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Messages - EddieMerx

Yes the County Board I'm sure they could but they seem to feel it is up to the Council to do something
Quote from: Lecale2 on November 09, 2009, 09:52:06 AM
A very poor response Eddie. Would ye just buiild a feckin statue like every other County? Have you something against Nicky Rackard?

Poor response? Balanced and reasoned explaining that the Public finances are shot! I think naming the bridge which is probably one of the most famous structures in the South East is far more honouring, I am surprised by the sheer lack of economic knowledge shown here, you can't build what you can't afford! (that's what got us into this economic mess)
Quote from: muppet on November 08, 2009, 09:32:52 PM
Maybe you should read the board more.

And I don't think not putting up a statue to a Gaa legend save the economy, despite the heroic efforts of the 'some local businesses'. I hope to read that the Gaa people of Wexford boycott those businesses until they appreciate the contribution of our games.

Why? has gaaboard come up with some ten point plan where by the Government can raise cash without going further into debt?? I am all for honouring our heroes but I think the sensible approach would be to name the bridge after him or perhaps the renovated wexford seafront. Muppet I think prudence and intelligent thought should be used by the Council to come up with solutions instead of the age old Irish approach of lets build a statue! Boycotting business who employ local people and keep the local economy afloat is probably not in peoples best interest
Just making an observation, and maybe you don't watch the news but the country is broke! Councils have no cash - I call this view Frugal you call it Nimbyism.
Your name is very apt! the thread is about why businessmen are kicking up a fuss over not spending money on a statue! tell me what benefit the statue will bring to the wexford town economy from erecting this statue?? or perhaps explain why Wexford Library should lose financing as the money is being diverted to build a statue? GET SOME PERSPECTIVE
Quote from: muppet on November 08, 2009, 06:36:47 PM

Council want to erect statue to local hero.

Local businesses object because it is of no benefit to them.

Do they object to everything that is of no benefit to them? For example a new road in Dungavan? Increase in the Pension?

Usually people simply ignore things that have nothing in it for them, unless either they are forced to pay for it or it is in someway offensive. You mentioned neither.

Public money being spent to erect a statue for a local GAA legend, what benefit is that to the community? Businessmen are the strongest lobbyist's on council matters and I do not see if spending money on a statue would bring more money into the Wexford economy. People usually ignore such things but look where that has got our public finances, 15 billion debt and rising :-\ Increase in pensions wouldn't be made on a local council basis and I think all finances for Transport links are done at a national level (have you ever seen how much lobbying goes on regarding road building??)

Also as noted earlier, the council get most of their finance from rates paid by businessmen
Quote from: muppet on November 06, 2009, 09:54:26 PM

On them?

??? ??? sorry, not meaning to be funny here but you are making very little sense. I thought I made the reasoning behind why they object very clear, if not please read my above posts
Quote from: thejuice on November 06, 2009, 10:40:53 AM
Anyone know the real reason why they are objecting? Or if it is a case of "whats in it for me", do you have proof?

Not so much what is in it for them (as in bribes) but the reality is that businessmen pay rates to Councils. The cost of erecting such a statute could be quite expensive, perhaps this is a sign of what needs to be done nationwide whereby people question how public money is spent. I think it is far easier to argue why the money should be diverted to cleaning up and re-generating areas of the town.
Quote from: muppet on November 05, 2009, 03:44:14 PM
Quote from: EddieMerx on November 03, 2009, 11:57:37 AM
Local Business men oppose it because there is nothing in it for them

Life must be very complicated in Wexford.

Do they object to...oh say rain...because there is nothing in it for them?

Don't see your point? Rain is a natural occuring event where as financing, erecting and getting planning permission is a man made event, I suppose the way they see it (and you can agree with them in some part) is that in these hard times surely the money could be better utilised.
Local Business men oppose it because there is nothing in it for them
Hurling Discussion / Re: John Leahy on the Late Late
October 28, 2009, 01:27:15 PM
Quote from: longrunsthefox on October 28, 2009, 01:10:06 PM
so you get to decide which?  ;)

Nope, I suppose like this topic then we all have an opinion on what people are ;)
Hurling Discussion / Re: John Leahy on the Late Late
October 28, 2009, 12:55:50 PM
No, Did I not Say Saints or Stupid????????? ???
Hurling Discussion / Re: John Leahy on the Late Late
October 28, 2009, 12:48:14 PM
Hurling Discussion / Re: John Leahy on the Late Late
October 28, 2009, 12:44:46 PM
So by your reasoning because he didn't glass me then I shouldn't care less, wow you really are one selfish person. I don't hold a grudge but the reality is I wouldn't hold him in high regard because of this incident and other un-confirmed incidents which I can't mention as I heard it from other people so not first eye reports. As I said, I am just poininting out that for his sins of the past I wouldn't consider him a Legend
Hurling Discussion / Re: John Leahy on the Late Late
October 28, 2009, 12:34:18 PM
I am replying to the comment that the guy is a legend off the pitch, I don't hold a grudge against him but I am stating a fact that his assault on somebody with a pint glass would never make him a legend off the pitch, clearly you believe he is a great guy because he has said sorry and does good by society now.