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Messages - HiMucker

I made my view clear about it on an early thread.  I would be of the same opinion as you Lynchbhoy.  Rules have to be respected but the punishment should also equal the crime.  I was talking to a mate from the our club and he said they had similar issues in rugby in Newzealand so rather than play by age group they played by weight.  If you were the right weight you played at the right level.  It stopped man childs from dominating at underage and helped them improve as they played at their particular level instead.  Is this not something that could be looked at?
Did McGourty opt out the list???  I read the Irish news everyday and the propaganda has me believing he must be one of the best in the land
GAA Discussion / Re: Sludden rides again!!
January 05, 2011, 12:39:50 PM
Quote from: Applesisapples on December 24, 2010, 12:31:57 PM
If he takes a wrong turn and ends up in Hackballs Cross he could be in bother!!
Awk sure they are all just humble pig farmers from there  ;)
GAA Discussion / Re: Paul Galvin
December 22, 2010, 10:44:53 AM
Quote from: 5 Sams on December 21, 2010, 10:37:50 PM
Couldnt really give a flyin f**k what he is..

Rides goats

If we had 15 of him we'd win the All Ireland every year....

As long as they stayed on the field of course ;)
Impossibble yous would be bummed out before the final.

if yous are looking for a good galvin article, there was one a while back called "time to galvanise"

I have also heard WKD refered to as poof juice along with other alco pops.  I have also heard it refered to as "leg spreader" when women are drinkin it
GAA Discussion / Re: Paul Galvin
December 21, 2010, 05:52:24 PM
He is as queer as a bottle of chips if he has 80 pairs of shoes unless they are football boots.
Jinxy if you are involved with a fooball team then youd know the following

dinking WKD = GAY
dyed hair  = your gay
ear rings = gay
excessive hair gel = gay
leather bracelets = rampant homo
bag of toileteries at training = your askin for a bum
white boots = gay
shavin your chest = your gay

But given boys a big stingin slap on the ass and slaggin them about their genitals in the changin rooms is not gay.  Simples
Quote from: haranguerer on December 20, 2010, 01:10:43 PM
Quote from: HiMucker on December 20, 2010, 12:05:32 PM
So a small skinny player that turns 16 in december the previuous year is aloud to play and the man child that turns 16 in january of the championship year and has been shaving since 12 and has pubes since he was nine is not allowed to play??  And they tells us it is to protect against player burn out and the physcicality of it.  Nonsense!!  A clear case of a rule of for the sake of it and doesnt acchieve anything.

You're right. Age clearly is the wrong denominator to be using. They should have it that you have to have had pubes for 6 years or more.
Belter lol  :D  I know a few boys in their twenties that might not be allowed to play :)
GAA Discussion / Re: Payment to clubs for AFL draftees
December 20, 2010, 12:18:23 PM
I really think it as an arguement it is a non runner.  Dublinfella is right you cannot morrally or leagally stop people not just playing another sport but making a life choice for themselves.  It really is that simple.  All that the GAA can and should be doing is making the choice of playing our games more appealing, and i do not by any stretch of the imgination mean finacial rewards!!  I think the fact that boys like marty clarke etc come back to play speaks volumes for how good our sport is.  Every year countless fellas choose to go to uni in Irealnd with one of the main reasons being the fact that they continue playing their sport there and with their clubs.

I think a GAA based AFL club would be a good idea
So a small skinny player that turns 16 in december the previuous year is aloud to play and the man child that turns 16 in january of the championship year and has been shaving since 12 and has pubes since he was nine is not allowed to play??  And they tells us it is to protect against player burn out and the physcicality of it.  Nonsense!!  A clear case of a rule of for the sake of it and doesnt acchieve anything. 
Quote from: nrico2006 on December 17, 2010, 09:51:11 AM
There are some rules that are broken frequently, but most clubs don't appeal against the crime as their seems to a certain level of dignity that they like to retain.  What I am getting at is that there is different categories of offences, a team playing a player who is too old for an age group should be hit hard, as the individual would have an unfair advantage over his competitors.  A team who plays a player who is suspended should also be hit hard.  A team who plays a player who is on performance enhancing drugs should be hit hard.  A team who has a player sent off that doesn't leave the field of play for 5 minutes should be hit hard.  A team that plays a man who was sent-off in a previous game but due to an appeal is free to play should be hit hard.  A team that plays a player from their own club who is 'too young' should get a slap on the wrist.  It should not warrant a whole hoohaa or a replay.  Most clubs would not appeal in this situation, they were beat and should take their beatings.  Cavan clubs are starting to establish a bit of a track record in appealing in this situation, would they not rather retain a bit of dignity.  If the game is replayed then the fella in question should be able to play also, as he will be 17.
This somes up what I was trying to say.  Although I do concede the point that it would be harsh on the opposing team if they had a young starlet and didnt feild him as they were adhereing to the rules.  Though i doubt this is the case in this instance.  Would it not make more sense for players of this age to have written consent from their parents to play senior
Look I know were your coming from, Im not really that passionate on the subject I just think its sound ludicrous.  I know why the rule exists, but maybe it should be looked at.   I remember in Derry when Mark lynch was still under 14 hes was playing for everyside going at his club and school.  he was practically the same size and level of ability he is at now!! I think to possibly deny a junior side or intermediate side a player of that ability for an important game is wrong.
I agree that rules should be enforced and ahered to, its the punishment that i would disagree with, ie fielding a player that is too young results in a club being stripped of a tittle.  Surely spitting at players, violent conduct, abusive language to officials is all worse offences than a 16 year old playing for the senior team?  So why have a greater punishment?
Its is crazy that a club could be stripped of a tittle for fielding a player who is considered not physically capable of playing at that level (this is why the rule exists).  Surely a fine would be suffice and even then it is silly.  The other club should be really embarrassed, would they contest if the team had of feilded a 19 year old female gymnast?? 
GAA Discussion / Re: Kerry begin their PR war.
December 16, 2010, 10:54:12 AM
Quote from: Banana Man on December 16, 2010, 10:17:10 AM
the thing that bugs me is this perceived disallowed goial against down. The fact is they got bew up before the shot was made, the down defence stopped, the keeper didn't even attempt to save it, if he had not blown the whistle there is no guarantee the goal would have went in, especially given mcveigh's form that day.

So in short, go dry your f**king eyes  ;D
Yes thats what annoys me.  It was a legitimate hand pass, but it was not a disallowed goal.  He should know that mentioning it like that will only make him sound like arsene wenger, a sore looser, and his valid points will be somewhat lost.

Quote from: tyronefan on December 16, 2010, 10:05:14 AM
Quote from: Canalman on December 15, 2010, 11:01:06 PM
Puts paid to the myth once and for all that Kerry are gracious losers.

Think the All Blacks carried on similarly after 2007 WC defeat to France.

Gracious losers??   

Sure didn't Spillane nearly break down and cry when Tyrone hammered Kerry in 03 and they have spent the last 7 years whining about puke football just because they were hammered by a far better team

Look I hate Tyrone, and i hope it gets covered by about six feet of snow this weekend  ;D, but one of the funniest things i heard after Tyrone hammered Kerry in that game (and yes it was a physical and technical hammering, and Kerry have dished this out to more teams than any other side) was a Kerry supporter crying on a radio interview saying "thats not football thats rugby!!" Just couldn take their bating
GAA Discussion / Re: Payment to clubs for AFL draftees
December 14, 2010, 12:16:17 PM
Quote from: BennyHarp on December 11, 2010, 11:13:56 AM
So how is the GAA going to stop players going if the AFL clubs don't pay?
I am still looking at this thread for an answer on this question???
But me thinks there is no answer.
Quote from: stephenite on Today at 12:34:12 AM
You'd think with all this super human powers he'd have managed at least one All Ireland medal

Stephenite Larry doesnt lift Sam McGuire, Sam McGuire lifts Larry, and carrys him wherever Larry wants to go, whether it be Super macs, Cheryl Coles house or down to the pub