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Topics - Donagh

Pootsie (from Lisburn) has been unveiled as Minister for Culture Arts and Leisure

From the Irish Times


Paisley reveals DUP ministers for Stormont Assembly

The DUP today named former Ulster Unionist Arlene Foster as the party's Minister for the Environment in the next Stormont government which is to be restored on May 8th.

Ms Foster, who defected to the Democratic Unionists three years ago, is an Assembly member for Fermanagh and South Tyrone.

DUP deputy leader Peter Robinson, North Belfast MP Nigel Dodds and Lagan Valley Assembly member Edwin Poots will be the ministers of finance, enterprise and culture respectively.

Party leader the Rev Ian Paisley appointed his son, Ian Junior, to the junior minister role in the Office of First and Deputy First Minister.

His father will be sworn in as First Minister on May 8th alongside Sinn Féin's Martin McGuinness as Deputy First Minister.

Dr Paisley also announced that Lagan Valley MP Jeffrey Donaldson would be one of the party's four members on the Northern Ireland Policing Board.

The party leader was in optimistic mood on the steps of Stormont as he announced his team.

"I think we should rejoice that great confidence is born in the hearts of the majority of people in Northern Ireland," he said. "I am amazed by the responses on the streets, on the phone and in every place I visit.

"People here are not Democratic Unionists but who are grateful to us for all that we have achieved."

Mr Donaldson will be joined on the policing board by Upper Bann MP David Simpson, North Down Assembly member Peter Weir and West Tyrone Assembly member Tom Buchanan.

In the Assembly, Iris Robinson will chair the Health Committee, shadowing Ulster Unionist Minister Michael McGimpsey.

East Antrim MP Sammy Wilson will chair the education committee, South Antrim MP the Rev William McCrea will chair the agriculture committee and East Derry MP Gregory Campbell will chair of the social development committee.

Mr Donaldson was also named as the chairman of the new Assembly institutional review committee.

Dr Paisley would not be drawn on the reason why Foyle Assembly member William Hay was not included in the list of announcements today, having served on the Policing Board.

However, Mr Hay's absence fuelled speculation that he will be the DUP's nominee when the Assembly elects a new Speaker next month.
GAA Discussion / "Historic" win for PSNI
November 18, 2006, 01:01:05 AM
From the BBC (so excuse the obvious error)

PSNI GAA team in first gardai win

McCarthy cup

The McCarthy cup is named after an RUC officer who was in the GAA

The PSNI's Gaelic football team have beaten their counterparts in the gardai for the first time.

In the fifth annual game between the two police services, the PSNI team won the match, by 15 points to eight.

Speaking in Dublin after the game, PSNI Deputy Chief Constable Paul Leighton described the victory as "historic".

Members of the security forces were barred from playing hurling and football until the GAA scrapped its controversial Rule 21 five years ago.

Mr Leighton added: "This has been a great result for our Gaelic footballers and is just reward for the time and effort they give."

The McCarthy Cup is named after Thomas St George McCarthy, a member of the Royal Irish Constabulary who was one of the founding members of the GAA in 1884.
General discussion / Info on Óisín McConville
November 13, 2006, 04:02:47 PM
My niece is doing an Irish assignment on the Crossmaglen sharpshooter. Anyone have any links to biographical information or good articles?