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Topics - qwerty123

General discussion / Irish folk music thread
July 03, 2013, 10:01:06 AM
I thought it would be a good idea to set up a thread for discussions on all things connected with Irish music -
good places for sessions
favourite songs
favourite singers
interesting stories behind the songs
upcoming or hidden gems of singers
your thoughts on the definitive version of particular songs

I had been listening to Luke Kelly sing 'A song for Ireland' and compared it to Mary Blac's - while MB's tone of voice is fantastic, not a patch on Kelly's version! (And I hadn't even realised Dick Gaughan sang this song)
General discussion / Irish music festivals
June 13, 2013, 12:22:40 PM
Looking for a weekend away in July or August and looking for a good Irish music festival or Irish folk festival (in Ireland) - any ideas would be more than welcomed!
I have an iPod 3 that has a lot of songs belonging to my old computer which gave up the ghost a few months ago.  I stupidly didn't have the iTunes on my old computer backed up and I'm just wanting to know if there is anyway of transferring my songs from the iPod to my new computer? (An even better solution would be if I could transfer them from my iPod to my iTunes)

I'm worried that my iPod will itself go on the blink someday and that I'll have a lot of songs lost for good.
General discussion / Open University degrees
March 11, 2013, 05:58:42 PM
I am thinking about signing up for an Open University degree in French with Spanish.  Does anyone have any experience with the OU, how it works, the hours involved, prices etc?
Also, is a degree from the OU, particularly one in languages worth as much/respected in the same way as those from say Queen's, UU etc?
Basically, is it worth it?!
General discussion / Seafood restaurants
November 15, 2012, 02:27:48 PM
Anyone know of any good seafood restaurants in Belfast?  Or where you could get a good seafood paella?
General discussion / Mini Macs
November 07, 2012, 11:41:17 AM
My desktop computer must seem to work like an analogue tv - it's on the blink.  I was going to buy a new one, but then read about Apple's Mini Mac- has anyone on here got one/know of any reviews, good or bad?  The one worry would be getting used to the new interface - and beloved Microsoft Office would be gone!
GAA Discussion / GAA journalism
July 02, 2012, 12:46:42 PM
I picked up the the Sunday Times on the train yesterday, very interesting articles on it and it got me thinking about GAA journalism.

What's the best weekend newspaper to buy for GAA?

Best paper to buy on a Monday for match reviews?

Irish Times?

Indo is pretty poor fare I find, with serious space lost with O Rourke and Paidí, never mind some stupid make-believe diary.  Really loved the Tribune when it was still on the go, well-written articles, that felt like you were getting an insiders view. 

Best journalists:
Keith Duggan
Malachy Clerkin
Enda McEvoy
Denis Walsh
Christy O Connor

Duggan is obv in the Times, but where do you find the rest of them?
General discussion / Holiday destintations
June 18, 2012, 10:21:39 AM
I'm thinking of going to Austria for a week at the end of July/start of August.  Has anyone ever been, is there much to do? Any general observations - what the people are like, night life etc? What sort of weather can you expect?
Hurling Discussion / Hurling stats
May 16, 2012, 01:13:00 PM
Lar Corbett scored 4-04 against Waterford in last year's Munster HF.  Is that the biggest ever individual tally for a Munster Hurling Final?  If not, who holds the record, or where could you find that information?
General discussion / Gift ideas for new homw owners
April 30, 2012, 11:57:11 AM
Any advice on good gifts for a couple of friends who are moving house (one is a first-time owner)?  They seem to have all the bare necessities, so I could get them anything really!
General discussion / Chocolate/Diet
April 24, 2012, 02:33:06 PM
I'm trying to cut back on my diet at the minute as I see a steady increase in the pounds on the scales.  I'm finding it a real struggle however to stop eating chocolate and sweet things.  I'd eat 6/7 chocolate digestives with my tea throughout the day and maybe even a snickers or something. 

Any ways of beating the cravings?

Is it possible to eat too much fruit i.e. will it also just increase the pounds if I stop eating chocolate and say double my fruit intake?  Might sound stupid but I read somewhere that things like pears and apples are just as sweet as more unhealthy options.

Also, how tips on how to refuse desserts etc?
After a match or something I find a craving for chocolate and sweet things - again tips/advice on how to think of other options.
General discussion / Top sports interviews
April 17, 2012, 12:39:37 PM
Looking for opinions on top pieces of sports journalism you've read- great interviews etc - would be nice to have the links to them too, if possible.  Tom Humphries wrote a fantastic piece on Henry Shefflin before the 2009 All-Ireland final for example.  I find that most of the articles aren't very insightful, just to a large part I'm sure by conservative players etc but every so often an article comes out that grips you from begining to end.  (Obviosuly not confined to GAA - a great piece on Katie Talyor in the Examiner last year I think by Kieran Shannon).  Duggan is usually fantastic as well.
General discussion / Competence-based interviews
March 29, 2012, 10:19:52 AM
I've been asked back for an interview in a job that I am applying for.  I've never been through a competence-based interview before and I am quite worried as to what it may entail. 
Has anyone any experience of them? 
Tips on how best to prepare for it? 
The types of questions that may be asked?
General discussion / DVD shops
February 03, 2012, 11:54:42 AM
Does anyone know where you can buy cheap DVDs?  Is Amazon the best and most reliable place to go?  Thinking of blu ray DVDs too - any good places to go?  I suppose online would be cheaper than actual stores?
General discussion / 37" LED TVs as a present
December 15, 2011, 09:54:37 PM
I'm looking to buy a 37" LED TV at the min with a price range of max £450.

I've heard different things to look out for, that Frequency rate/Picture Frequency is important - the most frequent that came up were 50 and 100Hz.  Does this make a big difference, we'd watch a fair bit of sport, hurling and football etc.

I'm quite interested in the tvs that have iPlayer an Youtube available- maybe this is a common spec for all tvs now?

Also, the detail True 24p Cinema Playback has come up, it's meant to play DVDs better.

Is Contrast frequency important, I see som with 2,000,000 and some with 3,000,000 - seems like a massive difference, but is it important?

I'm just looking for some advice and any recommendations on tvs that you have yourselves or have bought for others.

General discussion / Funny songs
December 01, 2011, 11:27:53 AM
Just after getting Christy Moore's new CD - Folk Tale and he has two cracker tunes - Honda 50 and Weekend in Amsterdam.  Does anyone know of any other songs like this - songs with a traditional tune.  Can't really have yer man Seamus Moore, tries to play it on the edge but doesn't really work , although Transit Van is a good tune alright.

Trying to come up with a few, maybe for a CD compilation and just to learn for myself in case a sing song breaks out at a party!
How important do you think technique in hurling is?

I'm thinking specifically about striking out of the hand - how do you teach kids the right way to strike a ball, using the wrists, straight through the ball, not striking below the ball.  Does anyone know of any in-depth studies on the mechanics of the swing?  Is U14 too late to start on striking technique?

I read the coaching points about striking on the GAA coaching website and I thought it was brushed over so quickly for one of the fundamentals of the game.  I think if coaches are to teach the skills properly, an in-depth description should be given, even if most of this information isn't passed onto the kids for fear of information overload.  This would give the coach more confidence, perhaps to
This is one of the 4 points given:
Step forward with the lead foot and swing the Hurley downward. Strike the sliotar at knee height.
swing the hurley downward - is this right, should it the player not be striking straight through the ball?
Strike the sliotar at knee height - What?! Should it not be nearer the shoulder?

Now, I understand that different situations call for different kinds of strikes, but should the most common one not be taught on the GAA website - I try to get rid of that striking in a U-motion as much as I can.

Good drills for teaching technique?/How do you teach it?

My own club don't tend to produce many great ball strikers (either distance or speed of strike) - any good drills to help with long distance/quick striking?
General discussion / Wintery weather
October 18, 2011, 10:23:54 AM
The cold winds and winter snow weren't long in coming back!  Any good recommendations for a warm and long-lasting coat?!  I've been buying cheapish ones and don't tend to last or keep me all that warm.

The North Face seem to be the best, according to reviews - slightly dear though.
The North Face Evolution Triclimate Jacket is approx. £150 but you get a fleece and a coat, seems decent enough value as most reviews have given nothing but praise. 

Anyone got this coat or any other recommendations?
General discussion / Savings accounts
October 12, 2011, 11:16:02 AM
Anyone know of good and reliable savings accounts with high interest rates to get a good return on your money?  Even if you can't touch it for a number of years.

Any money I have is in a current account with no interest at all really - didn't think of putting into a good savings account/bonds etc until a few days ago when it was suggested to me. 

Man at the bank mentioned something about bonds (equity bonds, perhaps? - no knowledge whatsoever about money issues), but didn't really know what he was talking about. 

Which is better - savings account or bonds.
General discussion / Galway at Hallow'een
September 28, 2011, 01:57:19 PM
Thinking of going to Galway around Hallow'een time - is there much going on - just looking for a good party. Hopefully get a good group of lads to go down.  Galway is meant to be a great city and just wondering how lively it is around this time?

Any good places to stay in Galway city - not sure if B&B's would be too welcoming to a bunch of twenty-something lads coming to visit them!