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Messages - funtime frankie

Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
September 22, 2010, 09:34:48 AM
Always did think that KS was a better footballer. Congrats to him
September 22, 2010, 09:33:23 AM
not sure that I like the new lay out with the counties being listed. The old way allowed ya to scan everything else that was going on.

BTW yer man isn't from Cork. He said that his mate was a ref and that he had an AI under his belt. The only guy from Cork to ref an AI was Diarmuid Kirwan and he in fact has 2 AIs under his belt - don't ya just love Google!! Now if this guy was his 'mate' he'd have known that!!!

General discussion / Re: 1916 Secahtar na Cásca
September 22, 2010, 09:26:38 AM
I'm looking forward to these programmes. I thought the ad at the back of the Tribune on Sunday and the trailers on the TV were very good.

The sad thing is that we have squandered the little freedom that the IRA won for us. The 26 county state is a long way short of the 32 county Republic these great men gave their lives for.

I'm sure that the vision of "cherishing the children of the nation" is nowhere near the pathetic and sorry state which has emerged.

This is not a FF bashing session. In fact Kenny and his blueshirts wouldn't have been any better and because Gilmore can put a sentence or two together doesn't qualify him for leadership but he is probably the best of a very bad lot.

The fact that partition is alive and well, and that it is being shored up by every political party the length and breadth of this nation, is, in itself, a testimony to the way we have abused and squandered this hard won freedom.

Hopefully somedody or something will come to the fore and reclaim the legacy of these great men and build a 32 county republic for all.
What county does she play for?

What position does she play in?
General discussion / Re: The Late Late show
September 21, 2010, 09:31:12 AM
We should insist that MÓM gets added to the list of the greatest Irish person.

Jaysus if a gobshtie like Bono can get on the last 5 then MÓM must be able to win it hands down.
General discussion / MC DOWELL - HAS HE ANY SHAME?
September 20, 2010, 11:32:25 PM
I have just watched a programme in which Michael McDowell has promoted Mick Collins as the greatest ever Irish person. Now that in itself is fair enough and out of the five candidates the Big Fella or James Connolly will get my vote.

The sheer hypocrisy displayed by McDowell is astounding. For years this guy has made a name for himself by beating his anti-republican, anti-Irish, anti-armed struggle drum and yet he has the brass neck to come on the telly and tell us how great a fella Mick Collins was. Collins got his reputation because he was wedded to violence and he had no difficulty in unleashing the same violence with a ruthlessness that would make the most hardened activists squirm. 

I thought that it was an insult to Collins' memory to have the high priest of the shoneen promote his cause. Unless Mc Dowell has had a conversation of Damascian proportions - which I doubt - then for this guy to speak so glowingly of a great IRA leader is just hypocrisy and proves that he will do anything to get his gob on the TV. 

Is it any wonder that the electorate saw through this gobshtie and kicked him out?
September 20, 2010, 05:27:54 PM
Aye I mind that young fella in the corner, he's got pace with the ball and running at the defence caused trouble and resulted in yas getting some handy frees. But as you said yourself he's a bit slight but this year's experience won't do him any harm at all.
September 20, 2010, 01:44:40 PM
JC that was a hell of a fight your boys put in to stay up. All big games that needed a result. Question is why couldnt you do it the rest of the season
September 20, 2010, 01:29:48 PM
Still a few games outstanding in DIV 2 but after Rossa being beaten last week it looks as if the Johnnies have it - but there are still games to play.

I agree with the comments being made that the league structures should not be changed. Despite the reluctance of some clubs the amount of games played this year has been much better than before, so, I's day that if it ain't broke don't fix it.

Maybe some of the Rossa boys could help me out, but in an attempt to save themselves from going into DIV 2 - I think it was football - the chairman of Rossa at the time brought the matter before county committee and managed to get themkept up in Div 1. So there is a recent precedent but hopefully Ballycastle will see it as an opportunity to regroup because they are too strong for Div 2.
September 17, 2010, 08:42:22 AM
HW - I stand by my comments re the football semi-final. Yes I did think Gregory was pish poor. So what? Nothing personal in that.

Now contrast those comments against your very personal attack on Ray. So, I fail to see how its a pot kettle black scenario.
GAA Discussion / Re: Micheal Ó Muircheartaigh to retire
September 16, 2010, 02:33:45 PM
Saol fada - bheul níos faide - do. Gach beannacht agus rath air
September 16, 2010, 02:28:18 PM
"their are concerns among his piers to say the least."   :D :D :D

What a stupid pirck!!   :D :D :D :D
September 16, 2010, 11:11:25 AM
Lads, what's the craic with the attacks on Ray Matthews? Any wonder we can't get people to referee our games? Why on earth would anybody want to do anything within the GAA if they are to become the subject of this sort of very personal abuse?

This fella gives up his time and volunteers to serve us by facilitating the playing of our games and what does he get in return? The back ripped out of him. Uncalled for and very unfair.
General discussion / Re: Ireland To Gaza 3
September 15, 2010, 03:47:37 PM
Ádh mór ort Dixie. Keep the head down
General discussion / Re: Ireland To Gaza 3
September 15, 2010, 03:46:25 PM
Minder, I'd agree in that it the murder was wrong. But the catalyst which has ignited this awful act is the immoral occupation of the west bank and the savagery with which Isreal has treated the Palestinian people. That said murder does not justify murder but I dont think that this act can be viewed in isolation. It is set against a backdrop of brutality and needs to be viewed in that context.