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Topics - Fishbat

General discussion / Jazzy food thread
April 22, 2008, 05:40:19 AM
All this who makes the best grub talk.....

What gear have ye ate that ye won't be taking again?  bound to be a fair few of ye's have scoffed "delicacies" ye wouldn't normally go for...

Fruitbat? cockroaches? fried spiders? - have not tried anything that has more than 4 legs myself

Personally i prefer to stick to the oceans - Sea Urchins/Kina being the weirdest - tastes of creamy iron, but after a sloppy half dozen ye begin to resemble Jenna Jameson after a 3 hour shoot.

Also got revenge for Steve Irwin with a plate of Sting Ray in Simbal sauce, a nasty little number.

Heard on TV last night about "Luwak" coffee - 50 squibs a cup - coffee beans have been eaten by the Palm Civet and then crapped out, gathered up and bagged, faecal matter and all and flogged at a grand a kilo - they reckon it came about because the natives couldn't be arsed climbing the trees and gathered them off the forest floor

Anyone tried this? anyone tried the bugs? any good stories or recommendations to try something?

And frying sausages in buckfast doesn't count

General discussion / Pub Philosphers
April 18, 2008, 03:17:40 AM
Not sure if this has been on before, but always amuses me some of the debauched scribblings in the old jacks.  (keep names and phone numbers out of it)

So wherever ye's are this weekend, take a quick snap on your phone or rely on memory (aye right) any interesting or funny rhymes, spakes etc...and put them up for a laugh....

Seen in an Irish bar NZ - large section of Germanic poetry or something (recipe for boiled cabbage possibly?) - underneath, and i quote.... "F**kin Nazi Langers are everywhere" ... from a Kerryman perhaps?

Written on a rusty condom machine - "For refund, insert baby here" (pointing to the wee tray)

Another condom machine - "if out of order see Barman, for testing see Barmaid"
General discussion / Most original Irish Bar Names
September 25, 2007, 05:55:11 AM
Any good ones out there? (not made up)

Personally reckon "The Dogs Bollix" complete with various sets of dogs gonads (plastic) on the wall is, er, the dogs bollix.

"Muddy Farmer"

"Bog" (with resident 2 man traditional band "Dodgy and the Bastard" ....did'nt seem fair to ask which one was the bastard)

"Father Teds"