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Messages - The Beard

Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
September 29, 2014, 12:04:08 PM
yesterday was a great finale to the season. tyrone championship is definitely the hardest to win. you only have to look at omaghs run to see how difficult it is to win. Carmen came out and played some great football but just came up short, omagh very determined and never say die attitude got them through. who would've imagined saying that before the game??

I think that tyrone going out early was a massive advantage to omagh when you see how important joey justin barry conan and ronan all were yesterday. hugely important to team and system and no way you could get that level on performance with just 1 or 2 weeks to prepare
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
September 24, 2014, 11:48:36 PM
Quote from: macca123 on September 24, 2014, 02:52:14 PM
Players don't even, they are going around getting pictures with people and promoting the 'pre championship mass'. I have a feeling the occasion could get the better of them as they seem to be getting wrapped up in it quite a bit. Where as I haven't seen anything on social media etc about carrickmore. Just another day for them.

So your basing your full analysis of the omagh players mentality and approach on a few photos on social media? Insightful

Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
September 01, 2014, 06:35:00 PM
Have to fancy this carmen team. this is omaghs first final since 2005 and most of this carmen have played in a few championship finals, few league finals since then. that experience could be the telling factor. that and what KYMI said above injuries, ref and luck.

been a great championship so far. not high on quality but so many games have been decided in injury time. great excitement
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
August 28, 2014, 12:53:38 AM
Would dromore not be most peoples favourites on here? most successful team in tyrone over past 10years and beat a fancied clonoe team in last round? doesn't always work out like that I know but still the team to beat. omagh can give it a go i would imagine but still fancy dromore.
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
August 07, 2014, 05:32:36 PM
Quote from: Christmas Lights on August 07, 2014, 04:13:02 PM
Quote from: the_daddy on August 07, 2014, 03:15:19 PM
Quote from: Christmas Lights on August 07, 2014, 02:46:00 PM
Quote from: the_daddy on August 07, 2014, 02:20:54 PM
Quote from: Christmas Lights on August 07, 2014, 11:50:45 AM
Quote from: the_daddy on August 07, 2014, 10:22:11 AM
Quote from: Christmas Lights on August 07, 2014, 09:29:27 AM
Quote from: bigtogs on August 06, 2014, 10:18:57 PM
Quote from: Up The Middle on August 06, 2014, 08:24:17 PM
Quote from: God14 on August 06, 2014, 08:13:09 PM
Let's cut to the chase;
Ryan Porter must be absolutely nailed on for a role with Tyrone next year?

No chance.  He would have his own opinion which would not be welcome under the current regime.

is the horse still there? does anyone know who does Tyrone's strength and conditioning sessions?? Talking to 2 club managers this week saying their county panelist's are not as fit as there std club players!!

Willy Moore of UUJ I believe was in charge of Tyrone's Strength & Conditioning this past number of years.  This was discussed a few pages ago.  He's one of the top S&C coaches academics in Ulster and indeed Ireland.

Fixed that for you.

OK, he is one of the top S&C coaches and ACADEMICS in Ulster and indeed Ireland.

That's your opinion, I crossed coaches out for a reason. Compare the conditioning the 2 teams that beat us this year - Monaghan (Ryan Porter) and Armagh (Julie Davis) to Tyrone's. Both were quite a bit ahead of us. He might know what he's talking about but one of two things happened - either the S&C work wasn't up to scratch for Inter County level or the players didn't follow the programme. Either way there's a problem.

Your trying to tell me that Julie Davis is better than Willy Moore  :o
She has a pussy problem at the minute by the looks of things so her eye might not be fully on the ball with regards S&C

A bit of casual sexism, as about as classy as you could expect from one of the Lights brothers.

Just because you're a fan of Willie Moore doesn't mean everybody else has to be, people can make their own judgments. Julie Davis' credentials speak for themselves. Kildare were were lauded for their conditioning (if nothing else) last few years and Armagh certainly were better conditioned than Tyrone in 2014.

Just for the record, I have never said I'm a fan of Willy Moore or not.  Someone asked who the Tyrone S&C coach is and Ive rightly stated that Willy Moore has been or at least heavily involved in that area of Tyrone training this past number of years.  I know nothing of Julie Davis' and therefore haven't questioned her credentials unlike yourself who seems to have a vendetta against Willy Moore whose profile and credentials also speak for themselves.

Also, on what grounds can you conclude that Armagh where better conditioned than Tyrone this year?  Are you basing this simply because they beat Tyrone? 

EDIT.....didn't see the above posts where this was already asked.

Its widely accepted among the players that willy moore's sessions are poor. Not doubting his knowledge but his sessions are mainly prehab, slow paced and only have a handful of exercises in them. You know its poor when the likes of mattie donnelly and few others are doing their own proper hard session after. Not sure mickey or feargal instructed to these type of session but really quite poor.
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone County Football and Hurling
July 23, 2014, 05:59:05 PM
Quote from: Christmas Lights on July 23, 2014, 04:26:34 PM
Willie Moore is the strength & conditioning coach AFAIK who has extensive experience in providing support services to many athletic groups at varying performance levels. As well as co-ordinating activities he is also involved in service delivery in the areas of physiological support and strength & conditioning. Strong links with the Ulster Sports Academy enable clients to avail of expertise in the areas of sports physiology, psychology and nutrition.

He's top dog in Ulster, possibly Ireland and Tyrone are using him.  Don't know how much further you can go than the top. 

Willys sessions are poor. Really are. Im not doubting his knowledge but his sessions with tyrone mostly focus on 'prehab' work. not sure that is a direct instruction from mickey or mccann but the programme seems pretty easy. Only fellas in tyrone that are properly bulked up are the ones who have went away and done it themselves m. donnelly, c.cavanagh etc. certainly wasn't from doing willie moore programme.

The other big problem is that a weight wasn't lifted in tyrone senior squad this year until Jan.....which is pretty rubbish really by management. should have 2-3 months of heavy gym work finished at that stage. think its just an extra sign of things going stale this year
Disappointing result but can't say I am surprised. Tyrone forwards muscled out of it. Too many of them love big spaces and don't like to mix it. Don't like it when its up close and personal.

As for people calling mickeys head. I probably agree but not based on this performance. Firstly, I agree with the view that the calibre of player isn't there, certainly not up to likes of caravan, dooher or cavlan. And I agree, mickey is one of the best managers in modern football. However in saying that, I still believe it would be better for him to step down for a number of reasons.

firstly, the players are tired of his management. He doesn't speak to the younger players, doesn't interact with them but for a few so there is a resentment there from a lot of the younger players. They don't particularly want to play for him. The vast majority don't enjoy it and no buzz at training.

Secondly, mickey has a style of player that he likes, all good ball players, runners and quiet fellas. good lads who are happy to sit on the bench for a while and bide their time without rocking the boat. But you can see there is a distinct lack of character in that team today. How many of that team are captains of their clubs? very few. cavanagh, gormely, mattie d. you can pick them out. mickey needs to swallow his pride and maybe go for men rather than boys with talent. stevie mcnulty is a hard strong player who ok, might not ave the pace or skill of mcginely but would win every ball kicked between them. its ok having a team of boys who can play when goings good and hammering teams in mckenna cup, but when goings tough, you need men to stand up and tyrone lack that because mickey is afraid they will rock the boat.

thirdy, mickey needs a break himself. when you are staring at a problem and can't fix it sometimes you can get tunnel vision and i fear thats what may have happened mickey. he needs to take a break, step back and look on from the outside. There is nothing stopping him coming back in a few years when he's fresher and the boys might not be tired listening to him.

Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
June 15, 2014, 04:59:20 PM
heres hoping for early exit in qualifiers now and get a good summer of club football for once
deserved win for monaghan on a day when all tyrones frailties where shown up. only for sean cavanagh we would outside top 10 in ireland. brilliant today although i appreciate the frustration of other supporters because he does go down easy and buy the free, but we won't complain about that. its the ref's job to spot that. tyrone pretty poor up front.

stevie may retire for second time, doesn't have the legs but mickey has to accept some responsibility for putting in a man who has played almost zero competitive football for over a year. especially over the likes of mcaliskey who was sharp when he came on. stevie has been reduced to huff and puff arounds the middle for dirty ball because he hasn't the turn of pace to play inside.

mccurry is our best forward but he's too light to lead the line on his own, needs a ball winner in with him and play off him rather than hoofing a 60yard ball in and expecting him to do it all himself. again mickey has to take responsibility for this. why persist with mattie d ff in league and mckenna cup if you point blank refuse to play him there in championship. what was the point? why waste his time instead of maybe developing somebody like dan mcnulty into that role? very poor

how the nephew managed stay on the field i do not know. zero contribution again. good player, not doubting his quality but no matter who a player is, they need to know they aren't droppable.

much maligned defence and full back line actually did well today but overall monaghan too good. thats thrones season over anyway i doubt, had a shot at ulster but nowhere near good enough for all ireland.
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
June 06, 2014, 01:07:37 PM
Quote from: WT4E on June 06, 2014, 12:25:50 AM
Quote from: Knock Yer Mucker In on June 05, 2014, 10:31:29 PM
Quote from: WT4E on June 05, 2014, 05:15:25 PM
Quote from: Knock Yer Mucker In on June 05, 2014, 03:45:06 PM
Quote from: WT4E on June 05, 2014, 01:25:15 PM
Quote from: LeoMc on June 05, 2014, 12:45:58 PM
Quote from: tyroneboi on June 05, 2014, 11:43:11 AM
Yeah to be fair great work by the fixtures committee. By the July holidays there will only be 6 league games remaining and the reserve championship done and dusted in Div 1 and 2 anyway so credit where credit is due.

I sort of take it by that there is a break in fixtures for the July holidays or is that not known yet?

Down with this sort of thing.
The fixtures committee is incompetent / biased against my club / doing Mickeys bidding to wreak havoc. If they get all the games played it will be a long winter.

;D ;D

Have to say I have always been a critic of the fixtures committee but this year they seem to be getting it right. So well done. Has there been a reshuffle in the pack??

Some may point to Conor Clarke as a negative out of the whole thing but unfortunately injuries happen and they are as likely to happen in training as they are in a game!

Agree on the u21 and reserve championship about getting it, but if anyone thinks that not having a league game without all your players for four weeks before the biggest club game of the year or 50% of clubs being out of the championship at this time of year is right, then your club moral compass if fecked up

If I knew they where away training with one of the best county teams in Ireland and probably one of the most professional setups in Ireland then I'd be happy enough. Its not as if they were away playing bowls!!!!

Time to stop discussing this with u as your knowledge on developing a team pattern of play requires your players to play with the team is zero. Over and out

Sorry didn't realise I was talking to mick o'dwyer!

Would you not trust your elite players to fit into the teams pattern of play quite quickly.

They should do anyway never mind the fact that they have had 4 out of 5 opportunities to do so in the league so far this year anyway?????

rubbish statement by WT4E. don't be so silly. course having your best players missing from last week until middle of september or whenever the county team gets put out (hopefully as soon as possible) affects the team. and affects the players because realistically the likes of PJ and peter hughes and co grugan won't have a competitive game until then.

and as for mickey trying to play the 'club players need more than a week to prepare for championship' as the reason he didn't want the first round to go ahead. thats also load of codswallop. in August september thats all they get and mickey doesn't mention it once because by that stage Tyrone are out. His pomposity sickens me.
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone County Football and Hurling
February 24, 2014, 11:58:35 PM
heard 6 men dropped from panel with more to follow after national league. as far as i know this wasn't mickeys choice who wanted to keep enough men on for full inside games but county board who want to cut costs. Biggest surprise is cassidy in some respects as he dropped last year too before being called up after regaining fitness. warnock never got much game time during his year or two, was he injured? the other four were men all called up, gallagher, campbell, quinn and mcnulty. gallagher and mcnulty suffering from injuries as far as i know.

very competitive squad and will be interesting to see who if anybody mickey drops after national league, whether young men or old brigade. Still no word on gormely, penrose or oneill back in fold yet so interesting how long it takes them to get up to speed
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
January 13, 2014, 05:50:55 PM
Quote from: Fuzzman on January 13, 2014, 05:38:50 PM
I heard a rumour Mickey is going to play 8 in attack this year with the 2 wing backs pushing up and defend a very high line up the pitch. Could be fun

Seems to be the way he has set out his stall so far anyway. yesterday was played with no sweeper against a strong breeze which did leave fb line exposed in first half but in second half proved effective with such high scoring. certainly will make tyrone games more interesting to watch though
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
October 13, 2013, 10:28:57 PM
Great performance from clone.....finished off a very impressive championship. far and away the best team and steamrolled all teams except for a dogged carmen performance to stick with them for so long. a very welled organised team with individual brilliance all over, mcaliskey brilliant for first 15mins, lavery, doris and  s.mcnulty throughout and d.mcnulty in second half. very impressive to watch. doris impresses me more and more every time, i know he's old and probably wouldnt want it anyway but surely has to at least get invited for tyrone?
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
October 07, 2013, 12:02:56 AM
Great performance by clonoe today. was going to take that to beat defending champions who never got going. think a mixture of injuries, retirements and emigration took there toll. still played some great football this championship and be back next year.

clonoe very impressive. was impressed by them against omagh, eglish allowed them to open up. 2 mcnulty's, mcaliskey, lavery and quinn played well. ohagen usual rock solid performance aswell. stand out player was colly doris but. 5 or 6 clean catches in second half alone and very skillful on the ball aswell. never fail to be impressed by him. i know some people would question his temperament but otherwise great player. clonoe favourites for next week now but thatll not matter to carmen.
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
September 20, 2013, 01:28:09 AM
Quote from: omagh_gael on September 19, 2013, 05:44:38 PM
Jesus that is a horrendous challenge. Both feet clean off the ground with absolutely no attempt to go for the ball. Very surprising from McCullagh.

Can't see how your surprised by this at all. Very very dangerous tackle