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Messages - his holiness nb

Quote from: Myles Na G. on January 21, 2009, 05:42:40 PM
No, that comment is not me stating that the GAA is a political organisation. If I'd wanted to state that, I would've used words like...oh, I dunno... 'the GAA is a political organisation' or some such. I believe there is a political element to some of the decisions the GAA as an organisation has taken, together with some of the decisions it has not taken.

I took issue with Lynchbhoy's misquote because I think it goes on far too often on this board (and you yourself have been guilty of it). People make statements that aren't based on what someone has posted, but rather on what suits their own particular argument at the time. I think it's a dishonest way of conducting a debate.

Myles, not sure what the bit in bold is about, care to explain??

Also, thanks for clarfying what the comment did not mean, care to advise what you meant by it?

Going from the GAA is "basically Sinn fein in football boots" to "I believe there is a political element to some of the decisions the GAA as an organisation has taken, together with some of the decisions it has not taken" is quite a step down wouldnt you think?
The two statements can hardly co-exist as your opinion of them, its either one or the other, which is it?

Myles, if you stood by your "football boots" comment I would at least respect that you stick to your opinion of them, while of course disagreeing with your opinion.
But the subsequesnt flip flapping around trying to pretend you meant something other than the obvious is
quite amusing. I respect your right to have any opinion on the GAA you want, but at least have one opinion and stick to it, or if you change your opinion, admit to changing it!

Myles, you "sinn fein in football boots" comment is quite clearly you stating that the GAA is a political organisation, do you not agree?

I've given you the benefit of the doubt on other claims you have made when others declared you a liar, but your refusal to address this point has me wondering. And the comment itself leads me to seriously doubt your claims to be an ex GAA member.
Deflecting the question by questioning the use of inverted commas to describe what you meant by that is avoiding the issue. Of course inverted commas shouldnt have been used, but the content of Lynchboys misquote must surely be accurate in describing what you meant by that statement?

Despite several feuds and rows, theres very few posters on here I'd claim to dislike, and many many good guys.

Even some of my past nemises can come out with something every now and then that makes me laugh or smile.

Yeah theres a few on here just out of nastiness towards the GAA, whether they admit it or not.
But I'd be more sorry for them than to go so far as disliking them. To spend so much time on a website about an organisation you hate says to me they have something lacking in their life.

All in all, theres way more good guys than not on here.

Love is all around.
Quote from: Tyrone Dreamer on January 17, 2009, 10:17:12 AM
It is strange that the new rules always seem to come in after Ulster teams have been succesful. Durimg the 90's after a few ulster wins a new rule was brought in to limit the number of handpasses. In round 2004 we had the sin bin after Tyrone and Armaghs victory. This year after Tyrones win we have the new yellow card rule. I can't think of to many other rules being introduced this last 20 years, strange its always after an ulster success. When Kerry win the rules are fine.

Jaysus lads, and ye say the Dubs are paranoid!!  :D :D :D :D :D
Not sure why you quoted me there, I have in no way denied asking those questions Myles.

We can agree to disagree as to whether you went out of your way to declare yourself as certain things.

But lets not drag the whole thing out into a squabbling match, I asked a question of posters, they gave their answers, which were interesting.
I myself dont disbelieve you.
Quote from: Myles Na G. on January 16, 2009, 07:42:42 PM
So you ask me to state what religion I am, then you criticise me for talking about my religion too much. That makes sense.  ::)

That, as you well know, is not true. You stated your religion yourself, perhaps in a post to another board member.
A while later I asked you if it were indeed yourself who stated your religion previously as I couldnt remember if it were you or another poster.

Quote from: Evil Genius on January 15, 2009, 04:03:04 PM
His Holiness, ever one who "would wound, but not dare to strike"


As you well know I have struck before EG, and been warned about it.
I however have learned from these past warnings and will not make posts which may draw me into a personal spat or get me banned. Unlike some.

Quote from: Evil Genius on January 15, 2009, 04:03:04 PM
invited others to speculate on whether Myles really is Catholic/GAA etc.

Yes I did, as he seemed to be going out of his way to point out his religion, and the fact that he was a GAA man, and a nationalist (I'm not linking the three, just saves me asking 3 seperate questions) in almost a "he doth protest too much" sort of way.
While posting that question I was very clear in pointing out that I was NOT calling him a liar, and even made the point that not everybody from those groups share the same opinions.

I was just wondering if others would give him the benifit of the doubt as well.
Quote from: Gabriel_Hurl on January 15, 2009, 01:53:44 PM
you'll not get an answer lads - I wouldn't even bother trying

I've asked him a few times to back up the riot claims. Each time he doesnt reply, dissappears for a few weeks, comes back and spreads the same lies with no backup.
Quote from: dublinfella on January 15, 2009, 01:03:02 PM
There is no culture of soccer hooliganism in Ireland and save for the odd incident at contentious Dublin and Belfast derbies and Linfield v Derry. You get more action down Sumerhill after a Dubs v Meath game.

Care to elaborate?

Bit of a statement to throw up without any explanation. Especially considering your claims re the riot involving Dublin fans months back. At the time you couldnt provide any links, then when asked about it months later you had the cheek to claim "it was all over the papers at the time".

Lets put it like you might, link please?

Quote from: dublinfella on January 15, 2009, 11:09:41 AM
Meanwhile Bohs inch towords the Champions League and threaten the Dubs as the hottest ticket in town

Theres been some shite posted on here lately, but thats got to be the no1 contender for stupidest post of 2009, and us still in January!

Fair play though, gave me a great laugh.
Quote from: Gnevin on January 14, 2009, 10:23:03 AM
Quote from: T Fearon on January 14, 2009, 09:03:06 AM
Of course the attack was non sectarian at last night's Linfield/IFA V Cliftonville game at Windsor Park. It was one thug with an empty bottle >:(
Are you sure maybe a Tadgh just wanted to bottle a prod and so went too the game  ::)

Gnevin, were you drunk when you posted this?  ;)
General discussion / Re: The Official WWE thread
January 14, 2009, 08:29:06 AM
Kurt Angle, best ever. Bar none.

Watched the Angle v Benoit Royal Rumble classic from a few years back last night, brilliant stuff.
Quote from: Myles Na G. on January 13, 2009, 08:31:15 PM
Quote from: his holiness nb on January 13, 2009, 01:30:33 PM
Out of curiousity, does anyone believe that MylesnaG was brought up catholic and is a nationalist and ex GAA member?

Honest question now, just wondering as his views and opinions are vastly different to those of most nationalists, but thats not to say he isnt, we dont all share the same views after all.

What do ye think?
Would you like me to forward you a copy of my baptismal certificate?  :)
Apologies for not conforming to your stereotype of what a nationalist should think / believe. The bad news for you is that I know many people from a Catholic background whose political views make me sound like Gerry Adams. (one or two are relatives, I have to admit  :-[)

I dont have stereotypes of what nationalists should think, I merely pointed out that your views were not common in most of the nationalists I've come accross. I even made the point that I am not doubting you stating that we dont all share the same views.
My question was do OTHERS believe you, not me.
General discussion / Re: Peoples Accents
January 13, 2009, 01:31:30 PM
The county Louth accent is particularly bad imo.
Out of curiousity, does anyone believe that MylesnaG was brought up catholic and is a nationalist and ex GAA member?

Honest question now, just wondering as his views and opinions are vastly different to those of most nationalists, but thats not to say he isnt, we dont all share the same views after all.

What do ye think?