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Topics - AMayoSheep

Whats the story with them, jesus they wreck my head, like even the way they dress with the tracksuits tucked into their socks wearing white runners- how do they think thats stylish!!
If i ever have children id have serious doughts about raising them in a city...just in case, probably disown them or something if they did turn into a townie ::)

And im getting a deep hatred for liverpool because every second one of them are wearing a liverpool tracksuit or jersey-well in galway anyway!

Thats my rant over anyway.
General discussion / Interview for a masters
June 13, 2007, 07:37:04 PM
I have just found out that i have one friday week and to be honest havnt  clue what to expect....anybody here been in the situation of having to do an interview for a masters?
Like whats the dress code?
If you get called is it a good or a bad sign?
Are you facing a stiff interview, does it matter a whole lot on getting accepted?
Its in an area (finance) not at all related to my degree coarse so some serious bullshit will have to be done ::)
Im a fan of soccer myself but find it very hard to understand how people in this country are so obsessed with the premiership and english soccer teams in general!

Like ill walk into a pub on any given saturday and see loads of people sitting wearing man united and liverpool jerseys wathing a match. Im a big fan of soccer myself and bought into the hype in my earlier years and later realised that supporting spurs compared nothing to supporting mayo or ireland, because i had nothing in common with the club and i wasnt from north-east london.
So after a few years of caring less and less if they won or not kinda gaves up supporting them.

Some people go on about supporting teams like liverpool and man u for their history but i honestly dont believe that-not for one second wpould they support them if they wernt successfull. I mean Not Forest have a good history but you wont see many of their fans in this country.

I find myself having more and more of an interest in the eircom league now. Ok it isnt near the standard of the premiership but you dont see other nationalities on a massive scale supporting a team outside their country, in fact they find  it hard to understand.
GAA Discussion / Grounds Revelopment ect
March 19, 2007, 12:25:27 AM
Just wondering what the plans and time-frames are for semple stadium, pairc ui chaoimh, clones and any other counties that are planning redevelopments.

Heard that kildare are getting a brand new stadium as well - would be really good if say 3/4 of the sides in the all the stadiums would be covered.

Like look at the gaelic grounds in limerick, i mean really nice stadium but on a day when its pissin rain most of the people there are getting soaked and lets face it in this country its very likely!!
GAA Discussion / Club Finals Under Lights?
March 09, 2007, 01:37:51 PM
Heard a while ago that the club finals are going to be under lights.

Any truth in this at all? ???

GAA Discussion / Wiclow vs Dublin
January 20, 2007, 02:21:33 PM
Watching it now on setanta....honestly cant see wicklow winning
Its wic 0-0 dub 0-5 at the moment and even though wicklow are playin against the wind they dont seem to be up to dublin physically.