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Topics - 5 Sams

General discussion / Only fools...
April 13, 2009, 07:25:31 PM
....watching the re runs on Sky at the minute.

One I had forgotten about was when Rodney took this upper class yoke to the opera at Covent Garden and Del Boy turned up with a slapper....was watching it this morning with tears running down my eyes...the wife thought I was on the sauce....funny as fcuk :D

Whats your favourite?
Not Croke Park and not your home county....

This is mine...Coomenoole, Corcha aice le Dun Chaoin...

GAA Discussion / GAA TV
April 03, 2009, 04:00:18 PM
I see there's talk about a dedicated tv channel devoted to GAA matters ala MUTV or the likes......

I think its a great idea...wall to wall Laochra Gael, All Ireland Gold, srl, srl.

Any thoughts?
General discussion /
March 16, 2009, 08:47:50 PM
Anyone else on it....deadly.
General discussion / 1999
March 11, 2009, 11:32:49 PM
...momentous year...

Down Minors won the All Ireland and one of my club mates got an All Ireland medal :)
I made an honest woman out of Mrs 5 Sams :-\
It was the year that everyone shit themselves about the Y2k bug and then just got pissed when nothing happened....

However the biggest thing that happened according to BBC 1 was that "Ulster" won the Rugby European Cup......deadly achievement alright....

There was a great documentary about this feat on the BBC tonight..really enjoyable it was...however I never saw one Ulster flag on display during that epic adventure...just Norn Ireland/OWC/Red Hand with a crown on top type flags >:( >:(

I'm sure Tommy Bowe is delighted to be an "Ulster man"

There's something really fishy about this...

Yer man is in his 20s and had full access to the keys to the bank and safes etc.... :o
General discussion / Historic sporting events....
February 20, 2009, 09:16:03 PM
...right lads you have a time machine and can travel into the past ....which sporting event would you have like to have been at????

Forget about the GAA....we would have all liked to have been in Hayes Hotel in 1884 or in Croker in 1960 or the Polo Grounds in 1947....agus araile

For me the 1970 World Cup Final ...Brazil V Italy...or one of the Lions test games V the Springboks in 1974....the 99 call series.

General discussion / Sports Journalists....
February 14, 2009, 12:30:57 AM
Humphries, Walsh and McIlvanney are top of the tree in my book.....

Heaney is top class in the parochial environment he operates in... ;)

Liam Hayes has made a fool of himself in the past but I dont think he's that stupid....theres obviously a method in his madness..

Loads of others deserve a mention but I couldnt be arsed at this time of the night TBH....gimme your views...

General discussion / U2
February 07, 2009, 11:11:06 PM
..right lads and them or not the biggest band in the world are about to release a new album...and by all accounts they are gonna be playing ar an talamh naofa in July.

If you're a fan gimme your top 3 U2 tunes.......... if you're not a fan you know you love their music ;)...join in..

Seo mo rogha

Red Hill Mining Town

Staring at the Sun

And then of course the daddy of them all......

...would that be Barack O'B now after today or is it still the Pope (doubt it), Muhammad Ali (mebbe), Saint Paul Hewson (could be) or is it someone from don't have to be alive to be famous my money is on JFK....

Whats your thoughts????
General discussion / TG4 and other channels.
January 11, 2009, 09:10:10 PM
As discussed elsewhere on the board these people (TG4) are consistently churning out top class television. Its the first channel I go to when I come in in the evening.  And no its nothing to do with the girls doing the weather.. ;)

What's yours?
GAA Discussion / Best known player you've marked
December 12, 2008, 10:43:20 PM
..right lads I've nicked this one of AFR....

Mickey Linden (and his brother Peter) and Wee James have tortured me in my time.

Marked Damien Cassidy in a McRory Cup Final and he only got a point....... :D

GAA Discussion / Most memorable miss..
December 11, 2008, 11:24:26 PM
...following on from similar threads.

Which "sitter", "miss", "howler", etc, etc sticks in your mind...and maybe had a major bearing on the championship in that particular year.

Mine is hard to beat....Jim McConville's V Down in the 1st round of the Ulster Championship in Newry in 1991.......straight through, on an oul wet day, ball on the ground, only the keeper to beat and he screws it wide.....
As we all said coming out of the Marshes that day...."two bad teams".....

The rest is history ;D ;D
General discussion / How times have changed...
November 27, 2008, 03:26:22 PM

A PSNI Officer is buried with a guard of honour from his home GAA club with his GAA jersey and Police cap on top of the coffin.

Unthinkable a few short years ago....a powerful symbol now.
General discussion / Beer....
November 21, 2008, 09:14:35 PM
....Fermgael and Laois lad have been arguing about the best kangaroo piss on the market on a different thread ....this got me thinking about my favourite

Right lads cards on the table....gimme your top three beverages. no Cabarnet Jack Grey has to be beer...stout lager ale whatever....make the call.

I want the top three beers among the learned folk on the board...might put a poll up later if I see a pattern developing.

I'll kick off...

1. Pint of Guinness...from a reputable hostelry of course...nothing else compares
2. Cold bottle of Erdinger Weissbier crystal
3. Again another cold bottle of Ekstra Draught...god bless our foreign friends for bringing this nectar to Ireland.

General discussion / Let's Talk..BBC NI tonight
November 20, 2008, 11:48:46 PM
Did anybody else see David McWilliams wiping the floor with Nigel Dodds and Jim Allister tonight?
No matter what youse lads in the 26 counties think of him he gave a masterclass in common sense tonight.
GAA Discussion / Best Footballer in Ireland..
November 08, 2008, 02:39:04 AM
..right lads gimme your views.

Cavanagh is probably the most high profile ...and is one of the best exponents of the game today he better than Tomas...Mattie...Canty..Benny..Clucko...what constitutes the best player in the land??

Take a moment in time this year and ask yourself...fcuk me me that's the best player in the country................

Just wonderin like???
GAA Discussion / Hefty Bans....
October 09, 2008, 03:10:24 PM
sorry lads if this is being discussed somewhere else or maybe we're not allowed to discuss it but this must have been some batterin match...

General discussion / Cows will fly...
September 25, 2008, 11:52:07 PM
...Bertie's only after coming out with another classic on the NI programme Hearts and Minds...he said that "Cows will fly before the army council disbands".

I thought smoke and daggers was deadly but this beats the lot...