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Messages - Tiger Craig

GAA Discussion / Re: Marty Clarke to make debut
September 10, 2007, 02:45:48 AM
Clarke is looking pretty useful. Still looks a bit lost at times, but given his time in the game that is understandable. Good kicking skills.

He is also a bit of what we call a "receiver" in that he generally doesn't really get stuck into the packs to get the ball, but hangs out and receives from other. Again not necessarily a bad thing.

As to why people hate Collingwood...

Basically their supporters can be quite arrogant, and are very very passionate to the extent of being 'feral'.

They are historically one of the most successful clubs, with some shady underworld connections in the 1920's & 1930's. They had a a long period (1958 to 1990) when they didn't win a grand final despite numerous appearances (the term "Colliwobbles" was coined for failure to handle pressure). Have not won anything since 1990.

A lot of recent criticism came due to their president, Eddie Maguire, being a media personality (and one time CEO of Channel Nine). When Channel Nine still had the telecast rights Eddie was chief commentator and Colingwood got a lot of TV exposure. He also hosted The Footy Show, which at times should have been renamed The Collingwood Show, as they seemed to get more airplay than other clubs. They also seem to get good fixture draws, with less interstate travel than some other clubs.

Personally I quite like them (heresy for a Richmond supporter)
GAA Discussion / Re: Marty Clarke to make debut
September 06, 2007, 05:44:42 AM
Quote from: plain man on September 06, 2007, 01:23:35 AM
That hit on Marty Clarke was brutal, but it is not typical of most AFL matches, the guys that hit him Amon Buchanan I think, got a one match ban, but it would have been much more but he pleaded guilty and early..

I wouldn't say that - the only thing wrong with it was that Clarke had disposed of the ball, otherwise it would have been OK

[/quote]That sort of hit is frowned upon by most AFL players and supporters as it was a cowardly act, and Marty had no way of defending himself.[/quote]

Most supporters love it - that's footy

Quote from: Rossfan on August 30, 2007, 08:10:59 PM
The best that can be hoped for is to talk the Aussies into having a rule limiting the amount of Irish/overseas lads that a club can have on their books.

They already do - there is a limit of 2 international (not just Irish) rookies per club. Of course there is no limit on the senior panel - but then few clubs would risk using a senior list position (which are limited) on an untried commodity.
Two year contract
GAA Discussion / Re: International Rules Panel
August 30, 2007, 03:00:46 AM
"If the player doesn't have the ball, you can't touch him. I would even go as far as saying that Gaelic has more 'contact' (without the tackle). AFL has just got faster, and the big fellas are just being put on the full forward line cos the game just passes them by. Afl has turned into a game in which accurate kicking and running is more important than physical presence."


If a player doesn't have the ball, but is within 5 metres of it he is fair game for a hip & shoulder, and there are still plenty of them. The only change has been a crackdown on contact to the head and on jumping in the air to bump an opponent. Big forwards and ruckmen are still crucial to be a winning team.

There is also a big difference between "Aussie Rules" and "AFL".

"Clarke, and Kennelly are two of the best players in AFL and Setanta and Begley are getting better each season."

Also rubbish. Kennely is class, Clarke has potential but has a long way to go, Setanta is rubbish (although is in a rubbish team) and Begley is average at best - good athlete but an ordinary kick.
GAA Discussion / Re: Marty Clarke to make debut
August 27, 2007, 06:57:19 AM
1 week suspension for the bump on Clarke - fair enough, not much in it
I wonder if some of you guys have ever actually seen a game of Aussie Rules. Players actually do run, turn, dodge, evade tackles, and kick on the run (all with the knowledge that if they are too slow they will get smashed)
They aren't talking about professionals, they are talking about guys who were top juniors, have been on AFL club lists and had all the top training etc, but aren't going to make the big time - generally because they are too small.

Richmond (the club in the article, and the one I follow) are experts in this - they keep recruiting small skilful players who are duds in the big time - hence Richmond consistently sucking.
GAA Discussion / Brown
November 20, 2006, 04:36:07 AM
Was on this morning's radio. Nothing in the press - probably tomorrow. Must just have been a hairline crack.
Hi all

It's been reported that Campbell Brown who was struck with a foot to the lower regions in the first quarter of the second test match actually incurred a slight fracture to the hip at the time. He won't be able to commence pre-season training until the new year.