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Messages - fearbrags

All one ever hears from a pig is a grunt
Quote from pints
  ''He was going with her 31 months??? That's nearly 3 years! How any man can be arsed trying to keep two women happy (especially when one looks like a man) is beyond me.  Maybe I'm just lazy.'''

Loooks  like  a  man ????????????? Which one ???????
General discussion / Re: The OFFICIAL Liverpool FC thread
November 06, 2009, 04:13:50 AM
you  never  know ?? Rembember  this

Were the f**k did you come out off...not a word out of you about city untill they got a wad of cash now you dont shut your mouth...away and f**k off somewere you muppet

Ok now lets have that in english
General discussion / Re: Irelands Warriors
September 23, 2009, 03:18:18 PM
Where were the police??
General discussion / Re: "this ridiculous NAMA plan"
September 18, 2009, 08:53:36 PM

I'm all for letting the private investors in the banks go to the wall but we can't let the banks go to the wall. They are all fecked and if they go to the wall our banking system will go to the wall. There is no back up or no banks to replace them (unless we nationalise). If the banks go to the wall in Ireland it would be like removing all the roads, trains and canals in the country. We would be dealing in cash and the country would collapse. We need money to move and the banks are how it is moved.

No  read  mcWilliams
General discussion / Re: "this ridiculous NAMA plan"
September 18, 2009, 08:36:41 PM
That's how it will be viewed in America and on wall street

Says  who    You  and King Bertie

Or  was  it  Bernie made-off  with  all the  money
General discussion / Re: "this ridiculous NAMA plan"
September 18, 2009, 08:24:48 PM
That's how it will be viewed in America and on wall street

Says  who    You  and King Bertie
General discussion / Re: "this ridiculous NAMA plan"
September 18, 2009, 08:19:04 PM

""Soviet Irish Bank"'

Typcial  Fianna  Failer
General discussion / Re: "this ridiculous NAMA plan"
September 18, 2009, 07:59:57 PM
Which alternative do you support so? Bad bank? Nationalisation

Neither let  them  Fail
Quote  from David Mcwilliams

International evidence here is interesting. There is no evidence from the world of finance and banking which says that a winding up of the banking system in a country and replacing it with a new banking system has any lasting effect on the economic performance of the country. In the US this year alone 300 banks and finance houses have gone to the wall and, according to the latest data, the US economy is tentatively recovering. Sweden wound up its worst banks without adverse effect. In France, banks are rarely called banks due to the frequency of bank collapses in the past and France is not a basket case -- it recovered and constructed new banks.
General discussion / Re: "this ridiculous NAMA plan"
September 18, 2009, 07:11:33 PM
 ""GNevin/Tankie, we all accept that you will support FF through tick and tin regardless of what happens. There are some who admire such loyalty, but please don't try to 'persuade' the rest of us that there is merit in it.""'

They  may  deny it  but on  reading  their  posts this  is  very  obvious   typical  Fianna Fail heads
No  body  else can  run  the country but  them

Or  else  the  have Shares  in AIb or BOI

Having  said  Enda  Kenny  might  not  be  a  great  politician ,But  he  is  a very  lucky  one , If  he  had  won  the  last  election (and if  he  was  any  good  he  would have) Fianna Fail  would  be  Hammering  him  now saying  it  was all his fault.
General discussion / Re: "this ridiculous NAMA plan"
September 18, 2009, 01:50:59 PM
Here  is  another quote  from  her  yesterday

Tanaiste Mary Coughlan insisted the share jumps were not evidence that NAMA amounted to little more than a bailout for banks. "It is the market that determines -- it is not politicians who determine (share values)," she said.

I   think  that  NAMA  had some thing to do  with the share price increase of both  AIB  and  BOI yesterday
Couldn't  the Biffo  demote her  or  just  keep  her quiet  or  something
General discussion / Re: "this ridiculous NAMA plan"
September 18, 2009, 07:06:31 AM
 """ All those apartments in Leitrim, hotels in Longford and half built estates in Roscommon that we are now saddled with are as useful as tits on a bull.

Not really . Surely the point of NAMA is NAMA has time to wait for these assets to recover and generally property climbs ever higher , were as banks don't have the time to wait.""""

You  need  to  go  down  west  to  see where some  of  these  estates are , There  is  no  employment  close  to  these  areas , most  people  think that  these  houses  will  have  to be  knocked  .
Where there  may   be  a market  for  houses  in Dublin, Galway,  Athlone etc  in  the future 
These  houses  were  built  in  disadvantage  areas for  a  tax  relief  for  landlords in Dublin  ( a  Bertie  scheme}  which  was  approved  by  the   of  goverment/co councils , developers and  banks.
No body  seemed to  wonder  who  was  going  to  live  there  and  where  they  were  going  to  get  work.
General discussion / Re: "this ridiculous NAMA plan"
September 17, 2009, 09:32:47 PM
The people who  think  it  is  best  of  a  bad  bunch  are  Fianna  failers  and  they  believe what  ever  the  biffo  and  lenny  say  ,  and  they  will  vote  for  them   every  time
General discussion / Re: "this ridiculous NAMA plan"
September 17, 2009, 03:20:57 AM
''''''''you mean the individual valuations add up to 47Bn :D :D :D, but collectively they add up to about 8Bn - sounds a bit like the Dubs ;)  ''''''''''

Brilliant bogball

You  see Gnevin is  a  true  believer "" in Lenny he  trusts""