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Messages - smcafee

GAA Discussion / a great day for football
August 10, 2008, 09:53:33 AM
yesterday in croke park was a great day for football.

wexford played a great last ten minutes to beat one of the ugliest,over hyped,anti-football counties of the 21st century that will not be missed by true gaels.they have the spirit of the gaa in them that fills with hope and joy to underdogs.

kerry and galway played the best game in croke park since 2000 in poor weather.the game as it should be played,no blanket defence,no diving,no cynical play,no third man tackle,no ten defenders around the player with the ball and some great scores.if brennan wants to make himself useful he should demand that a copy of this game is sent on dvd to every boy and girl playing in ulster.

after watching the heap of shit ireland saw last week that blocked the toilet yesterday saw it flushed down.

only dublin to i hope clean tyrone out next and the puke era will be over.
the rugby league world cup is on later this year.
im sure armagh will find their level somewhere in that.
Quote from: orangeman on August 09, 2008, 12:01:56 AM
Quote from: nashville on August 08, 2008, 11:55:48 PM
Wile rumours going about South Armagh that our very own Big Joe has agreed in principle to become the Dublin manager effective the end of the current campaign.

I could see it, either way Pillar will go having tried unsuccessfully to bring Sam to the Capital, or will ride off into the sunset the hero with Mr. Maguire in his back pocket..

The talk in Bandit country is ridiculous figures to the tune of 85,000 yoyo's for the year..

How much is a yo yo worth in South Armagh ?  ;)
i think joe is eating 85,000 yoyo's a year already. look at him.  :D
Quote from: Big Mickey on August 04, 2008, 11:57:44 AM
this has to be the most ridiculous post iv read in a long time

going back 3,4,5 years and picking out about a couple of incidents is total rubbish and completely could build a case against any team or player in the country doing that,for example daragh o'se,ciaran whealen,that doesnt mean they arent great players and a credit to the gaa into the me a player who hasnt made a mistake or maybe bent the rules slightly and il show you a someone whos lying.

and onto the personal insults to the players.yes,peter canavan won frees,so what??he was the best forward of his generation and alot of defenders couldnt do anything but foul him.its not his fault.anyway theres is very thin line between diving and buying a free,it just depends which dugout your in!as regards dooher,that man takes so much abuse and punishment on the field and you rarely see him lie down for long.against westmeath,the first fella nearly took his head off and rightly got a second yellow for it,it didnt matter if dooher was down or not,that lad was walkin.and the second player deserved that red for bn soo stupid in the first place to strike a man right in front of the referee!

personally i absolutley despise ricey,because all that talking and slabbering crap isnt my style and dont condone it for a second,but i still have to admit that he's a skillful player,especially for a cornerback.any1 who thinks different comes from a different planet.gormely on the other hand i love,a great player with a great never say die attitude and gives it aswell as takes it.i would go as far to say that he's a role model for any young defender to be.....and to be fair,uv criticised ricey for slabbering (correctly however) and gormely for bn a hard hitting player,so what do you want??a defender to sit and just shadow man round the field.ud be happy then cos that would mean tyrone get beat

so what im really trying to say is.....u talk an unbeleivable amount of crap

ps id love to see how you conduct urself on the field.....thats if u even bother playin......

i go back to mickey harte taking tyrone in 2003.he won an all ireland in his first year.he told everyone how it was done.sadly people listened and in 2008 this is what we have got.

do you not think diving is bad for the game?
do you think its right for players to play act to get opponents sent off?
i think gormely was sent off last year for his club and started shouting at an official and kicked a fence several times.a great role model.
to sum it up,if i talk crap you talk a slurry tank of it.
Quote from: Doire abĂș on August 04, 2008, 11:23:16 AM
Quote from: smcafee on August 04, 2008, 08:16:06 AM
they are known all over ireland for their diving and overacting to win free kicks and get players booked and sent off.the so called great peter canavan always dived easy to win frees and penalties and tried to get two kerry defenders sent off in 2003 before he went off himself after hurting himself diving. brian mc guigan got dan gordon from down sent off in the ulster final in the same year and did a great dive in the all ireland final to earn an easy free.sean cavanagh likes flopping about the field and got a derry man sent off that year too.if he had took that afl contract with brisbane he wouldnt last five minutes.philip jordan got away with the best dive of all time against marsden and also dives about.brian dooher is a disgrace of a captain who recently got two westmeath players sent off.well done brian.

Your comments about the diving of messrs Dooher, Canavan, Cavanagh, Jordan and McGuigan certainly have some truth to them. Dooher in particular is the biggest diver in the GAA, most Tyrone people won't argue with that. Having said that he's also a terrific player. If you were new to the game and someone told you thats a 32 (33 next week) year old running around the field from full back line to full forward line and his had a couple of career threatening injuried in his time, you wouldn't believe them. Also in fairness to McGuigan, the 2003 Ulster final was the only time I've witnessed him diving, he's a hell of a footballer and a great fella of the field.

ricey mc menamin and conor gormley are two of the most skilless players to ever win an all ireland medal.gormley pulled off a fluke block in 2003 that hides how he tries to just bully and foul the players he he didnt get sent off against mayo on saturday i do not know.ricey is someone who even a dublin player would not do the things he does.if it isnt trying to break a players neck by sticking his knee in or biting the hands of a kerry forward hes always telling players on the other team how great there mums are in bed or racing up the field to injured players and roaring in their face cheered on by thousands of muck savages in red and white in omagh.pascal mc connell is another idiot who almost caused a riot on hill 16 in 2005 and poked the eyes out of gooch cooper in the all ireland final that year.
Gormley should've got sent off on Sunday no doubt, but to say he's skilless is farcical. I can't thing of many skilless two-time All Stars. And he could/should have picked up another last year. Also how exactly do you fluke a block?

McMenamin is a hateful wee ****, seriously there's no way you could like the man. I wish Derry had a few hateful boys like him.

then you have mickey harte,the most arrogant man to ever take a team to all ireland glory who feels he can tell the rest of ireland how to win all irelands just because at the time he won wenger he sees nothing wrong with what any of his players do on the field no matter how bad it is and tells the tyrone county board not to suspend dooher after he picked up a red card in a club game this year.he brought in the blanket defence which has killed football as a spectator sport.he encourages his players to surround the referee if he blows up anything against tyrone as well as getting them to waste time in holding the fact i believe too many referees are scared and intimidated of the tyrone players and their fans who think they invented football in 2003.

Say what you want about the blanket defence, but it brought the team two All-Irelands didn't it? Tyrone's habits of surrounding the ref on every decision (espec Dooher) given against them is ugly to look at I'll admit.

You seem to have a hard-on for Dublin as well. Its quite possible you are a Tyrone or Dublin man, not too sure.

I'm a Derry man, half a mile from the Tyrone border, so I've no business sticking up for Tyrone, I'm just saying it as I see it.
big deal about dooher.theres an american siwmmer in her 40s who is competing in the olympics next week.maybe her and dooher can share a pool. :D :D

gormely got his first all star simply because of the fluke block and the second one because he played out of his skin aginst colm cooper who early in the game was blinded by pascal mc connell.

would you really want ricey playing for derry?i mean really?

blanket defence.ends justify the means?we now have almost all top teams play this same way and it is a turn off.puke football has really arrived.

again it doesnt matter where im from.
Quote from: carribbear on August 04, 2008, 01:48:50 PM
Quote from: smcafee on August 04, 2008, 12:41:56 PM
there are some people who i dont like but the provos had no problem working with drug dealers when it suited them.

says it all about who you are and what you know.
you and what surrendered army?
Quote from: BennyHarp on August 04, 2008, 01:48:08 PM
Jaysus - smcafee you're some craic - can i be you mate! Havent heard the oul rubbish your spouting since the 1980s good man urself! Its awful in the north these days with no army on the streets, no check points every 2 miles, no barriers going into and out of towns, no bomb scares in our schools and town centres, not being stopped by police at the airport for 5 hours when flying to the UK! Wish we could go back to the 1980s and early 1990s again - just not enough people being murdered in the country at the minute for your liking then?!
none of this shit would happen if at least the brits gave catholics equal rights,if paisley shut his gob and the brits talked about withdrawal if they really say that they dont need to be in ireland any more.though im sure youre happy travelling with your uk passport.
Quote from: BennyHarp on August 04, 2008, 01:18:24 PM
Jealousy is a horrible trait in any young fella! Even worse when they display that jealousy on a public message board. I wonder does this lad really think that people in Tyrone actually give a fcuk what he thinks about our team, he keeps posting that people are avoiding the issue - there isnt an issue as far as i'm concerned - Tyrone have been one of the most high profile teams in the country for 6/7 years and of course they're no angels and do what it takes to win championships. However their incidents just get highlighted more than others as they've played alot of high profile - live on TV -  matches at the time when live coverage was really taking off in the sport and the analysis by pundits has become alot more damning!! Too often tyrone played big championship games in croke park and were cynically turned over by their southern opposition - Dublin on frank mcguigan in 1984, Kerry on mckenna, lynch and donaghy in 1986 and Meath on everyone in 1996. I for one wont be making any apologises for Tyrone becoming a little bit more cynical in their play - we were forced to do it and it paid off with 2 all irelands (to date). As DJ Kane once said "nice guys win fcuk all"

it is obvious tyrone fans dont give a f** could see that when tyrone played westmeath with the nastiest crowd of muck savages ever in one place making a referee fear for his life,cheering mc menamin running 30m to shout at an injured player and dooher practising for bejing.many other teams have copied what tyrone have started and supporters are now sick of it,not turning up to games.last weekend shows how shit football  is now can stick your fingers in your ears and go la la la la la la and pretend nothing is wrong.but it is.

it is not a dublin all ireland the gaa needs,its a galway all ireland that the gaa needs for footballs own good.
Quote from: J70 on August 04, 2008, 01:16:31 PM
Quote from: smcafee on August 04, 2008, 01:11:56 PM
Quote from: An Fear Rua on August 04, 2008, 11:43:33 AM
Its no wonder the brits are still here, who in their right mind would hand over the keys to a rabble.

Smcafee, as far as I can see you are all bluster, ranting away and no viable alternative to offer, you havent (so far ) had enough conviction to answer the straight question I posed you, despite alluding to your response several times, I can see you know arguing with your crew over what colour of stamp to put on the letter bomb.

Yes Sinn Fein havent delivered what the promised(yet?), but who the hell thought that it would be that easy? As for whats changed since 87? lots and lots , some of it even for the good.
a viable alternative is eire nua that sinn fein propose.but this isnt liked by people enforcing british rule in ireland.making stupid comments makes you just look stupid.

what alternative does spin fein have if stormont goes to pieces?i have answered your questions,its just you dont like the answers.spin fein supporters dont like hearing answers that they dont agree with or are not the party line.

How about waiting until the day comes when reunification can be achieved peacefully, by consent, as outlined in the GFA.
you really think the brits will let that happen?  :D :D :D
mi5 have done a good job already on spin fein.
Quote from: J70 on August 04, 2008, 01:10:39 PM
Quote from: smcafee on August 04, 2008, 12:50:16 PM
Quote from: An Fear Rua on August 04, 2008, 11:08:36 AM
Quote from: smcafee on August 04, 2008, 11:02:02 AM
Quote from: An Fear Rua on August 04, 2008, 10:52:39 AM
so you reckon that the political/economical approach is of no use?
What do you suggest? Back to the bullets?

Lets no forget that the fellows on Kildare Street are supporting stormont too, Im assuming you think they are due a slap in the chops as well.

as long as ireland remains occupied republicans who want to achieve a 32 county sovereign state should feel free to go by any means necessary to end the occupation.

leinster house is just a puppet to give an illusion of freedom in the 26 counties.

nice bit of lipstick applied there.

The political approach has failed so we need to to go back to the bombs and bullets YES or NO?

the political approach has not completely failed but will collapse soon.republicans have the right to go to arms when the time comes.this may be soon with the british army in afghanistan and iraq.

what is your solution if politics fail?

They have the "right"? What gives them that right?

You're out of your mind if you think that people are going to support a return to murder and bombings. But I suppose that probably doesn't really matter to you.
the right comes from the people of ireland from the unfinished business of the proclamation of 1916.
support for a return to armed struggle is slowly growing and will grow more when recession hits and people remember that life isnt always about material things like a mpv car or a 42 inch tv.
Quote from: An Fear Rua on August 04, 2008, 11:54:53 AM
Quote from: smcafee on August 04, 2008, 11:49:57 AM

republicans will be back in the heart of communities sorting out problems republicans took care of before they were sold out.

Whats stopping them doing it now? or do they need guns?
Or maybe its becasue these communities are now filled with delinquents who dont really give a shite about their neighbours or their communities, but only care about the newest alcopop flavour. These lads could easily and affectively clean up their areas, remember internment with dignity and make their community great again, if only they gave a shit.
republicans do not yet have strong enough backing to take care of communities but the support has been growing.look at lynchboys post to see what i mean.the trouble is spin fein telling people what they can or cant do and they are at last standing up to the intimidation from them.
well said down gael.but i would take back what you said about steriods and armagh.i talked about it last week and got a warning.
Quote from: Radioulster on August 04, 2008, 11:15:35 AM
If Frank McGuigan, Eugene McKenna, Jody O'Neill, Iggy Jones, Peter Canavan, Stephen O'Neill etc are the worst thing to ever hit the GAA then I would'nt like to see the worst. Cynical fouling was introduced in  1946 to stop a free flowing Antrim team by those paragons of virtue KERRY. Bringing men behind the ball ala Ger Power and Pat Spillane who took diving to an art form re 1980 AIF, yep that was kerry again. Raising fitness levels and ignoring footballs in training, Dublin and Kerry in the 1970's. We are by no means innocent and there are certain things about this tyrone team that I would not subscrbe to but they are by no means the only county involved. Remember imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!!! I recall watching Tyrone and Derry in 95 when Derry scored 9 out of 10 scores from frees.
the first four names you mention are spinning in their graves seeing the way the tyrone team of the past five years now play and the first three are not even dead yet.
this is not about is not about is about tyrone,the most cyncial football team in the gaa of all time and because they sadly win all irelands get copied by others.
Quote from: An Fear Rua on August 04, 2008, 11:43:33 AM
Its no wonder the brits are still here, who in their right mind would hand over the keys to a rabble.

Smcafee, as far as I can see you are all bluster, ranting away and no viable alternative to offer, you havent (so far ) had enough conviction to answer the straight question I posed you, despite alluding to your response several times, I can see you know arguing with your crew over what colour of stamp to put on the letter bomb.

Yes Sinn Fein havent delivered what the promised(yet?), but who the hell thought that it would be that easy? As for whats changed since 87? lots and lots , some of it even for the good.
a viable alternative is eire nua that sinn fein propose.but this isnt liked by people enforcing british rule in ireland.making stupid comments makes you just look stupid.

what alternative does spin fein have if stormont goes to pieces?i have answered your questions,its just you dont like the answers.spin fein supporters dont like hearing answers that they dont agree with or are not the party line.
Quote from: theskull1 on August 04, 2008, 11:31:01 AM
Quote from: smcafee on August 04, 2008, 10:55:23 AM
Quote from: theskull1 on August 04, 2008, 10:43:55 AM
The fact that alot of these "bhoy's" are drug dealing scumbags who hide behind the name of republicanism doesn't bother you then smcafee. Anybody who put's it up to SF for whatever reason is good enough for a real principled republican like yourself. f**k me I've heard it all  :-\.

drug dealing sc**bag you say?it never bothered spin fein or the provos to deal with cigarettes from hijacked trucks,selling copied movies at jonesboro market or selling red diesel as normal diesel.dont start with slab murphy.if being a republican is being a criminal,were martin hurson,bobby sands and the rest of the hunger strikers criminals too?was it worth it?
Quote from: smcafee on August 04, 2008, 11:02:02 AM
Quote from: An Fear Rua on August 04, 2008, 10:52:39 AM
so you reckon that the political/economical approach is of no use?
What do you suggest? Back to the bullets?

Lets no forget that the fellows on Kildare Street are supporting stormont too, Im assuming you think they are due a slap in the chops as well.

as long as ireland remains occupied republicans who want to achieve a 32 county sovereign state should feel free to go by any means necessary to end the occupation.

leinster house is just a puppet to give an illusion of freedom in the 26 counties.

Just so you know. I'm not an apologist for SF or their republicanism, but looking through these replies, it would imply to me that your OK with drug dealing republicans?

Bonfires? Drug Dealing scumbags ruining their own communities? What else do you want to take from so called working class loyalism? FFS...... monkeys aping monkeys
spin fein and the provos have to this day ruined many communities themselves.there is nothing from loyalists that republicanism needs to take from.