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Topics - Benny Barnaveld

GAA Discussion / Gamesmanship 2008
August 03, 2008, 06:16:10 PM
Hello All.

I have watched all 4 qualifying matches this weekend, and I think the best teams did win all the matches. With some decent football being played at times.

However, in all games I was very disappointed with the amount of gamesmanship on show from all sides involved.

I am not going to quote names etc, and start a row! lol
But I think we can all relate whatever county we hail from.

But the amount of;

Blatant diving to win soft frees
Feigning of injuries
Goading of opposition players
Bad sportsmanship
Intimidation of free takers etc

Definitely spoiled my enjoyment of these fixtures.

The diving in particular angers me. Countless times I witness big men 6'2" and 14 stones going down like a sack of spuds under the merest of touches, from a man half their size.
It is pure cheating, that is what it is.

The commentators etc are to blame as well. Either totally ignoring it, or saying something like "oh, he showed his experience there or, "made sure he got the free". Why can they not call a spade a spade? A dive is dive is a dive. I have watched attended many matches, and have yet to hear a commentator use the word "dive or "cheated". This to me is part of the problem.

If the players are not chastised for their actions, then why would they stop? In fact they seem to be encouraged.

I was just wondering if anyone else would concur, and what if anything can be done to counteract this.