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Messages - lonely1

April 22, 2012, 10:02:41 AM
Ah FFS HS, you give the county board too much credit! UC absolutely, are lads aren't in the same league, FQ, etc etc I have doubt there is a wanna be scenario though not enough brains I would think, but they auld black ball and good stock comes into play majorly i would expect, Opus dei are in the old knights are a thing of the past ;) Where has this come from, I'm intrigued ???
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
April 18, 2012, 05:03:21 PM
Glenavy must be worried about the local derby tonight, word out that Terry and June onto the county board giving their tuppence worth and trying to influence the powers at be, thought this type of shit had gone out with the old guard years ago, obviously not. One for MIBAG to give us the low down on if his finger is really on the pulse?
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
April 16, 2012, 09:53:36 AM
St Pauls accounted for the rockets fairly easy a shaws road, terrible lot of bitching and complaining from both teams which otherwise spoiled what was an entertaining game, St Pauls never looked troubled at any time. Still see the big two dominating, although Lamhs could be the danger all said!
April 16, 2012, 09:49:01 AM
Some crack on this site! Mibag and El Plato time you put away the handbags and get back to some sensible stuff.
April 15, 2012, 10:07:05 AM
Quote from: El Plato on April 14, 2012, 11:09:22 PM
I was at the Loughgiel  v Dunloy game myself last Sunday. EH done a fine job despite being up against it from the outset.  I have subsequently been informed that Elliott and Duffy both pulled out of this game.  Says a lot if you ask me, when our alleged top hurling refs pull out of what was always going to be a controversial game.

El Plato 3rd level education was at last a benefit to the two lads then ;D

Antrim / Re: Professionalism in the G.A.A.
April 13, 2012, 12:46:24 PM
Two tier system Oisinog, take a look at the clubs in belfast that have had to merge, played it long enough to know it doesn't benefit the grass roots, the Methodist team that just won the schools cup has already lost 4 of the winning side, and that's schools rugby!
Antrim / Re: Professionalism in the G.A.A.
April 13, 2012, 12:44:01 PM
Andy couldn't get a role in his own code that some fools we going to pay his going rate, so my advice is Andy stay the fck out! Clubs are struggling, club players the "Backbone" of our association are struggling and he wants more reddies! We have far too many paid "Coaches" at the minute doing sweet FA, the funding would be better used at a local level to help the kids etc etc, or we will soon find we have nothing for the future. We are now fully in the expense culture and soon that bubble has to burst, we just can't sustain it.
April 11, 2012, 08:06:03 AM
Well I think Rossa will win in a canter, think Wing and Duffy have them playing as a unit and all the need now is the confidence with a few wins, and who knows come championship. Lamhs should account for gorts handy enough, although it might end up tasty! Agree glenariff for a handy touch, and sticking my neck out, the Johnnies to steal a win in the town.
April 10, 2012, 10:40:37 AM
MIBAG not a bit early with those predictions, thought you favoured the shams a wee birdie told me ;)
April 10, 2012, 10:29:09 AM
Show me a county in Ireland that this doesn't happen throughout a season, but FFS you seem to want to leave the total blame and responsibility of all that went on with Eamon Hasson, CC has since admitted that he lied so I don't see you on here lambasting or having a go at a man that should not only know better as a player/county player/and referee I believe also, be neutral and bring all the assholes into your arguements! Some might say he deserved what he got (I don't advocate this) but come on, MIBAG is right you automatically have a pop at the easy target, a man that helps antrim by doing games because we don't have enough Referee's again because of people like you! Look at the county, the time and investment made to improve Referee's. the lack of commitment from the referee's committee that also has a responsibility to all the clubs that pay hard earned money to the county board to deliver our games to the best of their ability, focus on the core issues and maybe just maybe we will get what we all deserve.
April 10, 2012, 09:14:24 AM
Lads this is unreal, never seen as much BS about one game! FFS its the 1st game of the season, wouldn't half know its been a long winter with very little to do, all the fckn balloons suddenly appear out of the woodwork. Never seen as much about about a referee, Jesus what about the other 30 lads on the pitch! CC knew it was a mile wide, and then allegedly his da decided he was going to hassle the Ref after the game making veiled threats in his changing room, the bllks should never have got near the place. One of these days its going to really kick off, and somebody is going to get hurt really bad, what next hiring security for Referee's. Always go to the soft targets "Referee's", focus on the assholes that are lifting their big expenses claims every month on the backs of the volunteers that pay week in week out in our county.
March 09, 2012, 05:56:50 PM
With Jonty at the helm will it ever be normal service? I for one doubt it! And it looks our sham man is purposely trying to get gassed, things must be getting to hot under his collar.
March 08, 2012, 03:26:23 PM
County Board to proceed with project
08 March 2012
The Antrim County Board have denied that their new Centre of Excellence has been put on hold.

The centre of excellence, which is to be developed at Dunsilly just outside Antrim town, was launched six years ago, but only one pitch out of the projected six has been developed.

Currently there are upgrades being carried out at Casement Park and there is a feeling that the centre of excellence is not a priority anymore.

However, the Antrim County Board have stressed that the project is ongoing even though it may be proceeding slower than expected.

I believe its the 180k of debt and not a brick built that's really delaying things! can we do anything right!
March 08, 2012, 01:32:49 PM
Quote from: Last Man on March 08, 2012, 01:03:36 PM
Quote from: the colonel on March 08, 2012, 12:58:36 PM
anyone remember when they talked about hurling on this place
The preseason vacuum sucks in all kinds of madness. ;D

And then some, I hear that in a recent SW local cup competition, a lad substituted decked the manager known as JC on his way off! Absolute madness, what next weapons being pulled!
March 07, 2012, 08:50:08 PM
Its good to see, he obviously has a system in his head that he is not yet happy with and prepared to experiment but at the same time establish a platform for the chship, allowing for the loghguile lads to return and if winker settles he be hard to handle anywhere whether you love him or hate him, credit where credits due. Jesus wouldn't it be great to see the lads bring it back to antrim and the proverbial two to the experts in Munster and Leinster!