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Messages - peter_venkman

GAA Discussion / Re: Shameful acts from Hogan cup
April 14, 2010, 12:11:27 AM
I must say I was very disappointed to come across this thread. The fact of the matter is that any reports of reprehensible behaviour on the part of the St. Colman's fans are complete and utter nonsense. I travelled to all but two St. Colman's matches throughout the entire MacRory /Hogan campaign and I can honestly say that I did not witness any 'shameful acts' which would leave 'a very bad taste in the mouth'. Fair enough Paul Galvin was singled out for special treatment in the final with regards to him accidentally hitting one of his students but it was all in good humour  and no worse than a member of the St. Colman's coaching staff got, whom our own fans chanted 'he's got no hair, but we don't care...'  It was hardly anything to spark such an angry response.
I would question the need for members of the Garda Síochána to be placed at the touchline for the final whistle, and indeed the manner in which a St. Colman's fan was dragged by the neck to the floor, knees placed into the back and cuffed; Heavy-handed in my view. At the end of the day thousands of fans invade Croke Park every third Sunday in September, what was the harm in allowing a few hundred school boys onto the pitch to view the Hogan Cup presentation?
Some people need to seriously catch a grip as they have blown this whole thing way out of proportion to give some warped view on reality – The reality being that St. Colman's gave a footballing master class in Croke Park on Saturday, ably supported by their loyal supporters. Well done.