her over cuts to child benefit, school transport, nuc and she only fought back when he mentioned Misisters salaries. Show her prioirities allright.