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Messages - clawaddy

Derry / Re: Derry Club Football & Hurling
November 28, 2018, 09:32:05 PM
I am one of the 39 season ticket holders of Derry and am considering whether it is worth renewing for another year. I keep reading about the introduction of a second tier competition which given our low league position I am assuming Derry would be in this second tier. I have absolutely no interest in watching Derry play in a meaningless second tier competition.  I would much rather they played against currently stronger teams even if it resulted in some heavy defeats. If this comes into operation I will not be attending and I have missed very few games in the last almost 50 years.
Agree completely about the unfairness of players being surrounded and unable to play the ball being penalised.
Also two other things which really annoy me:
(1) throw passes. Passes where both hands are moving and the ball is shovelled to another layer looks really bad
(2) Free  kicks taken from the hand where the player starts his run up where the free was awarded and he eventually kicks from a point nowhere near where it should have been. This is especially wrong where it is a free in under 50m from goal
Derry / Re: Derry Club Football & Hurling
March 10, 2018, 11:10:31 PM
were you at the game restore?
Derry / Re: Derry Club Football & Hurling
March 10, 2018, 10:07:28 PM
Just in from Armagh and although Derry lost this was a much improved performance against a good Armagh side. Derry led by 2 at the interval and this was with Armagh scoring a fortunate goal after the ball had come off the post. Great to see the  Slaughneil players back.  It would be wrong to attribute the improved performance to their presence as none of them started and none of them were on during Derry's dominant first half period. Anyway predictions of dire outlook for Derry football are a bit premature as there was plenty to be positive about tonight
GAA Discussion / Re: Joe Brolly
December 18, 2016, 05:40:34 PM
Like many on this board I enjoy reading Joe's articles. He usually makes good points but sometimes does get a bit personal. However in relation to this recent article relating to him in the Independent he was entirely justified in seeking an apology.  When I first read the article I was shocked at the tone and the inaccuracies in it.  I could not believe that anyone would be so stupid and ill-informed to write it and secondly a paper to publish it. It surely must cast doubt on the judgement of the editorial team. Some people on here are critical of him for "giving it but not taking it".  He did not have any other option.  Anyone with a public reputation would have done the same.
People who are "devastated" at something which is unfortunate but not life or death.  If your favourite group cancel their performance this is not devastating.  Save your devastation for when something tragic occurs.
GAA Discussion / Re: NFL Division 2
March 29, 2016, 08:07:52 AM
Yes AFS an 11 point win for Armagh and Ferm win/draw and Meath 2 point win would see Derry down
GAA Discussion / Re: NFL Division 2
March 28, 2016, 10:52:41 PM
If Ferm win then it is the same set of outcomes I outlined in my last post.  It gets complicated if Ferm lose then it is as follows(I think)

Ferm loses, Derry loses, Meath wins, Armagh wins, Laois loses : Ferm /Laois down
Ferm loses, Derry loses, Meath loses, Armagh wins, Laois wins : Meath /Laois down
Ferm loses, Derry wins, Meath loses, Armagh loses, Laois wins : Meath /Armagh down
Ferm loses, Derry wins, Meath wins, Armagh loses, Laois loses : Armagh /Laois down

If Ferm draw their score diff would remain at -2  and would be on 6 points so it would take a 20 point win for Armagh to avoid joining Laois for the drop
GAA Discussion / Re: NFL Division 2
March 28, 2016, 06:14:10 PM
If Derry lose and Meath win that puts Derry, Armagh and Meath on 6 points where score difference decides outcome.  Currently Derry(-2), Armagh(-22) Meath(-12).  In this scenario Laois would be down plus one of these three.  It would take a fairly unlikely set of results for Derry to be the worst scoring average
GAA Discussion / Re: Galway v Derry NFL D2
February 27, 2016, 02:53:50 PM
29 Nov  92  Celtic Park  Div 1A

1   Damien McCusker   1   Pat Comer
2   Kieran McKeever    2   Sean Glynn
3   John McErlain          3   Gary Fahy
4   Tony Scullion          4   Francis McWalter
5   Karl Diamond          5   Aidon O'Shea
6   Colm Rafferty          6   Pat Brennan
7   Gary Coleman          7   Tomas Mannion
8   Brian McGilligan          8   Kevin Walsh
9   Anthony Tohill          9   Alan Mulholland
10   Dermott McNicholl   10   Tony Wilson
11   Brian Kealey         11   Conor  MacGuaran
12   Damien Cassidy        12   Niall Finnegan
13   Joe Brolly                13   Val Daly
14   Damien Barton        14   Sean De Paor
15   Richard Ferris        15   Fergal O'Neill
GAA Discussion / Re: UTV & BBC & RTE & TV3
September 19, 2013, 02:40:09 PM
Will the BBC show the Dublin/Mayo game on Sunday.  I am in Spain and can get BBC2

I have not stayed there myself but friends of mine have stayed in this hotel and recommended it to others so it must be ok.  It is well placed but not cheap  - you wont get a cheap place in this central location
GAA Discussion / Re: season tickets
January 24, 2012, 01:20:24 PM

There was an ad for season tickets in the Irish News last week.  It "Includes Free Entry to all Allianz League Matches in your code"  I interpret  this as free entry to either football or hurling depending on which Season Ticket you have.