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Messages - lfdown2

General discussion / Re: Nolan Show
July 05, 2021, 09:04:49 AM
Quote from: imtommygunn on July 03, 2021, 06:11:49 PM
I wouldn't listen to him at all. The problem is not as simple as turning it off. He stirs up hate for a living and it does nothing for this place. You hear some nonsense about this place almost being ready to go to war when it's a very small minority who are annoyed by this border stuff. He provides a voice for those morons and tbh I imagine the likes of him is the reason that lcc have a voice.

Exactly that, particularly as someone who is employed by the 'national' broadcaster and paid via license fee, it's shameful for the BBC. We are not talking about a commercial station here dependent on advertising revenue.

Quote from: brokencrossbar1 on July 03, 2021, 05:57:26 PM
The only way you stop the Nolan juggernaut is by not listening to him. His ratings make him untouchable and this weeks events will have strengthened it. For what it's worth it seems he had a strong case against the Pastor. Loads of defamatory comments on the petition he set up which he didn't monitor.

As for Tim McKane he has tried to engage Nolan on the make up of his show, particularly in terms of the over exposure to the likes of Jim Allister. He is a bit obsessive and that dilutes his point I think. It's no different to the heckler and the comedian. The man with the microphone always has the last word....that's Nolan.

He has become more desperate of late, valid points no doubt but it is becoming rambling at this stage.
General discussion / Re: building a house
March 29, 2021, 11:16:17 AM
Quote from: manfromdelmonte on March 29, 2021, 10:06:00 AM
Quote from: giveherlong on March 28, 2021, 11:32:18 PM
Quote from: manfromdelmonte on March 28, 2021, 09:53:38 PM
Has anyone got an idea what is the best product I can use to dampproof the inside surface of a poured concrete retaining wall?
I'm going to be building off the retaining wall and using it as the outer leaf of 100mm cavity wall for garage
I've to do around 9m x 2m.
Sheeting, spray on etc? Thanks

KÖSTER Deuxan Professional
Applied with Trowel
More here and sounds like similar job:
Thanks. Looks like a good product
I was hoping to do the internal/negative side of the retaining wall

Where are you based? I had some pain in the hole with waterproofing a basement and getting it through building control in the north. I ended up with a (expensive) fully enveloped structure; membrane beneath the base and returned up the base edge, an applied membrane painted on the external face down to meet the base membrane, and a membrane applied to the internal face which directed any ingress of water to a cavity drain which expelled at the end of the retaining wall.

If you like and want to pm me your email I can send you a detail.

I had an added complication of having a couple of rooms in the basement and as such it was upgraded from solely a garage and that increased the spec.
General discussion / Town Planning
March 01, 2021, 01:44:24 PM
I have been considering this a lot of late.

With Ulster Bank in the south and BOI in the north leaving a lot of our high streets, coupled with the large retail culls what will our towns and cities look like in the future.

When we do leave lockdown and move on from this pandemic our towns and cities will look significantly different than even a year ago.

What will be the future anchor tenants on a high street, is retail dead with hospitality and leisure to take over, how can we stop the ghost town vibe in the short term while towns pivot to the new industries?
General discussion / Re: James McClean
February 16, 2021, 04:15:31 PM
Quote from: bennydorano on February 16, 2021, 04:05:54 PM
Quote from: trailer on February 16, 2021, 03:30:37 PM
Quote from: Applesisapples on February 16, 2021, 02:58:18 PM
Genuine request, can someone post an example of McClean's pro IRA posts. I am aware of the balaclava one which I took as a joke, albeit in poor taste and a bit stupid.

I don't think he has posted any Pro IRA material (other than the Balaclava post). He is certainly an Irish Republican and I think it's fair to say he has no love for the British Army but out and out IRA stuff I don't think so. The Balaclava post was certainly stupid. He's going to be a target for a certain soccer fan, that English nationalist and that comes hand in hand with his poppy stance unfortunately. He's in Stoke as well which is pretty much as English nationalist as you get. He certainly doesn't deserve the abuse he or his family gets.
I doubt there is anything specific. Does all this not stem from him posting something on social media along the lines of - 'why should I wear a poppy in support of British Soldiers when British Soldiers murdered unarmed citizens in my home town'.

Think he also mentioned the Wolfe Tones at some point.

Blame the victim.
General discussion / Re: China Coronavirus
February 15, 2021, 01:30:29 PM
Quote from: GetOverTheBar on February 15, 2021, 10:50:27 AM
Get ready for the schools to go back. The PR machine has started.

I find the tone of the argument generally disappointing from both sides in relation to the schools. Should we really need a PR machine to get children back to school?
General discussion / Re: Teachers get it handy!
February 15, 2021, 11:37:51 AM
Quote from: JimStynes on February 15, 2021, 11:00:49 AM
Bring primary back on the 8th of March and then phased return for secondary with the whole show back by Easter.

Is that the inside scoop or just what's been in media?
General discussion / Re: Cryptocurrency
February 12, 2021, 12:10:13 PM
Quote from: thejuice on February 12, 2021, 12:00:28 PM
No it's not costing you anything sitting there. There is a network fee if you move it to a wallet or another exchange.

As I said above you could earn interest on it somewhere else if it's just sitting there but obviously you should find out if what you would gain would offset the cost of moving it.

If it's on Coinbase and you don't want to move it you could swap some of it for Algorand (ALGO) or Tezos (XTZ). Coinbase are paying interest on those if you hold them there. Algorand is doing really well price wise lately.

Not financial advice.

So, what your saying is put everything I have in to magic beans...done!

Cheers, i'll probably just let it rest in my account so, as mentioned it's a small sum.
General discussion / Re: Cryptocurrency
February 12, 2021, 09:14:11 AM
Quote from: thejuice on February 09, 2021, 12:04:09 PM
Quote from: trailer on February 09, 2021, 11:40:11 AM
Quote from: thejuice on February 09, 2021, 11:32:26 AM
I use Coinbase, Coinbase pro and Binance. From what I understand with Revolut you are investing in their BTC fund on their platform and you don't actually own it and withdraw it. I could be wrong now but that's how it was anyway at first.

I think you're right. What is the difference in Coinbase, Coinbase pro and Binance? And what's the advantages for the part time messer like myself over Revolut?

Coinbase is very user friendly and good for beginners. But fees are ridiculous for buying but you can swap between coins for almost nothing.
Coinbase pro is more advanced but fees are relatively low.
Coinbase have a limited range of coins and trading pairs.
It also has a reputation of crashing when bitcoin makes a big move which isn't helpful if you're looking to make a quick sale.

Binance is the biggest trading platform and has a huge range of coins and trading pairs. Fees are reasonable.

If you're a beginner be aware of what you are buying as bitcoin and etherium have fees associated with moving them off the exchanges to a wallet. These fees can be very expensive especially with etherium or any coin that is based on it (called erc20 coins). This probably isn't a problem on revolut but if you're using Binance or Coinbase it's advised not to leave your coins on them for too long but you need to factor in the cost of moving your crypto.

So I have a few £ in Ethereum which I purchased on Coinbase back in Jan 18, so it's only really improved recently. My question is, is it costing me to have it sitting here - I had no real intention on shifting it and was holding it more long term (possibly amateurish...)
General discussion / Re: China Coronavirus
January 28, 2021, 02:20:17 PM
Quote from: johnnycool on January 28, 2021, 02:03:13 PM
Quote from: Angelo on January 28, 2021, 01:15:42 PM
Doesn't look good for Oxford AZ......

Thought the Germans killed that story....

Smells like politics, and muscle flexing to me (no basis for such an opinion btw) - especially with the ongoing row with supply from OAZ to the EU.
General discussion / Re: Eating Habits
January 28, 2021, 12:09:58 PM
Quote from: Ethan Tremblay on January 28, 2021, 12:00:28 PM
I am all for shopping locally, but at the end of the day the price is going to be the deciding factor in where I buy my groceries. 

I would have shopped in my local supermarket for years, then I tried Sainsburys and bought the same items and the price difference was roughly £15 - £20.  Over the course of the year that accrues to some saving like. 

I do have a distain for the big supermarkets and how they capture your data and analyse it to market you better, and also how they create their own branded products based off of what people are purchasing, they are trying to monopolise the food industry in that regard.  But, as the main breadwinner in my family, I have to do what is financially best for my family. 

I have a friend who is a butcher and I will always give him a turn though, even though I know I could get, say a box of chicken for £7 cheaper elsewhere, that would be a concession of mine.

But do you know what you're getting.

I understand the argument though, the problem being that as the Amazon's and Tesco's of this world get bigger their buying power increases accordingly, and it's at the point now where the small retailers will never be able to compete with them again - it's all about scale.

Apologies for hijacking the thread to discuss the merits of capitalism...
General discussion / Re: Eating Habits
January 28, 2021, 09:33:04 AM
How many of you would consider not only what you are eating but where it has come from?

Since moving jobs closer to my local town I have made a point now of going to the local butcher and green grocer - doing my best not to buy either of those from the big supermarkets. Have also bought some meat from the farm gate and I would have seen a big difference in quality & taste.

I have developed a particular dislike of the big supermarkets through this pandemic too (not that they will care and not that is particularly their fault), when it's all over there will be very little left on the high street.
General discussion / Re: Teachers get it handy!
January 28, 2021, 09:16:55 AM
Same - not sure how it would work practically but it should be considered now as a plan B.

I would have said it is the early years kids that are missing the teacher contact most - I know with our wee one that it's as much as we can do to get her weekly worksheets completed and handed in, its less about teaching her and more about ticking the box - and as I say there are many more disadvantaged and in most instances through no fault of the parents/guardians who are trying to hold down a job at the same time. 
General discussion / Re: Teachers get it handy!
January 28, 2021, 09:00:22 AM

Pupils in Northern Ireland are not set to return to school until Monday 8 March at the earliest.

Education Minister Peter Weir made the recommendation in a paper to be discussed by the executive on Thursday, BBC News NI understands.

It may also be the case that only some year groups go back to school on 8 March, if a return then is possible.

At what point does the year become a write-off, while we aren't so bad, (1 in P1) the wife is part time (and a qualifies secondary teacher) so just about manage to get through the weeks work - how do families with multiple kids and 2 parents in work, or a single working parent and no teaching ability manage? Those kids are severely disadvantaged, I can't help but think beyond the death toll this will be the biggest legacy of the pandemic.
Interesting article from the Newsletter;

In reality there is a growing cohort who would prefer an independent northern Ireland, as that is not in play it will be a case of the less worse option.
General discussion / Re: China Coronavirus
January 22, 2021, 11:55:03 AM
Quote from: armaghniac on January 22, 2021, 11:40:55 AM
QuoteIs it unreasonable to request clear parameters around the placement and removal of restrictions? So that we can see how far from 'a reward' we are.

You could say that restrictions would be removed when cases were x or whatever. However, it is hard to give definite values for these things, in these islands the whole Christmas thing was derailed by a combination of people pushing the envelope and the arrival of the new variant.

But surely this is exactly what they are doing in the executive - setting parameters, running modelling and then proposing restrictions or not.

Quote from: armaghniac on January 22, 2021, 11:40:55 AM
QuoteAlso, I find it particularly frustrating that we have no indication of forward planning, (short of ring the army) as an example, we are seeing daily that certain hospitals are over 100% capacity, while others are not - the north is a small place in the grand scheme of things, can we not move patients around, we don't see the capacity of the nightingale facilities, how are they being used etc.

I presume they would move patients around if it helped. The Nightingale idea doesn't work because there aren't enough staff to go around, especially as many staff are isolating.

Would these Nightingale facilities not be the perfect facility for the army if they are to be used. While very poorly delivered I could see some merit in the comment from P Sheehan of SF, it is difficult for an army medic/doctor etc to walk on to a ward with which they are unfamiliar and be highly effective. Could it not be that the Nightingale facilities be developed for those professionals and let them run them (we're told there id further availability)