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Messages - thebigfella

General discussion / Re: Riddle me this...
January 27, 2009, 11:21:24 PM
forgot about that one  ;)
General discussion / Re: Riddle me this...
January 27, 2009, 11:12:49 PM
another one,

A man is lying, dead, face down in the desert wearing a backpack......

General discussion / Re: Riddle me this...
January 27, 2009, 11:07:32 PM
Old favorite this,

Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice all live in the same house.  Bob and Carol go out to a movie, and when they return, Alice is lying dead
on the floor in a puddle of water and glass.  It is obvious that Ted killed her but Ted is not prosecuted or severely punished.

General discussion / Re: Computer Help
January 27, 2009, 11:18:32 AM
Quote from: stpauls on January 27, 2009, 10:46:23 AM
Quote from: Pangurban on January 26, 2009, 11:53:51 PM
I have a Desktop Computer with Wireless Router and a Lap-Top which is Wi Fi enabled, do i need to connect anything to the Desktop  to get them to speak to each other and share Broadband etc. Any Advice appreciated. Have Googled the problem but find the explanations jargon heavy and difficult to understand

Pangur, you should have gotten software with the router, which will need to be installed on the laptop first of all. the router will obviously have to be connected to your modem as well (should have said this first).  :-[
you can then connect your pc to the router, and you both machines can use the connection. if you want, you can then set up a sharing network so you can access your files on the laptop from the pc, and vice versa, as well as printers and scanners etc.

That makes no sense at all. What is you fascination with wireless printers, scanners ect.. SP

Pangur does you wireless router connect directly to your Internet(broadband) connection/Phone socket/Cable .....? If so you have a wireless ADSL/Cable router which is little bit different to a wireless router.
Is your Laptop able to access the internet through your wireless router already?
How is your desktop connected to the router? Wireless or through a network cable (ethernet)?

You should not need to install any software either, Windows (if your using it) will have all it need to share connections, communicate with the router already.

Quote from: Orior on January 26, 2009, 08:54:44 AM
·         I suppose registration must be mandatory for posting, and I'd want registration as automated as possible

Why? I personally think there is no need to force people to register if it's going to be moderated.
Even if the market was more stable what sorts of figures would you invest?

Personnally i think there is no point investing a grand here and there in the stockmarkets, the return is too low for the risks involved or the long term returns.
Even better one now, just changed the dates on a flight with Easyjet. Paid the difference in fair and fee by credit card and was charge 59 pence. Why the f*** was it six quid to book the flight originally on the same credit card.

Quote from: imtommygunn on January 23, 2009, 12:00:31 AM
I've encountered the same bigfella - must be large IT companies.

Boys who have done no IT and just lied on their CV got in - for 3 month contracts! Honestly - it has o be seen to be believed.

One of the boys was an awful freeloader - got a free carpet at some thing one day. Put it in the back seat of his car and it didn't fit so he drove upthe M2 with teh car doors open - up the fecking motorway! He was an eejit - the police stopped him that day too. Same boy was lifted ~70k a year(well equivalent for 3 months) and getting accomodation paid for!

You can end up working for some awful plonkers and it causes me great problems. I have big issues working for people who are either bullshitters or who have no idea what they're doing. I'm still undecided on current boss but he's moving the way of the latter an he's not long of being told!

Financial institutions are the worst as they hardly ever have centralised IT departments now. It's all off-shored or contractors/consultancies who have their own little agendas. Impossible to get anything done or anybody to commit themselves.

Quote from: stephenite on January 22, 2009, 11:49:22 PM
Quote from: thebigfella on January 22, 2009, 11:43:29 PM
Quote from: stephenite on January 22, 2009, 10:25:11 PM
I find that nowadays everything is so quantifiable, KPI's etc, there is no excuse for not getting assigned work done.

You would think that but you couldn't be farther from the truth. There some right bulls****ers who can get away with not producing anything.

IT projects are the worst, you get 1 person in contracting and then its jobs for the boys. I worked on a project in Dublin for a telecommunication company where most of the contractors got recruited without interviews or references being checked. People lie on their cv's all the time in IT, you eventually catch these boys out but by then they're onto another contract and more bucks for doing f**k all. Don't get me started on IT projects in finance and s**te project managers  >:(

That's just bad management - if you can't recruit someone to do a specific role and ensure they are the right the person for the job and keep control of the project by ensuring that those in charge are recruiting sensibly then you deserve everything that's coming to you.
If as a manager you allow people to take advantage, they will, nothing more certain in life

True but when the project/programme managers are hopelessly out of their depth, it impacts everyone else.....

I'm completely f***ed off as I've just spent 4 hours of my own time tonight producing a resourcing plan for a project that has no brief, no requirements, timescales or even been approved. All because some little crawler of a project manager wants to impress his boss by promising stuff he cant deliver. He needs it for a weekly programme board meeting in the morning, could have told before hometime yesterday you little p***k  >:(

Quote from: Declan on January 22, 2009, 11:49:34 AM
What really pissed me off in Gatwick a couple of weeks ago was that our hand luggage passed the Ryanair baggage test having checked in online but the security knobs handing out the plastic bags decided that the young lads bag was too big for their measurements and cue a row between angry passenger security staff and Ryanair. Turns out that the BAA measurements are smaller than the Ryanair ones and each was passing the buck so to speak. End of Story was it cost me 30 sterling to check the thing. Not a happy camper. I only fly with Ryanair as an absolute last resort.   

Sure it wasn't the other way round,

BAA Regulations

• 56cm (22in) tall
• 45cm (17.7in) wide
• 25cm (10in) deep.

Ryanair Cabin Baggage
Strictly one item of cabin baggage per passenger (excluding infants) weighing up to 10kg with maximum dimensions of 55cm x 40cm x 20cm is permitted. (handbag, briefcase, laptops etc must be carried within your permitted 1 piece of cabin baggage).

Shower of c**ts, the whole lot. I had Easyjet tell me I couldn't take hand luggage on, even though it was within regulations, because the flight was full and there may not be enough room. Wouldn't have minded but I was one of 3 people who paid for speedy boarding, so surely it's first come first serve. Worse too as it was a just before christmas and you had all the usual ****ers on the plane with about 20 bags of duty free and their entire christmas shopping.
Quote from: stephenite on January 22, 2009, 10:25:11 PM
I find that nowadays everything is so quantifiable, KPI's etc, there is no excuse for not getting assigned work done.

You would think that but you couldn't be farther from the truth. There some right bulls****ers who can get away with not producing anything.

IT projects are the worst, you get 1 person in contracting and then its jobs for the boys. I worked on a project in Dublin for a telecommunication company where most of the contractors got recruited without interviews or references being checked. People lie on their cv's all the time in IT, you eventually catch these boys out but by then they're onto another contract and more bucks for doing f**k all. Don't get me started on IT projects in finance and s**te project managers  >:(

While I do agree with stopping people carrying more than one "large" bag or taking the complete p***, their weight limits for hand luggage now including laptops and other expensive equipment you can't put in the hold is clearly a joke. 10kg is also clearly not enough once you add a laptop, reading material/documents, the weight of the case ect..... Easyjet don't limit hand luggage weight, within reason, it just has to fit within the size guidelines.

I fly at least twice a week and I know how to pack light but their policy is just unworkable for people who travel for business reasons. There is just no way I'm checking in my suit carrier, I've seen the way they come out the other end, and the laptop is not an option. If I can only fly with Ryanair then I'll be paying their fine every time.
They used to allow you to carry on laptops (including small cases, sleeves within reason), cameras, briefcases ect.. as well as hand luggage - cheeky ripoff c**ts have decided to change their policy.

I once flew out from Dublin to Eindhoven with them, in Dublin I had 14kg in my bag, on the way back they claimed I was 4kg over the limit and tried to charge me 100 euros for the privilege. Same bag and same contents, the girl at the desk was having none of it even though I could have bought another seat for 70 at check in. Ended up making her refund the taxes (what a pain) on the flight and got a taxi to Schiphol and flew Aer Lingus back. Worked out around the same cost if I had of got that flight.

Quote from: Rois on January 21, 2009, 09:14:40 AM
On that theme, I am getting fed up with ramps that are too high for my car to go over.  There's one in my development, if I don't have the right acceleration going over it, the bottom of the car whacks off it.  Surely there's some maximum height for ramps or minimum height for car undercarriages or whatever??

Maximum height allowed for ramp is 100mm. Quite a few councils in England have had legal challenges about their ramps being too high and had to lower them.

No minimum ride height for road cars. Racing cars are different due to lowering centre of gravity, ground effect aerodynamics ect..... Regulations are there to stop cars from be dangerously low and bottoming out.  Might as well forget about that 200 grand supercar, you'll never get it into your development.
Quote from: lfdown2 on January 20, 2009, 08:36:03 AM
My name is TheBigFella and I'm a PC!!

Ha ha unfortunately no such free advertisement or support for Mr Gates, I actually use a MacBook as my main computer. I'm just trying to point out the argument switching because it is better for Web Design is flawed.