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Messages - theticklemister

GAA Discussion / Re: More Thuggery on the GAA field
February 01, 2012, 10:50:35 PM
ah lads tis about time the GAA actually took some action on these mass brawls hi which are all too common...................... and tis just unlucky that on this occasion it is Derrytresk and Dromaird who are the fall guys.

Good job they didn't see the Kilrea v Ballinderry game in the Derry Championship last year!!!!

Because this fight was in a national competition with exposure across the country and not in a local championship the GAA maybe believed that it was a great time to hit the teams hard.
These matches live??????
Did Bob Dylan not steal the tune of the ' Patriot Game' from Behan for his song below? Patriot Game is about Fergal O Hanlon.

Quote from: Main Street on February 01, 2012, 12:09:38 PM
Seeing as the loyalist element are piss poor at doing some proper research re GAA clubs named after post- War of Independence IRA volunteers.
There's a Monaghan club called after Fergal O Hanlon, GAA player and IRA volunteer fatally wounded in the border campaign of the 1950's, also made world famous in Bob Dylan's song "With God On Your Side" :)

Ye have Sean Dolans in Derry coty. He was a great gael. Played trad music, was a POW, and did great things for the GAA in Derry City. He died in 1941.

A lot of clubs are old so they would have taken their names long before the recent war in the north, hence a lot from 1798 and 1916. To compensate there are a lot of triphies named after Republican Volunteers such as the Intermediate cship in Derry (Sheridan, Lee and Bateson) and the Martin McCaughey u 12 tournament in Galbally, East Tyrone
I don't think Billy Wright or Padraig Pearse compare in any way
If you do not know anything about this topic please stop posting...................

Plus please everyone stop forgetting to put in the UK into the  city of culture phrase. That's what we won isn't it????............

Quote from: hsthompson on January 29, 2012, 08:48:33 PM
Why is everyone linking the Fleadh to the City of Culture thing? It's not actually part of the City of Culture programme of events, and it wasn't CoC team that got the Fleadh to come. The two things are completely seperate, they just happen to be taking place on the same year. So this whole argument is a load of shite. Or am I missing something?
Aerlik your comment there is laughable. It contradicts itself. I for one don't want dominion or colonial status from Britain like your statement refers too.
Quote from: seafoid on January 27, 2012, 11:26:44 PM
Quote from: Nally Stand on January 27, 2012, 11:06:51 PM
Condescending arrogance now? There's a surprise.

The notion that Irish people are all the same and follow SF orthodoxy is naive. There are loads of people who couldn't care less what people earn. Have you ever come across the Sunday Independent ? Anyway SF itself in government is intensely relaxed about the massive salaries paid to certain people working for the Government and in quangos. 

SF???? not a word was mentioned about them. I wouldn't agree that they are socialists at all for that matter. 

Labeling people for their beliefs (and getting it wrong) is very poor argument.
Quote from: thebigfella on January 27, 2012, 02:13:01 PM
Quote from: theticklemister on January 27, 2012, 01:13:43 PM
There would be no need for these f**king job losses if the bankers had run the banks properly. Hester is just one of many CEOs who earn such extravagant money. The money these men earn are off the back of working class people who are now out of a job due to the banking system.

I really can't believe there is an 80-20 split here in favour of Hester. Ye lot make my f**king blood boil. Supporting him is supporting the right-wing governments of britain and ireland.

This sh1te sickens my hole - I don't see to may working class people in society any more. We are mostly middle class or useless scum  ;)

Where on God's earth do you live????????????????? Blinkered and tunnell vision.
There would be no need for these f**king job losses if the bankers had run the banks properly. Hester is just one of many CEOs who earn such extravagant money. The money these men earn are off the back of working class people who are now out of a job due to the banking system.

I really can't believe there is an 80-20 split here in favour of Hester. Ye lot make my f**king blood boil. Supporting him is supporting the right-wing governments of britain and ireland.
In lo of cases yes
Quote from: tyrone exile on January 27, 2012, 01:05:48 AM
Doesn't bother me in the slightest either, as if i had a chance of seeing any of that. Suppose when you get that high up in your career that's what you can expect.
Quote from: under the bar on January 27, 2012, 12:36:38 AM
Doesn't make me sick at all.  At least he is working for his money unlike the vast majority of civil servants here. 

Youse two would make great Conservative MPs!

I don't know how anybody can justify such high wages or bonus' when people are barley living on whatever money they can muster up. Add on the fact that the majority of the bank is owned by the tax payers of Britain and it should double your amazment. It was these fecking clowns who got us into this mess and Tyrone Exile and Under the Bar see no contradiction in giving them all this money. I think it is probably people like ye who would blame the crippling system both here and in Britain and in the rest of the world in that matter on the people doing the 'double' just to survive.

Larkin and Connolly would be spinning in their graves.
Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) boss Stephen Hester is to receive a bonus of almost £1m.
RBS announced on Thursday that Mr Hester is to get £963,000 in shares based on the bank's closing share price on Wednesday 25 January 2012.
The bank said the bonus was for "substantial progress in making RBS safer, rebuilding performance in many businesses and improving customer service and support".
RBS is 82% owned by the taxpayer.
BBC business editor Robert Peston has learnt that the bonus came due to fears about resignations on the RBS board.
"I am reliably told that they feared Mr Hester and much of the board would have quit, if the payment had been vetoed by the government as the majority shareholder," said our business editor.
"Hester's pay reflects the significant contribution he has made towards rebuilding RBS in 2011," UK Financial Investments (UKFI) told BBC business editor Robert Peston.
UKFI was set up in 2008 to manage taxpayers' shareholdings in Royal Bank of Scotland and Lloyds after they had to be rescued.
Out of touch
The decision has prompted outrage amongst union leaders.
"Reports that the Royal Bank of Scotland chief executive is to take £1m from taxpayers' pockets as a bonus are utterly disgusting and offensive to every working person across the country," said David Fleming, Unite national officer.
Chris Leslie, the Labour Party shadow financial secretary to the Treasury gave a statement in reaction to the news.
"We now know that ministerial claims that the RBS board is contractually bound for years over bonuses were false. The board decides bonuses on an annual basis - and the biggest shareholder at the bank is the Government," said Mr Leslie.
"Anyone who thinks it is acceptable to award a bonus of almost £1m on top of a basic salary of £1.2m in these tough times is desperately out of touch with millions of people who are struggling to make ends meet."
'Progressing well'
The decision was made on Wednesday by the RBS remuneration committee whose chair is Sir Philip Hampton.
Sir Philip said on Thursday: "The Board is aware of the difficulties in trying to reconcile the competing objectives of all our stakeholders. This is especially true on the issue of pay."
Sir Philip pointed out that Mr Hester was not employed as chief executive during the period of its collapse and subsequent bailout.
"His pay is strongly geared to the recovery of RBS, which he was recruited to turn around, having played no part in its collapse," said Sir Philip.
"A safer and more valuable RBS is in the interests of our customers, shareholders and the UK economy and we are progressing well towards this goal under the leadership of Stephen Hester."
Contractual constraints
The bonus has been decided as politicians have wrestled over how to deal with the issue of compensation at banks amid the economic gloom.
Our business editor said: "The governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King, caught the mood [on Tuesday] when he pointed to the perceived unfairness that it was the well-heeled bankers who caused the mess we're in, but it's those on average and below-average incomes who are paying the price."
For the past two years, part-nationalised RBS and Lloyds Banking Group have paid no cash bonuses of more than £2,000.
The firm has announced thousands of job cuts, although it recorded a £2bn profit in its most recent trading period compared with a £1.6bn loss in the same period in 2010.
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg has said ministers are "constrained" by contractual arrangements agreed by the last government at the time of Mr Hester's appointment regarding his bonus.
Labour Party leader Ed Miliband has retorted that, "if responsibility means anything", Mr Hester should not get a payout.
Quote from: theticklemister on January 25, 2012, 01:53:31 PM
'Political correctness' if such a tital is ever valid, has again come to the fore in this debate about bringing the Fleadh to the UK city of culture in Derry. This debate has reminded me of the Lisbon Treaty a few years back........... at the first you don't succeed ram it down their necks once more because we in the government are always right and in the end sure we always get our own way.  So as it stands.....

...... Gone to the Derry branch - Deadlock

...... Back again to the Derry Branch - County members refuse to attend as they are villified for having a view on things

...... Went to the provincial council in Ulster - Ulster says no

...... Back again to Ulster - Ulster says yes

(Later this weekend).............

....... What happens if it is shot down for Ennis or Sligo

....... Do the supporters of the Fleadh for Derry yet again have a whinge and say we 'DEMAND' it here???

....... Or do the supporters of the Fleadh for Derry realise that they were unsuccessful????

Due to popular belief not everyone here in Derry is supporting this bid nor indeed is at all happy with the town being named UK City of Culture despite the glowing praises of the local politicans. Indeed Martina Anderson's constant remarks that we must 'embrace' this UK city of culture, has made many a person chuckle up here. Not too long ago her and here lackies would have 'shut up' people who made such comments. Her colleague Martin McGuinness accepting the award on the soil of Liverpool was another example, if any was needed, of how people's belief's have changed with power.  Those who speak out against such a bid have not recieved any of the same coverage as those who have backed it as the local media believe that this is 'a good new story'; presenting ourselves as a proud city within the UK to the whole world does not make it 'a good news story' to myself. They tell us that the Fleadh will so much money here, attract investors there........ when has ever the Fleadh been about this? The fleadh is about the festival of Irish music and Irish culture, it is a celebration of the aforementioned; not a political football. Has Derry ever tried to host it before? No. So the UK city of culture team has jumped on the bandwagon and tried to everything virtually possible in the country to Derry for that year. Will they gave a flying hoot about it in years to come, I doubt it, they probably beilieve that the Fleadh has served us well for that year and we have no need for it anymore.  Would the fleadh be respected here in Derry, would they appreciate it? Time will tell as it is poorly welcomed at the minute.

Britain's appeasement to the Irish has for centuries been they have hijacked our culture; something that has set us apart from Britain.

Below was a statement Posted on: January 24, 2012, 02:11:51 PMPosted by: Hardy 
Insert Quote
This whole row seems to centre on a semantic misunderstanding. Derry is to be the UK City of Culture for 2013, not the City Of UK Culture.   

Yer point is a contradiciton of one self.
'Political correctness' if such a tital is ever valid, has again come to the fore in this debate about bringing the Fleadh to the UK city of culture in Derry. This debate has reminded me of the Lisbon Treaty a few years back........... at the first you don't succeed ram it down their necks once more because we in the government are always right and in the end sure we always get our own way.  So as it stands.....

...... Gone to the Derry branch - Deadlock

...... Back again to the Derry Branch - County members refuse to attend as they are villified for having a view on things

...... Went to the provincial council in Ulster - Ulster says no

...... Back again to Ulster - Ulster says yes

(Later this weekend).............

....... What happens if it is shot down for Ennis or Sligo

....... Do the supporters of the Fleadh for Derry yet again have a whinge and say we 'DEMAND' it here???

....... Or do the supporters of the Fleadh for Derry realise that they were unsuccessful????

Due to popular belief not everyone here in Derry is supporting this bid nor indeed is at all happy with the town being named UK City of Culture despite the glowing praises of the local politicans. Indeed Martina Anderson's constant remarks that we must 'embrace' this UK city of culture, has made many a person chuckle up here. Not too long ago her and here lackies would have 'shut up' people who made such comments. Her colleague Martin McGuinness accepting the award on the soil of Liverpool was another example, if any was needed, of how people's belief's have changed with power.  Those who speak out against such a bid have not recieved any of the same coverage as those who have backed it as the local media believe that this is 'a good new story'; presenting ourselves as a proud city within the UK to the whole world does not make it 'a good news story' to myself. They tell us that the Fleadh will bring so much money here, attract investors here etc........ when has ever the Fleadh been about this? The fleadh is about the festival of Irish music and Irish culture, it is a celebration of the aforementioned; not a political football. Has Derry ever tried to host it before? No. So the UK city of culture team has jumped on the bandwagon and tried to get everything virtually possible in the country to Derry for that year. Will they give a flying hoot about it in years to come, I doubt it, they probably beilieve that the Fleadh has served us well for that year and we have no need for it anymore.  Would the fleadh be respected here in Derry, would they appreciate it? Time will tell as Irish tradiotnal music is poorly welcomed at the minute.

Britain's appeasement to the Irish has for centuries been they have hijacked our culture; something that has set us apart from Britain.

Below was a statement Posted on: January 24, 2012, 02:11:51 PMPosted by: Hardy 
Insert Quote
This whole row seems to centre on a semantic misunderstanding. Derry is to be the UK City of Culture for 2013, not the City Of UK Culture.   

Yer point is a contradiciton of one self.