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Messages - Capt Pat

Quote from: longrunsthefox on February 10, 2009, 05:49:25 PM
It is so unfair how one mistake and keeps getting thrown up...  ;D

Man who killed parents as youth outed via TV reality show

Blue-eyed, curly-haired Cyril Jacquet was the perfect reality show participant. Young, attractive, outgoing and ambitious, he and his girlfriend, Paola Alberdi, were determined to win a new Spanish TV show called Around the World.

The show, on the Antena 3 channel, involves couples racing each other around the globe. It promised adventure, a €200,000 (£178,000) prize and, inevitably, fame.

Jacquet did not seem to realise, however, that fans of the show would inevitably start putting his name into their internet search engines and finding out a little bit more about him.

So it was that, on Sunday night, he returned from Venice and abandoned the show after programme-makers questioned him about internet rumours that as a 15-year-old he had murdered his mother and father.

"I will always hold my head high," Cyril said, before he and Paola waved a tear-filled goodbye.

"People change," he added.

Antena 3, which devoted part of the Sunday-night to Monday-morning show to the news, said it had no idea that one of its contestants was a parricide.

"The programme did not know," a ­presenter told viewers. "After we checked the facts of the case we brought them back to Spain to protect them from media attention."

In 1994, Jacquet killed his mother with three shots from his father's automatic pistol after she entered the family home. A few hours later, Jacquet used the remaining seven bullets for his father.

He eventually confessed to the double killing and served three years in a youth detention centre. Under Spanish law he has no criminal record since he was a minor at the time of the double killing.

Jacquet, now an airline cabin crew worker, blamed the media and "undesirable" people for his decision to abandon the show. "They don't let you leave the past behind," he complained. "I don't want to keep giving them the excuse to lynch me."

Paola, who said she had always known about her boyfriend's past, said: "It bothers me a lot that we have to go because someone wants to pour s**** on someone else's life. I know he is strong. If he has got to where he has, it is because he can handle anything."

Was the title of the topic sarcastic. I thought it was someone who vandalised a telephone box or got caught with a joint of marajuana. The guy killed his parents, now he may or may not have had good reason for that but he will never be allowed forget that and rightly so.
General discussion / Re: 2009 6 Nations Thread
February 11, 2009, 01:31:14 AM
Quote from: Hound on February 09, 2009, 01:09:45 PM
Quote from: AZOffaly on February 09, 2009, 12:59:07 PM
I'm not questioning O'Driscoll's standing in the game at all. The point I was (poorly) trying to make was that the same people who laud O'Driscoll also find O'Gara to be a good player. Why is it that only O'Gara's is considered to be a result of some sinister conspiracy to paint all things Munster as being great?

No way am I digging at O'Driscoll, I've been one of his constant admirers.
Well in the southern hemisphere they think O'Gara is shíte, but they concede O'Driscoll at his best was the best around.
However, they also don't rate O'Connell, so I think that would be a better comparison for you.

O'Gara's not even that popular among his own teammates, so he's always probably always going to get more slagging than he deserves, as he can be a bit of a t**ser.

I remember being in Cardiff the last time we beat Wales over there, and he was singled out for heaps of abuse by the Welsh fans in my vicinity. Though he answered it (not that he heard it!) with a try and probably one of his best performances.

Well if they don't rate O'Connell they don't know anything about the game. Apart from a few knock ons the guy is pretty much perfect.
General discussion / Re: 2009 6 Nations Thread
February 11, 2009, 12:57:16 AM
Quote from: behind the wire on February 09, 2009, 01:13:52 PM
i wouldnt know a great deal about rugby, never played a game in my life, but one thing i wondered on saturday was why o'leary kept kicking the ball aimlessly down the pitch. a couple of times it worked but more times than not it just conceded good possession.

maybe someone that knows a bit more about the game could shed some light on it.

I have played a bit of rugby and no sorry I can't answer the question as to why he did it so much. I wouldn't have done it but we did win the game.
General discussion / Re: 2009 6 Nations Thread
February 11, 2009, 12:50:31 AM
Quote from: Joxer on February 09, 2009, 12:00:22 PM
Quote from: Overthebar! on February 09, 2009, 11:40:03 AM
joxer i may be wrong but I think you have to be at the game to benefit from one of those ref mics!

My father was at it, the earpiece wasnt working

The buggers 90 euros for a ticket and 10 euros for one of those things as well. I fell into the same trap.
General discussion / Re: 2009 6 Nations Thread
February 08, 2009, 07:33:40 PM
Quote from: Hound on February 08, 2009, 07:49:59 AM
What a game!

When we kicked possession away, France caused us all sorts of problems, but when we ran with it we were superb. Took us a fair long time to figure it out, but when we did we were superb. (Hope Cheika too note)

Strong performances throughout the team, but Heaslip and O'Driscoll were supreme.

Kearney's leg/ankle didnt look too clever, so I doubt he'll be ready for Italy. Paddy Wallace's face/head looked really sore (not sure what happened) and Darce did well so that'll be a decision for Kidney.

Kearney loooked alright last night when I saw him after 12 0'clock with Geordan Murphy and Bowe. It looked like they were about to head out for a night on the tiles, so the leg couldn't have been that bad. He didn't have the manner of someone who had been told he was ruled out of the next game he seemed in good form.
General discussion / Re: Movie reccomendations
February 08, 2009, 12:34:12 AM
Quote from: pintsofguinness on February 07, 2009, 10:46:04 PM
Watched Hitman the last night, really liked it, love the voilence!

Watched W. today, it's about Bush, anyone see it yet? Hard to know what to make of it, it's interesting but I don't know enough about him to know how accurate it is, I was nearly feeling sorry for the f**ker at the end of it! I think they tried to squeeze to much in to it, they only touched the surface on most things when it would have been great if they gone in to more detail. 

Watched Taken this evening too, really liked it but I could take Neeson grrrrrrrr

I'm going to watch untraceable now, seen it before, love it! 

Hitman is a masterpiece of the genre. You know what you are going to get and if you like that type of film you will love this. The hot Russian one who was in one of the bond films takes her clothes off in it as well, JEEESUS.
General discussion / Re: 2009 6 Nations Thread
February 07, 2009, 09:25:28 PM
Quote from: thewobbler on February 07, 2009, 09:03:17 PM
Excellent display today. The team looked balanced for the first time in a number of years, with no square pegs in round holes.

The GAA - I've never understood the hype about O'Gara. I don't think he particularly excels at any aspect of a no.10's game, and in some areas like tackling and line-breaking, he is downright dismal. And unless his pack gives him an armchair ride, he can't dominate a game.

Well some fly halves can't dominate a game when a pack give them an arm chair ride. It is the packs that win games the backs decide by how much.
General discussion / Re: 2009 6 Nations Thread
February 07, 2009, 08:50:05 PM
Quote from: Lar Naparka on February 07, 2009, 07:50:56 PM
What's seldom is wonderful!
France has gotten out of jail so many times in the past (rem 2 years ago?) that I couldn't sit down until the ref blew the final whistle. The same man had made so many howlers throughout the game that anything was possible with him until the game had ended.

What mistakes did you notice? I noticed a forward pass from Malzieu for the Harrinordiquay try, quite easy to notice but missed by the officials. The other thing that got to me was when towards the end of the first half Flannery was penalised for not taking the throw on time from 5 yards inside the 22. The ref a free kick however the French player took it about 5 yards ahead of the mark where it had occurred. Is this not a free kick in reverse?
Quote from: Hereiam on February 02, 2009, 05:04:30 PM
Guess who Liverpool play in the last game of the league. Thats right spurs. Now just imagine that liverpool need to win their last game to win the title and up steps Robbie to break their hearts. Could it happen

Well it would be pure madness by Keane if he did as he would be throwing away a league winners medal. It would be a bizarre situation if it came to pass.
General discussion / Re: American Sports Thread
February 02, 2009, 04:59:58 PM
I think Boldin would be foolish to leave and I don't think Warner should retire. They should also try to get Edg games to change his mind about leaving and add a few new defensive acquisitons and they could win the superbowl next year. Warner is a class act and could play forever. They have a lot of salary cap room to invest in new defensive players or a running back free agent. Whisenhunt is also a good young head coach, things are looking good for this franchise.
General discussion / Re: American Sports Thread
February 02, 2009, 03:01:41 PM
What about the final incomplete pass that was ruled a fumble lads. That was a terrible decision and it was never reviewed. There was a penalty on Pittsburgh that would have brought Arizona down to the Pittsburgh 29 for 1 or possibly even 2 attempts at the endzone.
General discussion / Re: Movie reccomendations
January 20, 2009, 09:47:23 PM
I got up and left seven pounds after about seven minutes, did I miss something? It had the worst possible start to a movie for me with mention of suicide and judgemntalism and an IRS agent playing God. I did not want to know any more about it.

That is a farce lads. 4 witnesses pick him out of a 4 man line up with 3 bulgarians and 1 scouser. They pick out the scouser. Of these 4 witnesses 2 of them say Shields threw the rock and 2 initially say he threw the punch. He can't be both of these people, therefore he can't have been either of these people.
There is no doubt about it usury is potentially evil when carried out by the wrong people. A lot of the high level financial people simply used it to make it look like they were very clever and making lots of money when in fact they were runnning the banks into the gorund. Would the world be any worse off if money lending did not exist.
I assume what the original poster is talking about is in a rural area, and by karma he doesn't actually mean karma, what he means is if I had a site off the parents and got a loan from the bank to build a fine big house but then couldn't keep up the repayments and had to move back in with the parents across the road, while some slick city type came along and bought the house for half of what it was worth leaving me still in debt to the bank. This might not be wise for the person who bought it as the old owner is unlikely to leave the area. In a big city people move away when they have to sell up, it is different in rural areas.